Studie: Účinky Neionizujícího Elektromagnetického Záření a Mikrovln na Zdraví

Existuje velké množství vědeckých studií – v posledním počtu přesahujících 6 000 -, které ukázaly, že vysokofrekvenční záření a mikrovlny jsou škodlivé pro člověka, zvířata a rostliny.

Skupina kampaní EMF Safety sestavila tuto sbírku více než 1300, recenzovaných, vědeckých studií prokazujících poškození EMF / mobilními telefony / WiFi atd.

Zpráva BioInitiative 2012 shrnuje 1800 studií (PDF). Zahrnuje graf účinku při různých frekvencích a výkonech (RF Color Charts). Tento graf shrnuje řadu studií relevantních pro mobilní věže, WI-FI, „chytré“ bezdrátové měřicí přístroje, bezdrátové notebooky, dětské monitory, mobilní telefony a bezdrátové telefony.

Henry Lai vytvořil „Výzkumné shrnutí“ pro webové stránky BioInitiative Report. Toto shrnutí obsahuje některé neocenitelné soubory abstraktů – na základě dat lze vyhledávat vědeckou literaturu o RFR, stejně jako sbírky vědeckých abstraktů o poškození volnými radikály (jak z RFR, tak z ELF) a sadu specifickou pro elektrocitlivost (EHS). Pokrývají výzkum publikovaný v letech 1990–2012.

Bibliografie zprávy o biologické iniciativě z roku 2007 obsahuje rozsáhlý záznam o studiích (PDF). Iniciativa Prove-It sestavila seznam více než 1100 studií.

Zpráva amerického námořního lékařského výzkumného ústavu z roku 1971 (Studie & Historie Mikrovlnné Radiace, EMF a 5G) zmiňovala biologické účinky mikrovlnného a vysokofrekvenčního záření více než 2 300 vědeckých studií prokazujících poškození.

Ve zprávě Včely, ptáci a lidstvo (Bees, Birds and Mankind) – ničení přírody elektrosmogem prof. Ulrich Warnke vysvětluje, jaké poškození způsobuje záření RF / MW našim včelám, ptákům, jiným opylovačům, zvířatům a lidem. Také vysvětluje mechanismy poškození , zejména narušením oxidu dusnatého.

Společnost Powerwatch UK také sestavila rozsáhlý seznam vědeckých studií (aktualizovaný na začátku roku 2012).

Skupina kampaní WiFi In Schools zveřejnila sbírku 34 vědeckých studií, které ukazují nepříznivé biologické účinky a poškození zdraví z Wi-Fi.

Vědecká komise Seletun zveřejnila důležité prohlášení o v dokumentu v roce 2010 (Scientific Panel on Electromagnetic Field Health Risks: Consensus Points, Recommendations,and Rationales).

Vědecká Studie – Nepříznivé Zdravotní Účinky 5G Mobilní Síťové Technologie v Reálných Podmínkách

Online archiv (Cell Phone Radiation Poses a Serious Biologic Health Risk) Dr. Neila Cherryho (1946-2003) obsahuje rozsáhlé reference, které sledují jeho důležitou práci při odhalování nebezpečí bezdrátového záření. (There is no safe dose of wireless radiation – Dr Neil Cherry)

Součástí archivu bývalého lékařského výzkumníka US Navy Medical Researcher Dr. Zoracha R. Glasera je také webová stránka dr. Magdy Havasové, která obsahuje rozsáhlé odkazy na práci bývalého lékařského důstojníka US Navy.

Další zajímavý materiál k prostudování je The Biological Effectsof Weak Electromagnetic Fields. Zde je seznam studií, které prokázaly škodlivé účinky neionizujícího elektromagnetického záření. Tento seznam zde uvedený není komplexní:

