Subjekty, které instalují 5G, ničí lidstvo a vysávají z lidí energii tím, že jim berou lidskou mysl a zdraví. Na druhé straně máte zombie apokalypsu všech lidí s jejich 4G mobilními telefony, kteří slepě jdou ke zničení světa.
4G zombie apokalypsa se musí probudit. Musí se probudit hned, než bude příliš pozdě a čas je podstatnou veličinou. Je čas, abychom si položili zásadní otázku. Jak jsme se dostali do této šílené zóny 5G, připravené na sebezničení? Jak jsme se sem jen dostali?
Zdá se, že každé rozšíření využívání elektřiny od 19. století koreluje s drastickým vzestupem všech moderních civilizačních nemocí [i], tato informace byla schovávána od veřejnosti, aby nebránila komerčnímu zisku, vojenské expanzi a univerzálnímu pohodlí. [ii]

Více než 100 let kvantové fyziky nemělo žádný vliv na to, jak žijeme naše životy, ani na to, jak vnímáme realitu, stále pracujeme na Západě s iluzí, že naše těla jsou tvořena hrudkami diskrétní hmoty, které mohou být pohodlně vyříznutý chirurgickým nožem, když se pokazí. Tato představa pochází ze 19. století, kde lidé co udělali těžkou loupež, tak jejich mrtvá těla šla na sběr mrtvol pro chirurgické experimenty. [iii] V té době se zdálo, že nikdo neuvažoval o možnosti, že by se živé tělo mohlo výrazně lišit od mrtvého. Tato hrubá chyba experimentování vytvořila základ pro systém, který nyní nazýváme západní medicínou. [iv] Všechna tradiční a starověká uzdravovací moudrost založená na holistickém pohledu na živé tělo byla zakázána vynucením členství v „profesní organizaci“. [v] V inverzi typické pro naše západní myšlení by se přirozené léčebné metody, které se datují tisíce let, daly nazvat nikoli „tradičními“, ale „alternativními“ a „zpětnými“.
Vládnoucí, vojenské skupiny zjistily, že mikrovlnné zbraně by mohly být rozmístěny tiše a tajně, aby nás „bránily“ před údajnými nepřáteli nebo snad kvůli nějakému zlověstnějšímu účelu [Vi]. Tisíce studií, [vii] [viii] mnoho provedených v sovětském bloku [ix] upevnily znalosti o mnoha rozmanitých typech biologických škod, které tyto zbraně způsobují lidským bytostem.
Světová zdravotnická organizace uspořádala v roce 1973 sympozium, kde se diskutovalo o biologických účincích a zdravotních rizicích mikrovlnného záření [x]. Účastníci se následně rozhodli nesdělit tyto informace veřejnosti s ohledem na jejich inteligentní sklon k podezření, že by mikrovlnné zbraně mohly být použity také proti nim.
Namísto informování veřejnosti o tom, že naše těla ve skutečnosti nejsou vůbec pevná, ale jsou zcela elektrické, [xi] tyto vojenské a průmyslové subjekty utajovaly všechny své studie biologických účinků mikrovln. [Xii] Zřídili regulační orgány s velkými jmény, která měly zapůsobit na veřejnost, naplnila tyto organizace průmyslovými a vojenskými panáky, [xiii] [xiv] a stanovila expoziční limity pro elektromagnetické záření (EMR) tak vysoké, aby tyto limity nebylo možné překročit, [xv]. Tyto limity můžeme porovnat k nastavení rychlostních limitů automobilu na milion km za hodinu. Ruské veřejné expoziční standardy jsou 100/1000krát přísnější než ty v USA nebo EU. [Xvi]
Samo vyhlášená mezinárodní komise pro ochranu před ionizujícím zářením (ICNIRP) nechrání nikoho před ničím. Tato organizace je nevládní organizací bez mezinárodního nebo oficiálního statusu, která také jmenuje své vlastní členy bez dohledu nebo transparentnosti . Přičemž na své webové stránce vylučuje veškerou odpovědnost za jakékoliv z jejich výroků [xvii]. ICNIRP stanovila právně nevynutitelné a astronomicky vysoké limity pro expozici, které jsou časově průměrovány za 6 minut, aby se bagatelizoval vliv netermálních účinků, a tím padělala výpočty expozice. Škoda, že nikdo neřekl Jackie Kennedyové o 6 minutovém průměru, když její magická střela změnila její život! [Xviii] Jak odlišná historie mohla být! Tyto nepravděpodobné pokyny jsou nadšeně přijaty WHO a Mezinárodní telekomunikační unií, orgány OSN a většinou vlád světa, a to bez právního základu.
