Synthetic Telepathy – Remote Neural Monitoring – 5G & Satellite Harassment – Patent US3951134A (1976) – 24 Patents – Neurological Warfare

Synthetic Telepathy and Remote Neural Monitoring are two sides of the same coin. Remote Neural Monitoring is a form of functional neuroimaging, capable of extracting EEG data from the human brain at a distance with no physical contact or electrodes required. NSA has the capability to decode this data, to extract subvocalizations, visual and auditory data from their target. It allows access to a person’s thoughts without their knowledge or permission. Collecting massive amounts of personal data from the population allows them to feed back this information into quantum computers which produce schematics for understanding the collective consciousness, soul … Predictive types of programming are designed to influence and modify human behavior. The sooner you realize it is true, the better off you will be to protect ourselves. 5G is also kind of neurological network …

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla
Bigger Than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals

Our entire biological system, the brain, and the Earth itself works on the same frequencies.

Nikola Tesla

Patent US3951134A – Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves (1976)

Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is retransmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.

José Delgado, Implants, and Electromagnetic Mind Control – 1965

1985 CNN Special Report on Electromagnetic Mind Control featuring José Delgado and his famous 1965 experiment with an implanted bull. A scientific milestone in this area came in the 1960s when Dr. Jose Delgado demonstrated remote control over a charging bull. By connecting a radio antenna to electrodes inserted into the bull’s brain, Delgado proved that the animal’s aggressive impulses could be thwarted by electronically manipulating the bull’s muscle reflexes.

José Delgado, Implants, and Electromagnetic Mind Control – 1965

Remote Neural Monitoring also has its roots in unethical human experimentation that was first developed and carried out by the Black Sun Nazi Groups. These groups were directly involved in satanic rituals and offerings to conjure dark forces. The Black Sun mind control testing schemes are actually Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) methods taken from the black magic occult information, or Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). These methods were scientifically reproduced in the infamous MKULTRA trials (Mind Reading Technologies – 5G – Cellular Satellites – misused A.I. – MKULTRA – Monarch) and in subsequent mind programming agendas used to control public figures, military personnel, intelligence assets and beyond.

Patents – Remote Neural Monitoring

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

Nikola Tesla

Patents – Direct Energy Weapons

US6238333B1 – Remote magnetic manipulation of nervous systems (1999)

Apparatus and method for remote manipulation of nervous systems by the magnetic dipole field of a rotating bar magnet. Reliance on modulation of spontaneous spiking patterns of sensory nerve receptors, and exploitation of a resonance mechanism of certain neural circuits, allows the use of very weak magnetic fields. This, together with the large magnetic moments that can be obtained with a permanent bar magnet, makes it possible to effectively manipulate the nervous system of a subject over a distance of several hundred meters, using a small portable battery-powered device. The method can be used in law enforcement or in 5G, 4G towers …

5G – HAARP – Real World Simulations – Matrix – Nanobots – LDAL

“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”

Nikola Tesla

PATENT US6011991 – Remote Brain Computer Interface – Neural Monitoring (RNM) 01.04.2000 – Artificial Telepathy

US6011991A – Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity (1998)

US DoD Patent Remote BCI – Brain Computer Interface

A system and method for enabling human beings to communicate by way of their monitored brain activity. The brain activity of an individual is monitored and transmitted to a remote location (e.g. by satellite). At the remote location, the monitored brain activity is compared with prerecorded normalized brain activity curves, waveforms, or patterns to determine, if a match or substantial match is found. If such a match is found, then the computer at the remote location determines that the individual was attempting to communicate the word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the matched stored normalized signal.

If this technology’s employed in GeoINT you won’t even have the privacy of your own thoughts. Again, we don’t think this technology was funded, developed and patented for government and military use to sit on a shelf somewhere collecting dust.

“What we now want is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth, and the elimination of egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife… Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment…”

Nikola Tesla

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