“Mobile phone related-hazards and subjective hearing and vision symptoms in the Saudi population”Meo SA, Al-Drees AM2005
“Cellular phone effects on otoacoustic emissions”Grisanti G, Parlapiano C, Tamburello CC, Tine G, Zanforlin L1998
“Assessment of Potential Effects of Electromagnetic Fields of Mobile Phones on Hearing”Uloziene, Uloza, Gradauskiene, Saferis2005
“Hearing level and intensive use of mobile phones”Sebastian Gil E, Marco Algarra J.2005
“Vestibular schwannoma, tinitus and cellular telephones”Hardell L, Mild KH, Sandstrom M, Carlberg M, Hallquist A, Pahlson A2003
“Mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan”T. Takebayashi, S. Akiba, Y. Kikuchi, et al.2007
“Mobile Phone Use and Acoustic Neuroma Risk in Japan”Takebayashi, Akiba, Kikuchi, Taki, et al.2006
“Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case-control study in five North European countries”Schoemaker M. J., Swerdlow A. J., Ahlbom A., et al.2005
“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”Lonn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feychting M2004
“Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”Lonn, Ahlbom, Hall, Fetching, et al.2004
“Cellular Telephone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma”Christensen,Schuz,Kosteljanetz,et al.2004
“Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma”Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K2005
“A Study of the Effects of Cellular Telephone Microwave Radiation on the Auditory System in Healthy Men”Mora, Crippa, Mora, Dellepiane2006
“Experimental study and mechanism analysis on bioeffects by nanosecond electromagnetic pulses”Wang BY, Yang JB, Guo QG, Xu RM, Liu CJ, Zhang H, Zou FD, Wang ZS1997
“Bioeffects induced by exposure to microwaves are mitigated by superposition of ELF noise”Litovitz TA, Penafiel LM, Farrel JM, Krause D, Meister R, Mullins JM1997
“The modification of the effect of microwave radiation on the biochemical processes in anaphylactic shock by using exposure to a weak and perturbed geomagnetic field”Podkovkin VG1993
“Development and form of shortwave thermal zones in an agar body”ALBRECHT, W.1935
“Repeated exposure to low-level extremely low frequency-modulated microwaves”Vorobyov V, Pesic V, Janac B, Prolic Z.2004
“Working with Visual Display Units”Robinette et al.1980
“Children’s Health and Environment: A Review of Evidence: A Joint Report from the European Environmental Agency and The World Health Organization”World Health Organization2002
“Agar-Bridge System for Exposing Cell Cultures to Electric Fields”Theriault1994
“Modification of lethal radiation injury in mice by postradiation exposure to low-intensity centimeter-band radio frequency waves”Akoev IG, Mel’nikov VM, Usachev AV, Kozhokaru AF1994
“Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz)”International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection0
“The Impulse UHF Field in Experimental and Clinical Practice”ABRIKOSOV, I. A.1954
“The Action of a Pulsed Electric UHF Field on the Organism”ABRIKOSOV, I. A.1955
“The role of coherence time in the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity”Litovitz TA, Krause D, Penafiel M, Elson EC, Mullins JM1993
“Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave-induced decrease”inNL, Pal’tsev IuP, Iasnetsov VV1994
“Effect of a magnetic field on carboxydismutase”AKOYUNOGLOU, G.1964
“Mortality of chicken embryos exposed to EMFs from mobile phones”Youbicier-Simo BJ, Lebecq JC, Bastide M1998
“Micronucleus induction after whole-body microwave irradiation of rats”Trosic I, Busljeta I, Kasuba V, Rozgaj R2002
“Study on health effects of the shortwave transmitter station of Schwarzenburg, Bern, Switzerland”E.S. Altpeter, T.H. Krebs1995
“The microwave syndrome—further aspects of a Spanish study, in: Proceedings of the Third InternationalWorkshop on Bioelectromagnetic Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Kos, Greece”G. Oberfeld, et al2004
“Electromagnetic absorption in the human head and neck for mobile telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz, IEE Trans”O.P. Gandhi, G. Lazzi, C.M. Furse1996
“Amplitude Windows and Transiently Augmented Transcription from Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields”Litovitz et al.1997
“Fetal and neonatal responses following maternal exposure to mobile phones”Rezk A. Y., Abdulqawi K., Mustafa R. M., Abo El-Azm T. M. and Al-Inany H.2008
“Microwave enhanced kinetics observed in ORD studies of a protein”Bohr H, Bohr J2000
“Perturbations of plant leaflet rhythms caused by electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation”Ellingsrud S, Johnsson A1993