4G používá 2,45 GHz, což bylo prokázáno ve více než 100 studiích, že tato frekvence způsobuje širokou škálu vážného poškození těla a přírody na úrovních pod takzvanými bezpečnostními pokyny ICNIRP [Xix] [xx].
Samozřejmě bylo mnoho lidí, kteří trávili hodně času před počítačovými obrazovkami nebo jiným EMR zařízením a byly tak vystavení EMR. Tito lidé si začali stěžovat na nemoci, dostali rakovinu a to nebylo dobré pro obchod, protože by to mohlo ovlivnit prodej elektrických výrobků a bránit vojenskému vývoji stále sofistikovanějších zbraní, takže zkorumpovaná SZO tyto lidi jen nazvala šílenými [xxii]. SZO na svých webových stránkách tvrdila, že příznaky související s EMR pociťují miliony lidí na celém světě a že tyto příznaky „mohou být způsobeny již dříve existujícím propozicím k psychiatrickým nemocem a nebo stresovými reakcemi v důsledku obav z dopadů na zdraví EMF, spíše než samotnou expozicí EMF“. Jakýkoli zjevný nárůst míry rakoviny je rychle přičítán zlepšeným diagnostickým technikám, spíše než zjevnější skutečné příčině expozice toxinů v životním prostředí.
Jak čas pokračoval, armáda chtěla, aby pro ně průmysl vyvinul lepší zbraně, ale to bylo drahé a upřímně řečeno bylo docela obtížné přesvědčit veřejnost, že existuje tolik nepřátel, od kterých je třeba chránit. Bylo vynaloženo velké úsilí na vytváření a financování takzvaných teroristů, ale to nemělo takový vliv na lidi. Armáda a průmysl tedy dostal skvělý nápad. [Xxvi] A to komercializace těchto zbraňových technologie jako komunikační technologie, kterou mohou prodat veřejnosti, a tím by veřejnost zaplatila za veškerý výzkum a vývoj nových a vylepšených zbraní [ xxvi] a zároveň by se veřejnost dala snadno kontrolovat.
Ještě lépe věděli, že mobilní telefony budou návykové, takže každý bude chtít telefon. [Xxvii] A budou moci ovládat mysl lidí a říkat jim, co si mají myslet, co dělat a co koupit. [Xxviii], [ xxix] Mít tak úplný fyzický dohled uvnitř i vně lidí. [xxx] Jak perfektní! Mít tak naprosto uspořádanou společnost, aniž by si nikdo stěžoval, tím nashromáždilo osm lidí stejné bohatství, jaké má polovina populace planety. [Xxxi] A pokud se jedno ze dvou dětí stane autistickými, [xxxii], vydělají opravdu i na tom robotičtí pracovníci, budou vždy šťastní a nikdy nebudou mít potíže! Vidíme nekonečné články, které říkají, že to dává smysl pro podnikání. [Xxxiii]
Po kleptokracii neoliberální ekonomii, [xxxiv] [xxxv], během níž bylo ukradeno všechno, co mohlo být ukradeno, zbývá jen spotřebovat samotného spotřebitele. Společnosti jako Facebook jsou navrženy tak, aby dělaly právě to, a Zuckerberg považuje spotřebitele za „hloupé blbce“ za to, že rozdali své informace zdarma. [Xxxvi]
Již v roce 1981 IRPA (předchůdce organizace ICNIRP) uznala, že celková expozice obyvatelstva člověkem vyrobeným zdrojem mikrovlnného a radiofrekvenčního (RF) záření překročila expozici z přírodních zdrojů o mnoho řádů. [Xxxvii] V roce 1999 Dr. George L. Carlo varoval, že výskyt rakoviny mozku a určitých typů nádorů mezi uživateli mobilních telefonů byl dvojnásobný než u uživatelů, kteří nejsou uživateli, takže spotřebitelé mohli učinit „informovaný úsudek o tom, kolik z tohoto neznámého rizika chtějí při používání bezdrátových telefonů předpokládat “. Jeho důkazy byly potlačeny. [Xxxviii]
Práce ruských a ukrajinských vědců zveřejněná v americkém přehledu v roce 2001 prokázala, že za posledních 50 let se nepřetržitý výkon rádiových emisí zvýšil více než 50 000. vývoj psychických poruch v expozici EMR vykazující účinky sahající od změn nálady po nesmyslné myšlenky a sluchové a vizuální halucinace a poruchy chování až po pokusy o sebevraždu.
Mysl lidí je narušena vystavením EMR. Mainstreamová média s pomocí Grety Thunbergové, přesvědčují lidi, že potřebují totalitu, světovou vládu, která může zaručit jejich bezpečnost v nejistých dobách. [xl], [xli] [xlii]
Mezitím pojišťovací společnosti, které mají vynutit udržování bezpečných a zdravých podmínek pro lidi, odmítají pojistit proti zraněním nebo škodám způsobený EMF a přijít tak o peníze.
