Demonic FCC – 5G Magnetogenetics & Vaccines – Mobile and Death – LDAL

Magnetogenetics & Vaccines and 5G

Magnetogenetics and Remote Control – Magnetogenetics and Modified mRNA, cDNA – Cell Control Using Magnetic Compounds with mRNA, cDNA – Controlled Cellular Activity via Cell Phones – Magnetogenetics is a Cell Modulation Method – US SUPREME COURT and mRNA

Magnetogenetics & Vaccines and 5G

5G WARNING ~ FCC Chair Tom Wheeler’s speech supporting 5G – Demonic FCC






WARNING 5G ~ FCC Director Tom Wheeler with 5G support and digitization of people … FCC – 2016 – What is 5G really about? Digital concentration camp, genetic control … Beyond Madness – 5G + FCC. FCC Director Tom Wheeler – “Brilliant engineers have developed new antennas that can now target and amplify signals (DEW Directional Power Weapons). Requiring massive deployment of small cells (connected to NEURALINK, Neural Mesh, STARLINK). Hundreds of billions of microchips combined in products from pill bottles to plant irrigators (Internet of Things). The 5G revolution will affect all corners of our country (internet of people, life). Many more antenna locations to be decided by local governments (+ micro and nano antennas, smart dust, vaccines). Tens of billions of dollars of economic activity, and that’s damn important. ”- About you without you. What will you do to stop 5G ??? It’s about your life…

WHAT are they thinking? these people are absolutely demonic.

5G WARNING ~ FCC Chair Tom Wheeler’s speech supporting 5G – Demonic

The American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations on Cell Phones, Cell Towers and Wireless Radiation – 2017

Pediatrician Pilar Bradshaw treats hundreds of children a year in her practice. She is deeply concerned about a study by the National Toxicology Program, part of the National Institutes of Health, which found a dangerous link between cell phone radiation and cancer. The cancer we are talking about is a very malignant, very dangerous, very difficult to treat cancer in rats who are exposed to cell phone radiation similar to the one you are exposed to when you use your phone in your ear. In response to a study by the American Academy of Pediatric Doctors, it issued a statement urging parents to limit the use of their children’s cell phones by taking measures that Dr. Bradshaw now shares with his patients. Do not encourage your children to talk on the phone at all. If possible, have them used only for short emergency telephone calls. If you use a mobile phone to make a phone call, keep it away from your head and not to your ear. -And take steps to avoid exposure to other areas of the body. Do not wear the phone on your body. Girls, take it out of your pockets. do not put it in a shirt. Boys, keep it out of your front pocket.

The American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations on Cell Phones, Cell Towers and Wireless Radiation – 2017

Remove the 5G Antennas

What can cause a 5G antenna in combination with a vaccine? 5G is the target aiming system – When will people remove 5G towers ??? Smart cities without people? To have or not to have a mobile phone with you? We warned you …

Remove the 5G Antennas

Mobile and Death …

Mobile and Death …

The Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens (LDAL): BAE Systems – Professor Nick Colosimo explains

A deeper look into the observational capabilities of a new type of laser systém, the Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens (LDAL). LDAL enable military personnel to carry out surveillance from much larger distances

LDAL is a mobile HAARP – Pulsed Laser System to create Lenses in the Atmosphere – The atmosphere can be ionized and used as a lens – LDAL is an integrated weapon system – Space Wars – Lens Reflects Laser Attacker – Features of 5G Satellites – NEXRAD – New Generation Radars

The Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens (LDAL): BAE Systems futurist Professor Nick Colosimo explains

Magnetogenetics & Vaccines and 5G – 5G WARNING ~ FCC Chair Tom Wheeler’s speech supporting 5G – Demonic FCC – The American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations on Cell Phones, Cell Towers and Wireless Radiation – 2017 – Remove the 5G Antennas – Mobile and Death – The Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens (LDAL): BAE Systems

Timeline of Patents – Mind Control – Smart Network, About you without you

The technical principal of receivers for electromagnetic waves is fully analogous with biological information and communications system. Why are these patents not publicly known? When will people stop it?

Some, if not all of the patents listed are highly advanced, and are handheld, portable, land, sea, aerial drone, and space-based and continue to advance in research, TESTING, and development programs within the “Military Industrial Complex” thus making ongoing human experimentation a must. The range of action is from the nanoscale to the planetary action and the universe.