“Does The Skrunda Radio Location Station Diminish the Radial Growth of Pine Trees?”Balodis et al1996
“Environmental-health aspects of pulse-modulated microwaves”Neshev NN, Kirilova EI1996
“Some present problems and a proposed experimental phantom for SAR compliance testing of cellular telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz”O.P. Gandhi, G. Kang2002
“Effects of mobile phone radiation on UV-induced skin tumourigenesis in ornithine decarboxylase transgenic and non-transgenic mice”Heikkinen P, Kosma VM, Alhonen L, Huuskonen H, Komulainen H, Kumlin T, Laitinen JT, Lang S, Puranen L, Juutilainen J2003
“Role of modulation on the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity in L929 cells”Penafiel LM, Litovitz T, Krause D, Desta A, Mullins JM1997
“Analysis of RF exposure in the head tissues of children and adults”J. Wiart, A. Hadjem, M.F. Wong2008
“Biological effect from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards”L. Hardell, C. Sage2008
“The effect of electromagnetic waves on the growth of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar.”Aksoy U, Sahin S, Ozkoc S, Ergor G2005
“SIMS study of the calcium-deprivation step related to epidermal meristem production induced in flax by cold shock or radiation from a GSM telephone”Tafforeau M, Verdus M-C, Norris V, White G, Demarty M, Thellier M, Ripoll C.2002
“Risk evaluation of potential environmental hazards from low frequency electromagnetic field exposure using sensitive in vitro methods”A project funded by the European Union under the programme Quality of Life and Management of Living2004
“Effect of EMF on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) and the level of malonyldialdehyde (MDA)”Stopczyk D, Gnitecki W, Buczynski A, Markuszewski L, Buczynski J2002
“Interactions of RF radiation-induced hyperthermia and 2-methoxyethanol teratogenicity in rats”Nelson BK, Conover DL, Krieg EF Jr, Snyder DL, Edwards RM1997
“SCE-Frequencies Following Exposure to Magnetic Fields”Tornqvist, S. et al.1986
“Interaction of low level modulated RF radiation with Na+¯ K+-ATPase”Behari J, Kunjilwar KK, and Pyne S1998
“Extremely Low Frequency Fields Environmental Health Criteria Monograph 238”World Health Organization2007
“Effects of Pulse Microwave Exposure on Mitochondrial Marker Enzyme and Energy Metabolism in Mouse Brain (1)”Chiang H1999
“The Effects of Low-Energy 60-Hz EMF Upon the Growth Related Enzyme ODC”Takashima, S. et al.1979
“Effects of co-exposure to ELF magnetic fields and benzene or benzene metabolites determined in vitro by the alkaline comet assay”Morettia M, Villarinia, Simonuccib S, Fatigonia C, Scassellati-Sforzolinia G, Monarcaa S, Pasquinia R, Angeluccic M, Strappinic M2005
“Effect of Isothermal Radiofrequency Barrier Induced by 915 MHz Electromagnetic Radiation, Continuous Wave and Modulated at 8, 16, 50, and 200 Hz”Cleary, Du, Cao, Liu, McCrady1994
“Frequency-dependent alterations in enolase activity in Escherichia coli caused by exposure to electric and magnetic fields”Dutta SK, Verma M, Blackman CF1994
“Thermal effects of 200 megacycles (cw) irradiation as related to shape, location, and orientation in the field”ADDINGTON, C. H., OSBORN, C., SWARTZ, G., FISCHER, F. P., & SARKEES, Y.T.1959
“Public Exposure levels from WiFi systems, 10/12/2007”Philips, A.2007
“The Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation from the Skrunda Radio Location Station on Spirodela Polyrhiza Schleiden Cultures”Magone1996
“Effect of 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on permeability of unilamellar liposomes to 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein”Saalman E, Norden B, Arvidsson L, Hamnerius Y, Hojevik P, Connell KE, Kurucsev T,1991
“Preliminary evaluation of nanoscale biogenic magnetite-based ferromagnetic transduction mechanisms for mobile phone bioeffects”Cranfield C, Wieser HG, Al Madan J, Dobson J2003
“Comparison of symptoms experienced by users of analogue and digitalmobile phones: a Swedish-Norwegian epidemiological study”Haugsdal B, Hauger E, Mild KH, Oftedal G, Sandstrom M, Wilen J, Tynes T1998
“Epidemiological Studies of Radiofrequency Radiation: Current Status and Areas of Concern”Goldsmith1996
“Erythropoietic changes in rats after 2.45 GJz nonthermal irradiation”Busljeta I, Trosic I, Milkovic-Kraus S.2004
“Erythropoietic dynamic equilibrium in rats maintained after microwave irradiation”Trosic I, Busljeta I.2006
“Qualitative enzyme histochemistry and microanalysis reveals changes in ultrastructural distribution of calcium and calcium-activated ATPases after microwave irradiation of the medial habenula”Kittel A, Siklos L, Thuroczy G, Somosy Z1996