Nasazení 5G je představováno armádou, vládami [xlvii] a komerčními subjekty jako závod, ve kterém vítěz bere vše. Proč by se taková nebezpečná a zcela netestovaná technologie měla zavádět tak rychle? Je možné, že internet zmocňuje lidi, kteří jsou stále více chudí, aby otevřeli oči o kleptocratech, kteří drancují planetu? Nebo by se mohlo ukázat, že skutečné zdravotní účinky za 25 let používání mobilních telefonů nemohou být mnohem déle skryté? [Xlviii]
Ať už je důvod jakýkoli, vojensko-průmyslový komplex Eisenhoweru se odhalil v projektu 5G a jasně ukázal spojení mezi regulačními agenturami a vojenským průmyslovým komplexem.
25 let snižování mentální kapacity populace vedlo k letargii obyvatelstva. Technici dostali volnou ruku, aby vymysleli různé způsoby útoku na populaci: z kapes; ze skříněk na ulici; od sloupků lamp, které odpalují modré světlo bez dalších difuzérů [1], jakož i 5G EMR laserové paprsky; z lepicích proužků malých, ale silných antén skrytých pod koberci; z ulic; z vlaků; z aut; z autobusů; ze stěn našich domovů; z našich televizních přijímačů; z ledniček, vysoušečů vlasů, z kartonů na mléko, dětských monitorů, z „chytrých“ telefonů, „chytrých“ měřičů a brzy z miliard zařízení, která mají být připojena k internetu věcí. Dále nepřeberným množstvím „nositelných“ zařízení a aplikací pro mobilní telefony, které třeba sledují váš zdravotní stav a zároveň vážně podkopávají vaše zdraví. Přenášení 5G na Zemi ze satelitů z oběžné dráhy Země, ze síťových civilních letadel, z pseudosatelitů ve stratosféře … Jinými slovy, odkudkoli. Uvedeným plánem 5G je „přikrýt“ každý centimetr Země, aniž by kdokoliv, strom, voda či zvíře na celém světě unikl, 100 milionů lidí je už nyní nemocná díky toxickým prostředím z 4G nebo 3G. A co udělá 5G? 5G je zbraň, která má potenciál zničit celý biologický život na Zemi.
- The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”
- Das elektromagnetische „Irrenhaus“, 5G, ist zur Selbstvernichtung bereit: Die 5G „Dementoren“ begegnen der 4G Zombie Apokalypse
[i] Arthur Firstenberg. The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life(summary). Available at
[ii] Microwave Weapons Expert Barrie Trower: “This is the saddest and most despicable document ever published in history”: “Biologic Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves – Eurasian Communist countries (U) – DST-1910S-074-76 Date of Publication: March 1976). This is a Department of Defense Intelligence Document prepared by the US Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency and approved by the Directorate for Scientific and Technical Intelligence of the Defense Intelligence Agency.”
Page vii:
“If the more advancecl nations of the West are strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there could be unfavorable effects on industrial output and military functions.” (Translation: Western nations must have lax exposure limits so that military weapons and dangerous commercial products can be developed.) Available at Accessed 11 September 2019.
[iii] Mike Williams. Grave Robbing in Washington: A History of the Morbid Trade. 26 October 2015. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019.
[iv] Chris Kanthan. World Affairs. How Rockefeller founded modern medicine and killed natural cures. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019.
[v] Dr. Mercola. Chiropractors and Naturopaths – Are They Dangerous? Available at Accessed 13 Setember 2019. “The medical profession has a long history of opposing alternative healing professions. The rules of engagement have changed; as the AMA is finding new “legal” ways to discredit and limit practitioners of natural medicine. … Other medical associations have joined forces to manipulate the public into believing natural medicine is quackery by spreading propaganda and mistruths.”
[vi] Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. Introduction: “This document represents the doctrine adopted by the Policy Committee of the Bilderburg Group during its first known meeting in 1954. The document, dated May 1979, was found on 7 July 1986 in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale.” Video:;The 5G War — Technology versus Humanity
[vii] Rome Laboratory, Air Force Materiel Command, Griffiss Air Force Base, New York. June, 1994. Available at: Accessed 11 September 2019. Conclusion: Exposure to RF/MW radiation is known to have a biological effect on living organisms. … Adherence to the ANSI Standard [9] should provide protection against harmful thermal effects and help to minimize the interaction of EM fields with the biological processes of the human body [9].
- Absorption: It is known that RF/MW radiated energy will be absorbed by the tissue of the human body. The depth of energy penetration into the tissue depends primarily on the wavelength of the incident radiation and the water content of the tissue [3], [6].