Computers, Smart Network, Computer Telepathy

Directed Energy

  • 2011 WO2012164169A1– Method and system for observation – A system and method for monitoring presence, location, movement and/or attitude of one or more objects in a monitored space.
  • 2007 – US7784390B1Solid-state non-lethal directed energy weapon í
  • 2005 US7629918B2 Multifunctional radio frequency directed energy system
  • 2002 – DE10253433A1 – Thought transmission unit sends modulated electromagnetic wave beams to human receiver to influence thoughts and actions without electronic receiver
  • 2001 US6506148B2 Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
  • 2000 – US6292134B1 Geodesic sphere phased array antenna system
  • 1973 – US3815409A – Focused sonic imaging system

Mind Control – SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY – Synthetic Voices

Continue reading “Timeline of Patents – Mind Control – Smart Network, About you without you”

Neuromorphic Chip – Microtubules – Mind Control – Consciousness Emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip – DNA for Mass Surveillance – Scalar Waves

Hive mind or Hive cloud – Scalar Wave Computer – Real and fiction are blended together – Consciousness emulated on a Neuromorphic chip – Neuromorphic Computing – Unique resonance frequency creates link to processing unit – Neural processor wirelessly links to the human brain – Consciousness is created in the microtubules, microtubules create a magnetic scalar wave – Modern mind control is using scalar waves – Newborn baby gives give its blood and Scalar wave – DNA is an antenna for scalar waves – All matter in the universe resonates and is animated by sound – Technology is able to fine tune to the individual – Pentagon leadership urged military personnel not to take DNA tests – Manipulate your emotion so totally and completely – New DNA model and electromagnetic fields – Interference pattern at the cellular and sub-cellular level – DNA frequency can not easily be changed – Super coil structure of the DNA pulls the system back particular frequency – DNA can be teleported in-materially and non-locally as a light – Zero-point fluctuations – Scalar waves are produced when two waves of the same frequency, are out of phase – Phased array and NSA radar with three phases – Phase conjugation – Secret service and scalar waves – Scalar waves have closed field

Hive mind or Hive cloud

Misused Artificial intelligence wants to replace living creatures with technology and therefore they say also that everything must be connected to the cloud. All the human brains hooked up was into computer-brain interface into a hive mind or Hive cloud.

Scalar Wave Computer

The computer managing all this information must be a Scalar Wave Computer, because with scalar wave computer you have at least one dimension more to put all the human brains into computer-brain interface.

Media and DMT

This is something really horrible, the mainstream media is saying this is the future, it will come … At the same time, there is another reality, natural future, present and past of the human soul and its connection through the heart, pineal gland and DMT (DMT: The Spirit Molecule – A Doctor’s Revolutionary Researchinto the Biology of Near-Deathand Mystical Experiences Rick Strassman, М.D.).

Modern computer games are also dangerous, because they can open portals to the higher dimension A computer virus in the multiverse.

Real and fiction are blended together

A bridge has been created between physical reality, virtual reality, human intelligence and artificial intelligence. What is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together. There is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins.

Consciousness emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip

A continuous link between the human brain in a neural processing unit allows an individual’s consciousness to be emulated on a neuromorphic chip. It allows the commingling of physical reality with virtual reality and human intelligence with artificial intelligence.

Continue reading “Neuromorphic Chip – Microtubules – Mind Control – Consciousness Emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip – DNA for Mass Surveillance – Scalar Waves”

Synthetic Telepathy – Remote Neural Monitoring – 5G & Satellite Harassment – Patent US3951134A (1976) – 24 Patents – Neurological Warfare

Synthetic Telepathy and Remote Neural Monitoring are two sides of the same coin. Remote Neural Monitoring is a form of functional neuroimaging, capable of extracting EEG data from the human brain at a distance with no physical contact or electrodes required. NSA has the capability to decode this data, to extract subvocalizations, visual and auditory data from their target. It allows access to a person’s thoughts without their knowledge or permission. Collecting massive amounts of personal data from the population allows them to feed back this information into quantum computers which produce schematics for understanding the collective consciousness, soul … Predictive types of programming are designed to influence and modify human behavior. The sooner you realize it is true, the better off you will be to protect ourselves. 5G is also kind of neurological network …

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla
Bigger Than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals

Our entire biological system, the brain, and the Earth itself works on the same frequencies.

Nikola Tesla

Patent US3951134A – Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves (1976)

Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is retransmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.

José Delgado, Implants, and Electromagnetic Mind Control – 1965

1985 CNN Special Report on Electromagnetic Mind Control featuring José Delgado and his famous 1965 experiment with an implanted bull. A scientific milestone in this area came in the 1960s when Dr. Jose Delgado demonstrated remote control over a charging bull. By connecting a radio antenna to electrodes inserted into the bull’s brain, Delgado proved that the animal’s aggressive impulses could be thwarted by electronically manipulating the bull’s muscle reflexes.

José Delgado, Implants, and Electromagnetic Mind Control – 1965
Continue reading “Synthetic Telepathy – Remote Neural Monitoring – 5G & Satellite Harassment – Patent US3951134A (1976) – 24 Patents – Neurological Warfare”