“Changes in serum alkaline phosphatase activity during in vitro exposure to AM EMF of ultrahigh frequency (2375 MHz) in guinea pigsPashovkina MS, Akoev IG2000
“Effects of Weak Amplitude Modified Microwave Fields on Calcium Efflux”Seegal, R.F.1989
“Exposure of frog hearts to CW or amplitude-modulated VHF fields: selective efflux of calcium ions at 16 Hz”Schwartz JL, House DE, Mealing GA1990
“Reverse-micelle model: pH, electromagnetic field and inhibitor enzyme interaction”Chattopadhyay SK, Toews KA, Butt S, Barlett R, Brown HD1997
“Influence of 400, 900, and 1900 MHz electromagnetic fields on Lemna minor growth and peroxidase activity”Tkalec M, Malaric K, Pevalek-Kozlina B.2005
“Effect of a 915-MHz simulated mobile phone signal on c function in man”A. Preece, et al.1999
“Study on the effects of microwave irradiation on ultramicrostructure of hypothalamus in mice”Yao GD, Chiang H1985
“Cellular Telephone Use and Time Trends in Brain Tumor Mortality from 1969 to 2002”Roosli, Michel, Keuhni, Spoerri2007
“Microwave-induced thermoelastic pressure wave propagation in the cat brain”Lin JC, Su JL, Wang Y1988
“Calculation of Change in Brain Temperatures Due to Exposure to a Mobile Phone”Van Leeuwen, Lagendijk, Van Leersum1999
“Temporal bisection in rats: the effects of high-peak-power pulsed microwave irradiation”Raslear TG, Akyel Y, Bates F, Belt M, Lu ST1993
“Suppression of evoked and spontaneous field potentials by radiofrequency radiation in rat hippocampal slices”Tattersell JEH, Nettell JJ, Wood SJ1998
“Interaction of microwaves and a temporally incoherent magnetic field on spatial learning in the rat”Lai H.2004
“Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans: Estimation of SAR distribution in the brain, effects on sleep and heart rate”Huber R, Schuderer J, Graf T, Jutz K, Borbely AA, Kuster N, Achermann P2003
“Effects of exposure to a 900MHz electromagnetic field on the dentate gyrus: a stereological and histopathological study”Odaci E., Bas O. and Kaplan S.2008
“Ginkgo biloba prevents mobile phone-induced oxidative stress in rat brain”A. Ilhan, A. Gurel, F. Armutcu, S. Kamisli, M. Iraz, O. Akyol, S. Ozen2004
“Digital cellphone field exposures, in utero, alter ODC and polyamine levels in fetal rat brains”Cain CD, Ghaffari M, Jones RA, Byus CV, Adey WR1999
“Fetal rat brain ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity and polyamine levels following exposures to Iridium cell phone fields in late pregnancy”Adey WR2000
“06-methylguanini E-DNA-methyltransgerase activity and ODC activity in brains”Cain CD, Ghaffari M, Jones RA, Archambeau J, Adey WR1998
“Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones”Salford L. G., Brun A. E., Eberhardt J. L., Malmgren L. and Persson B. R. R.2003
“Effects of microwave exposure at various power densities on mitochondrial enzymes in mouse brain”Chiang H, Yao GD, Zhou SY1984
“Melatonin modulates 900 Mhz microwave-induced lipid peroxidation changes in rat brain”H.Koylu, H. Mollaoglu, F.N. Ozguner2006
“1800 MHz electromagnetic field effects on melatonin release from isolated pineal glands”Sukhotina I, Streckert JR, Bitz AK, Hansen VW, Lerchl A2006
“The effects of radiofrequency radiation on long term potentiation in rat hippocampal slices”Scott IR, Tattersall JEH1999
“Effects of low-level microwave irradiation on hippocampal and frontal cortical choline uptake are classically conditionable”Lai H, Horita A, Chou CK, Guy AW1987
“The effect of low level continuous 2.45 GHz waves on enzymes of developing rat brain”Paulraj R, Behari J2002
“The effects of 3000 MHz microwave irradiation on electroencephalic energy and energy metabolism in mouse brain”Pu JS, Chen J, Yang YH, Bai YQ1997
“Effects of low intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on electrical activity in rat hippocampal slices”Tattersall JE, Scott IR, Wood SJ, Nettell JJ, Bevir MK, Wang Z, Somasiri NP, Chen X.2001
“A Role for the Magnetic Field in the Radiation-Induced Efflux of Calcium Ions from Brain Tissue in Vitro”Szmigielski, S. et al.1987
“Effects of Modulated RF Energy on the EEGs of Mammalian Brains”Sienkiewicz, Saunders and Kowalczuk1991
“Electromagnetic interference of GSM mobile phones with the implantable deep brain stimulator, ITREL-III”Kainz W, Alesch F, Chan DD2003
“Corticotropin-releasing factor antagonist blocks microwave- induced decreases in high-affinity choline uptake in the rat brain”Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW1990