- Auditory effects: Individuals exposed to pulsed RF/MW radiation have reported hearing a chirping, clicking or buzzing sound emanating from inside or behind the head.
- Biological effects:
- Adverse biological effects can occur when the body is subjected to high doses of RF/MW radiation [161.
- Exposure of living organisms to RF/MW radiation can have a potentially dangerous biological effect. … Union. East Block countries have set more stringent standards than nations in the West [3], (8], (11], [22].
- Exposure to higher levels of radiation can cause serious biological effects.
- Investigators in the Soviet Unionand Eastern Europe have placed a great emphasis on the nonthermal effects of biological exposure to RF/MW radiation. They contend that electromagnetic interactions with the bioelectrical and biochemical functions of the body constitute a more serious health risk than effects from thermal heating. Nonthermal disruptions have been observed to occur at power density levels that are much lower than are necessary to induce thermal effects.
- Blood:
- Blood circulation can be altered in the affected area and other biological functions could be indirectly affected [12].
- There is evidence that RF/MW radiation can effect the blood and blood forming systems of animals and humans.
- Body:
- Depth of energy penetration: Biological materials such as skin are dielectrics that consist mostly of water. Hence, these dielectrics are rich in molecular dipoles and are able to quickly absorb millimeter-wave radiation.
- Body geometry: The orientation of the human body with respect to the incident EM field will determine the amount of RF/MW energy that is absorbed by the tissue.
- RF/MW radiated energy is nonuniformily deposited over the whole-body surface.
- Burns:
- Burns can cause increased vascular permeability. This can lead to significant losses of body fluids and electrolytes.
- Serious burns can suffer fluid losses for a few days.
- Cancer:
- In 1962, S. Prausnitz and C. Susskind reported experimental results that showed an increase in cancer among test animals exposed to RF/MW radiation.
- In 1976, A. A. Kapustin, M. I. Rudnev, G. I. Leonskaia, and G.I. Knobecva (reference found in [17]) reported alterations in the chromosomes of bone marrow cells in laboratory animals that were exposed to RW/MW radiation.
- Nonthermal effects may provide important clues to the understanding of carcinogenic reactions in the human body [8],[32].
- Pulsed and CW radiation ranging in frequency from 15 to 2950 MHz and power densities from 7 to 200 mW/cm2 have caused abnormalities to occur in chromosomes. … They concluded that irradiation of tissue by pulsed RF/MW sources causes cell membranes to become more permeable to destructive chemical mutagens [8].
- Cardiovascular effects:
- Researchers examined 100 patients suffering from radiation sickness. It was found that 71 of the patients had some type of cardiovascular problem.
- Soviet investigators claim that exposure to low levels of RF/MW radiation that are not sufficient to induce hyperthermia can cause aberrations in the cardiovascular system of the body [7].
- The WHO investigation found evidence linking exposure of RF/MW radiation to cardiovascular disease and cancer.
- Clothing effects: Figure 6 shows the relationship between clothing thickness and coupling efficiency as a function of frequency. The authors note that wet or damp clothing may actually reduce the amount of energy absorbed by the body because of the Debye relaxation of the water molecules [6].
- Congenital abnormalities: They found gross congenital abnormalities in rodent fetuses that were irradiated by a 2450 MHz RF/MW source at an incident power intensity of 107.4 mW/g [8].
- Eyes:
- However, minimum exposure levels sufficient to cause ocular damage are not certain [301].
- In 1970, Zaret, Kaplan and Kay (reference found in [30]) reported a large number of cataracts induced in humans as result of occupational exposure.
- The researchers concluded that exposure to RF/MW radiation had caused the lens of the eye to age faster than normal (30].
- Heating: wavelengths the perception of warmth may occur at a power density level of about 8.7 mW/cm 2.
- Neurological effects: It was observed that rabbits exposed to the 5 and 10 uW/cm2 power density levels suffered alterations in the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex and disturbances to the conditioned reflex response.
- Neurological effects: observations of laboratory animals subjected to low power EM fields showed alterations in the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex and disruptions in the activity of neurons [17].
- Resonance frequency: The ANSI Standard [9] reports that the human body will absorb 7 times more energy fron radiation emitted at the resonance frequency than at a frequency of 2450 MHz [9]. … The free space whole-body resonance frequency is reported to be between 61.8-77 MHz for a Standard Model of Man [91, [22], (25]. … When the human body is in contact with the electrical ground, the whole-body resonance frequency is reduced to about 47 MHz (22]. Figure 3 shows the SAR versus the incident EM field frequency for conditions of free space and grounding [22].
- Skin: IR [Ionizing] radiation will not penetrate the outer body surface as deeply as RF/MW radiation emitted at a frequency of 2.45 GHz.
- Symptoms: The symptoms were listed as: hypotension, slower than normal heart rates, an increase in the histamine content of the blood, an increase in the activity of the thyroid gland, disruption of the endocrine-hormonal process, alterations in the sensitivity to smell, headaches, irritability, and increased fatigue.
[viii] Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons. Department of The Army, United States Army Intelligence and Security Command. Freedom of information/Privacy Office. 17 February 1998. Available at: Accessed 11 September 2019. Effects described:
- Microwave heating – Heating the human body to incapacitate a person
- Microwave hearing – Letting a person hear sounds/voices in his head without normal sound
- Neural control – Disrupt normal muscle control, invoke muscle spasms
- Acoustic energy – Pressure sensations, nausea, eye spasms, see the world turning
- Laser induced biological effects:
- Chemical effect
- Thermal effects – The primary mechanism for laser induced injury
- Mechanical or acoutical mechanical effects – Pressure wave can result in explosive tissue injury
- The effects of lasers on eyes:
- Dazzling or induced glare
- Flashblinding or loss of night adaptation
- Permanent or semipermanent blinding.
[ix] Influence of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation at non-thermal intensities on the human body (a review of work by Russian and Ukrainian researchers). Published in No Place To Hide – Newsletter of the Cellular Phone Taskforce Inc., February 2001. Available at:
- Humanity may have crossed a threshold of recoverability from PEM exposure …
- No safe dose, even at extremely low EMF intensity …
- Russian standards hundreds to thousands times more stringent than Western ones …
- Information flow disturbance in the body among bio-damage mechanisms.
[x] Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation. This 350-page document is the result of a symposium (convened by the World Health Organization, among others), held in Warsaw from 15–18 October 1973, with the participation of 60 researchers specializing in the biological effects of microwaves on humans.
The document describes primarily the adverse effects of microwave radiation on neurological, vascular and cardiac systems, as well as on the thyroid and thrombocytes; it also reports that microwaves can cause Type II diabetes, sleep issues, cataracts, opacification of the ocular lens, and behavioural disorders, among others. Available at: Accessed 11 September 2019.
[xi] Jerry Tennant, MD: Healing is Voltage — The Physics of Emotions | EU2017
29 September 2018. Accessed 11 Septembr 2019.
Most people have heard of the “mind/body connection” and are aware that emotions affect the way people act. However, few can describe how that works. What is relatively new is our understanding that emotions are stored in and around the body as magnetic fields. Not only do these magnetic fields cause the biochemical effects noted above, but they also block the flow of voltage in the associated muscle battery packs that provide the voltage necessary for organs to function and repair themselves. He will discuss the human body’s battery packs, wiring system, and the physics of how our electronic systems are affected by these emotions. In addition, he will discuss how other magnetic fields and scalar energy can be used to erase these emotions, leaving behind only memories that do not disrupt our health and physiology. (cont.)
[xii] Department of the Army, United States Army Intelligence and Security Command. Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons. 17 February 1998 (date of FOIA release 13 December 2006).
[xiii] Environmental Health Trust ( In 1985 the United States government adopted an exposure limit from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI-an industry & military organization), ANSI C95.1-1982 Exposure Limit Standard. In 1996 the U.S. government adopted (updated from the ANSI Standard) the IEEE C95.1-1991 Exposure Limit Standard. IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers is substantially an industry and military organization.
[xiv] Video (in French): Être connecté peut nuire gravement à la santé – Reportage suisse remarquable (Being connected can seriously harm your health – remarkable Swiss reporting). 31 May 2017. Available at Excerpt”
(Switch on English subtitles at 15.05)
“… hence the following question. Do the current emission standards effectively protect us from electromagnetic radiation? it should be borne in mind that the standards were drawn up well after the time when all electrical equipment was already in place. These standards are set by the industry in such a way as to have irradiation values that are acceptable and to avoid lawsuits.
“These images from Norwegian television show the power of industry in the establishment of standards.
“The footage was shot at a meeting of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), an organization of world telecommunications experts. When their members specialising in electromagnetic safety reveal the names of their employers, here’s what we learn:
“[(C Keito?), Motorola; (Mike Welby?), US Air Force; (?) US Army; Motorola; Alcatel-Lucent; US Air Force; Nokia; France Telecom; Ericsson; US Air Force]
“In fact, they are industry representatives. IEEE has issued recommendations on exposure values related to mobile telephony, which have been adopted without much modification by Europe and Switzerland.
“The standards are defined not for health protection, saying there are no effects, there are no risks. They simply say, “Above these values one is certain that there is a risk of biological effects in the short term”. And actually that message has been distorted a bit by saying that below those values, nothing happens.