“Intracerebroventricular injection of mu- and delta-opiate receptor antagonists block 60 Hz magnetic field-induced decreases in cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of the rat”Lai H, Carino MA1998
“Effects of Weak Amplitude Modulated Microwave Fields on Calcium Eflux on Awake Cat Cerebral CortexBawin, S.M. and W.R. Adey1976
“Intraseptal microinjection of beta-funaltrexamine blocked a microwave induced decrease of hippocampal cholinergic activity in the rat”Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW1994
“Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave-induced decrease in central cholinergic activity in the rat”Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW1992
“Effect of amplitude-modulated radio frequency radiation on cholinergic system of developing rats”Kunjilwar KK, Behari J1993
“Low-level microwave irradiations affect central cholinergic activity in the rat”Lai H, Horita A, Chou CK, Guy AW1987
“Weak Electric Gradients Change the Ionic and Transmitter Fluxes in Cortex”Kaczmarek and Adey1974
“IRIDIUM exposure increases c-fos expression in the mouse brain only at levels which likely result in tissue heating”Morrissey JJ, Raney S, Heasley E, Rathinavelu P, Dauphinee M, Fallon JH1999
“Iridium exposure increase c-fos expression in the mouse brain”Morrissey JJ, Rauey S, Heasley E, Rathinavelua P, Dauphinee M, Fallon JH1999
“The Anatomical Distribution of Cerebral Giomas in Mobile Phone Users”Ali Khan, O’Brien, Kelly, Phillips, et al.2003
“Electron Microscope Observation on Rat Cerebellum and Hippocampus After Exposure to 60-Hz Electric Fields”Schwartz et al.1990
“60 Hz Magnetic fields and Central Cholinergic Activity: Effects of Exposure Intensity and Duration”Lai H, Carino MA1998
“Low-level microwave irradiation and central cholinergic activity: a doseresponse study”Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW1989
“Low-level microwave irradiation and central cholinergic systems”Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW1989
“Astocytoma Risk Related to Job Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields”Reuter1987
“The Efflux of 45Ca2+ and 3H-Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Fron Cat Cerebral Cortex”Kaczmarek and Adey1973
“In Vitro Study of Microwave Effects on Calcium Efflux in Rat Brain TissueBawin and Adey1976
“Possible Mechanisms of Weak Electromagnetic Field Coupling with Brain Tissue”Bawin, Sheppard and Adey1978
“Induction of Calcium-ion Efflux From Brain Tissue by Radiofrequency Radiation: Effects of Modulated Frequency and Field Strength”Blackman et al.1979
“Effect of Amplitude Modulated 147 MHz Radiofrequency on Calcium Ion Efflux from Avian Brain Tissue”Albert, Bray, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, Watson1987
“Effect of amplitude modulated RF radiation on calcium ion efflux and ODC activity in chronically exposed rat brain”Paulraj R, Behari J, Rao AR1999
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“Influence of Electromagnetic Fields on the Efflux of Calcium Ions from Brain Tissue In Vitro”Blackman et al.1988
“Power Density, Field Density and Carrier Frequency Determinants of RF Energy-Induced Calcium Ion Efflux from Brain Tissue”Joines, W.T, and Blackman, C.F.1980
“Sensitivity in Calcium Binding in Cerbral Tissue to Weak Electric Fields Oscillating at Low Frequency”Bawin, S.M. and W.R. Adey1976
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“Single vs. repeated microwave exposure: effects on benzodiazepine receptors in the brain of the rat”Lai H, Carino MA, Horita A, Guy AW1992
“Can Mobile Phone Emissions Affect Auditory Functions of Cochlea or Brain Stem?”Sievert, U., Eggert, S., Pau, H.W.2005
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“Spontaneous and nitrosourea-induced primary tumors of the CNS in rats chronically exposed to 836 MHz modulated microwaves”Adey WR, Byus CV, Cain CD, Higgins RJ, Jones RA, Kean CJ, Kuster N, MacMurray A, Stagg RB, Zimmerman G, Phillips JL, Haggren W1999
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“Testicular Cancer and Electromagnetic Fields in the Workplace:results of a population based case-control study in Germany”Zurawska and Nowak1992
“Use of Cellular and Cordless Telephones and Risk of Testicular Cancer”Hardell, Carlberg, Ohlson, Westberg et al2006
“Testicular Cancer and Electromagnetic Fields in the Workplace: Results of a Population Based Case-Control Study in Germany”Baumgart-Elms, Ahrens, Bromen, Boikat2002
“Cluster of Testicular Cancer in Police Officers Exposed to Hand-held Radar”Davis, R.L., and Mostoff, F.K.1993
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