“In most countries today, the maximum exposure value for antennas is 61 volts per metre. Switzerland has adopted this standard by adding a precautionary principle limiting exposure to 6 volts per metre in places designated “places of sensitive use”. This includes housing, schools, workstations inside buildings, some playgrounds, but not outdoor public spaces or transit areas such as railway stations.
“The telcos are constantly getting greedier. They want to get rid of the 6-volt per-metre straitjacket that they feel limits their activities. …”
[xv] Amy Worthington. The Radiation Poisoning Of America. Global Research, 9 October 2007; Idaho Observer, 7 October 2007. Excerpt: “Prior to 1996, the wireless age was not coming online fast enough, primarily because communities had the authority to block the siting of cell towers. But the Federal Communications Act of 1996 made it nearly impossible for communities to stop construction of cell towers “even if they pose threats to public health and the environment. Since the decision to enter the age of wireless convenience was politically determined for us, we have forgotten well-documented safety and environmental concerns and, with a devil-may-care zeal that is lethally short-sighted, we have incorporated into our lives every wireless toy that comes on the market. We behave as if we are addicted to radiation. Our addiction to cell phones has led to harder “drugs” like wireless Internet. And now we are bathing in the radiation that our wireless enthusiasm has unleashed. Those who are addicted, uninformed, corporately biased and politically-influenced may dismiss our scientifically-sound concerns about the apocalyptic hazards of wireless radiation. Available at Accessed 11 September 2019.
[xvi] Ibid. “Myriad symptoms of radiation poisoning can be induced at exposure levels hundreds, even thousands of times lower than current standards permit. Russia’s public exposure standards are 100 times more stringent than ours because Russian scientists have consistently shown that, at U.S. exposure levels, humans develop pathological changes in heart, kidney, liver and brain tissues, plus cancers of all types.”
[xvii] Disclaimer on icnirp website: ICNIRP e.V. undertakes all reasonable measures to ensure the reliability of information presented on the website, but does not guarantee the correctness, reliability, or completeness of the information and views published. The content of our website is provided to you for information only. We do not assume any responsibility for any damage, including direct or indirect loss suffered by users or third parties in connection with the use of our website and/or the information it contains, including for the use or the interpretation of any technical data, recommendations, or specifications available on our website. Available at Accessed 11 Septembr 2019.
[xviii] Bill Hicks on the Kennedy Assassination. Available at Accessed 11 Seotember 2019.
[xix] Review: Biological and pathological effects of 2.45 GHz radiation on cells, fertility, brain, and behaviour. 26 June 2019. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019. Original German: Conclusions: Based on the extensive body of research and the adverse health effects demonstrated in the majority of the studies, it is recommended that steps should be taken to minimize RF radiation exposure in accordance with official recommendations. Wired solutions should be given preference. Current exposure limits and SAR values do not protect from health risks associated with Wi-Fi radiation.
[xx] Dr. Lennart Hardell. ICNIRP draft on new radiofrequency guidelines is flawed. 2 July 2019. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019. “Most remarkable is that the science on health effects is still based on thermal (heating) effect from RFR just as the evaluations published 1998 and updated in 2009. In the draft only thermal effects are considered for health effects (page 7). Van Rongen states there is ’No evidence that RF-EMF causes such diseases as cancer’ (page 8). These comments are based on the power point presentation. However, there is no evidence that non-thermal effects are considered and thus a large majority of scientific evidence on human health effects, not to mention hazards to the environment. Thus the basis for new guidelines is flawed and the whole presentation should be dismissed as scientifically flawed.”
[xxi] EMF Dosimetry (General methodology and RF region) EMF Dosimetry (General methodology and RF region). Dr. Soichi Watanabe, ICNIRP Member Affiliated with National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan Available at Accessed 13 September 2019.
[xxii] Olga Sheean. The [World Health Organization] WHO cover-up that is costing us the Earth.
Video available at: The facts about 5G and other sources of wireless radiation have been very skilfully downplayed and covered up by WHO, industry and governments, causing many people to believe it’s not a problem. The truth is that it’s causing havoc all over the planet. Find out what WHO and governments have been hiding from you. Download PDF – The WHO cover-up that is costing us the Earth: Are you ready to say goodbye? The 5G spin, the deeper truth and what you can do:
[xxiii] Belpomme D, Campagnac C, Irigaray P. Rev Environ Health. 2015;30(4):251-71. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2015-0027. Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder.
[xxiv] United Nations. Human Rights Council: 5G is cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under resolution 39/46. 22 February 2019. Available at. Henry Lai: Cell Phones and Cancer – TalkingStickTV. 23 June 2011. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019.
[xxv] Deadly Statistics. The chances of being killed ina terrorist attackare about 1 in 20 million. A person is as likely to bekilled by his or her own furniture, and more likely to die in a car accident, drown in a bathtub, or in a building fire than from a terrorist attack. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019.
[xxvi] Barrie Trower. Microwaves in weapons and wireless telecommunication. “Weapons utilize much less power [than telecom radiation].” Available at Accessed 13 September 2019.
[xxvii] Peter Delos. “The Way to a New Phased Array Radar Architecture.” TechTime: Electronics & Technology News. 15 January 2018. Available at 15/analog-devices-phased-array-radar/. Accessed 14 September 2019. “Although there is a lot of discussion of massive MIMO and automotive radar, it should not be forgotten that most of the recent radar development and beamforming R&D has been in the defense industry, and it is now being adapted for commercial applications. While phased array and beamforming moved from R&D efforts to reality in the 2000s, a new wave of defense focused arrays are now expected, enabled by industrial technology offering solutions that were previously cost prohibitive.”
[xxviii] Democracy Now! How Big Wireless War-Gamed the Science on Risks, While Making Customers Addicted to Their Phones. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019. We continue our conversation with Mark Hertsgaard, The Nation’s environment correspondent and investigative editor, who co-authored a major new exposé: “How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe.” He discusses how wireless companies “war-gamed the science” by funding friendly studies and attacking critical ones; the potential dangers of the pending expansion of 5G with the “Internet of Things”; the role of the telecommunications industry officials turned federal regulators; and how companies deliberately addicted customers to this technology through the addition of social media.
[xxix] Ben Piven. Rebelling against attention economy, Humane Tech movement expands: A growing coalition of social groups is pushing back against tech companies that feed digital addiction and overload. 25 July 2019. Available at |Tristan Harris is fighting to save you. An ex-Google design ethicist, Harris cofounded the Time Well Spent movement and the Center for Humane Technology (CHT) to combat the ‘existential threat’ of unchecked technological power over humanity, from digital addiction and information overload to Twitter bots and political polarisation. CHT is trying to halt what it calls the ‘downgrading’ of humans by smartphones and social media – within an ‘extractive’ attention economy where Silicon Valley firms profit from “playing tricks” on people’s minds. ‘More than two billion people – a psychological footprint bigger than Christianity – are jacked into social platforms,’ says a pamphlet from CHT. ‘Algorithms recommend increasingly extreme, outrageous topics to keep us glued to tech sites fed by advertising … It’s a race to the bottom of the brainstem.’”
[xxx] Garfield Benjamin. Silicon Valley wants to read your mind – here’s why you should be worried. 16 August 2019. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019. “Not content with monitoring almost everything you do online, Facebook now wants to read your mind as well. The social media giant recently announced a breakthrough in its plan to create a device that reads people’s brainwaves to allow them to type just by thinking. And Elon Musk wants to go even further. One of the Tesla boss’s other companies, Neuralink, is developing a brain implant to connect people’s minds directly to a computer. Musk admits that he takes inspiration from science fiction, and that he wants to make sure humans can ‘keep up’ with artificial intelligence. He seems to have missed the part of sci-fi that acts as a warning for the implications of technology. These mind-reading systems could affect our privacy, security, identity, equality and personal safety. Do we really want all that left to companies with philosophies such as that of Facebook’s former mantra, ‘move fast and break things’?”
[xxxi] TWiT Tech Podcast Network. What is surveillance capitalism? [selling behavioural data on human beings]. 11 January 2019. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019. Shoshana Zuboff is the author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future( at the New Frontier of Power. She talks with Leo Laporte about how social media is being used to influence people. Watch the full episode at Host: Leo Laporte Guest: Shoshana Zuboff
[xxxii] Oxfam. Just 8 men own same wealth as half the world. 16 January 2017. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019. “Eight men own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity, according to a new report published by Oxfam today to mark the annual meeting of political and business leaders in Davos. Oxfam’s report, ‘An economy for the 99 percent’, shows that the gap between rich and poor is far greater than had been feared. It details how big business and the super-rich are fuelling the inequality crisis by dodging taxes, driving down wages and using their power to influence politics. It calls for a fundamental change in the way we manage our economies so that they work for all people, and not just a fortunate few.”
[xxxiii] Marco Cáceres. Scientist Says 1 in 2 Children Born in 2025 Will Be Autistic – Something is Clearly Causing this Health Crisis of Historic Proportions. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019. “On June 5, 2014, senior research scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory made the following statement at an event sponsored by the Groton Wellness organization in Groton, Massachusetts: ‘At today’s rate, by 2025, 1 in 2 children will be autistic’.
[xxxiv] Anna Remington. The Conversation. Why employing autistic people makes good business sense. 14 April 2015. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019. “Microsoft has announced its intention to hire more autistic people – not as a charitable enterprise but because, as corporate vice-president Mary Ellen Smith said: ‘People with autism bring strengths that we need at Microsoft.’ Employing autistic people makes good business sense. Microsoft is not the only firm to reach this conclusion. More and more companies are beginning to seek employees from the pool of autistic talent. Specialisterneis a consultancy that recruits only autistic individuals. Originally based in Denmark it now operates in 12 countries worldwide and is currently working with Microsoft.”
[xxxv] Confessions of an Economic Hitman – John Perkins. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019. “Economic Hit Man (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign “aid” organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet’s natural resources. Their tools included fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization.
“Perkins charges that the proposed conditions for this debt forgiveness require countries to privatise their health, education, electric, water and other public services. Those countries would also have to discontinue subsidies and trade restrictions that support local business, but accept the continued subsidization of certain G8 businesses by the US and other G8 countries, and the erection of trade barriers on imports that threaten G8 industries.”
[xxxvi] Katie Rooney. TIME. Naomi Klein on ‘Disaster Capitalism’. 27 September 2007. Available at “In The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Naomi Klein, best known for her 2000 book No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies, explores how capitalism came to dominate the world, from Chile to Russia, China to Iraq, South Africa to Canada, with the help of violent shock tactics in times of natural disaster or tragedy. Released in the U.S. September 18 and throughout Europe and Canada the week before that, the book counters the theory that unfettered capitalism and a successful democracy go hand-in-hand. TIME sat down with Klein to discuss her conclusions, the research process and what kind of impact she’s hoping her new book will have.”
[xxxvii] Computing Forever. Facebook & Google: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019.
[xxxviii] World Health Organization, United Nations Environment Programme and International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA, predecessor to ICNIRP): Environmental Health Criteria 16: Radiofrequency and Microwaves. 1981. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019. Excerpts: “… General population exposure from man-made sources of microwave and RF radiation now exceeds that from natural sources by many orders of magnitude. … increased levels of environmental electromagnetic radiation may constitute a problem in many countries. … … Problems of pollution range from … to direct risks to the health of individuals. … Lesions have been found in the internal organs of animals exposed for prolonged periods during which there was no significant rise in rectal temperature. Furthermore, such animals did not show any overt signs of distress. Acute exposures may cause injury to the eye.The cornea and crystalline lens are particularly susceptible to injury within the frequency range of 1-300 GHz. The cornea is at greatest risk between 10 and 300 GHz and the crystalline lens from 1 to 10 GHz. … A highly conservative approach would be to keep exposure limits close to natural background levels. However, this is not technically feasible. A reasonable risk-benefit analysis has to be considered. [Author’s translation: In order to protect industry and the military, people must die.]… National and international agreements on exposure limits, ways and means of controlling this type of environmental pollution, and concerted efforts to implement such agreements are needed.” (emphasis added)
[xxxix] George Carlo, Ph.D, M.S., J.D. “Letter To AT&T Chairman C. Michael Armstrong from Wireless Technology Research (WTR) Chairman Dr. George L. Carlo.” Aegis Corporationonline, publisher. This letter claims the occurrence of brain cancer and certain types of tumors among cellular phone users is twice that of non-users. Dr. Carlo is requesting AT&T’s assistance to distribute this information to consumers so that they can make an “informed judgment about how much of this unknown risk they wish to assume in their use of wireless phones.” A signed copy of this letter was also sent to a panel of experts convened by the British Parliament to evaluate the science and health concerns regarding wireless communications.
Tom Wheeler suppressed the Wireless Technology Research report. He became Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2013 and ushered in 5G with great fanfare in 2016, in full knowledge of its catastrophic consequences. See Peter G. Tocci. Wireless Technology: Ultra Convenient. Endlessly Entertaining. Criminally Instigated. Terminally Pathological. 9 February 2019. Available at Accessed 13 September 2019.
[xl] No Place To Hide – Newsletter of the Cellular Phone Taskforce Inc. February 2001. Influence of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation at non-thermal intensities on the human body (a review of work by Russian and Ukrainian researchers)
[xli] Igor Ogorodnev. I am terrified of ‘children’s crusader’ Greta Thunberg – and you should be too. 13 March 2019.
[xlii] Greenpeace pioneer: “Climate change neither dangerous nor man-made.” 13 August 2019. Available at According to Moore, climate change is a completely natural phenomenon. The current modern warm period began 300 years ago, when the Little Ice Age came to an end. “Nothing to be afraid of,” stresses Moore. But the climate alarmists have lived off frightening people. Most scientists who speak of a crisis would be earning their living from government contracts. Watch the entre broadcast to find out why Moore is an important voice to listen to in the current climate hysteria.