Study of the correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks
Author: Bartomeu Payeras i CifreAvailable in Spanish at Translated into English from the Spanish by Claire Edwards (March-April 2020) – Study Shows Direct Correlation Between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks.
It goes without saying that once it is established once and for all that 5G is causing the symptoms of “coronavirus”, there can be no justification for imposing dangerous and highly suspect vaccines on populations.
Montana physician Dr. Annie Bukacek discusses how COVID 19 death certificates are being manipulated: Dr. Bukacek is a longtime Montana physician with over 30 years’ experience practicing medicine. Signing death certificates is a routine part of her job.
In this brief video, Dr. Bukacek blows the whistle on the way the CDC is instructing physicians to exaggerate COVID 19 deaths on death certificates.
Buttar (ranked as one of top 50 doctors in US; best-selling author)
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus Measures Are “Draconian” (Video):
(UK) Dr. Vernon Coleman:
NOW AT BRIGHTEON: Covid-19/Coronavirus Caused By 5G? Dr Thomas Cowan, MD – Joshua Coleman:
Doctor Thomas Cowan M.D. Claims 5G Radiation Poisoning Could Be Causing Coronavirus:
Dr. Thomas Cowan Covid19 fails Koch’s postulates:
Coronavirus Fear, Germ Theory, Exosomes, and Resiliency – Thomas Cowan, MD, and Sayer Ji:
18.4.20 – Dr Verné Dove BVSc Hons BAnimSc (Research: Veterinary Pathology) MVS (Veterinary Conservation Med.) MVS ( Veterinary Disease Surveillance) Dip. Conservation PhD candidate (Dolphin Health Assessment) Murdoch University, Australia Universidad de los Andes, Colombia 18th April 2020
Dr. Vern0 Dorve is Veterinary Surgeon who graduated from Melbourne University with a double degree ( 1st: Veterinary Science, 2nd: pathology/toxicology), I have two Masters degrees one of which is in disease surveillance (epidemiology), and I’ve been doing my PhD on epidemiology and risk assessment. I was also awarded a recent alumni achievement award from Melbourne University.
I’ve been watching this outbreak since it started, and have correctly predicted its course. You are doing a fabulous job at slowing our curve, and I commend you on what you are doing as you have certainly bought us time. I have two urgent matters to bring to your attention. The first is it is unlikely a vaccination will work. Veterinarians are the only ones with a coronavirus vaccine, and what’s been found in vaccinated animals that are subjected to infection with another coronavirus often results in worse pathology and they even have fatal consequences as demonstrated in a few studies. This makes prevention very difficult, and vaccine efficacy will be questionable. This means the focus will need to be on treatment/cure.
The second matter is my current disease hypothesis that may result in successful treatment of critical cases. I have a crazy but very plausible hypothesis, and there’s a toxicologist in the USA that has released a similar hypothesis this week, so that’s at least 2 of us that believe this is plausible. My theory is that SARS-cov2 causes an increase in endogenous (produced in our body) carbon monoxide production in the body, resulting in carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide toxicity fits with everything we are seeing. It fits with the high fatalities with comorbidities particularly diabetes, heart disease and obesity.
It fits with cases overseas just dropping dead in the streets, it fits with the ground glass lung pathology seen. It fits with the symptoms, as carbon monoxide poisoning is often misdiagnosed as the flu, causes headaches, dizziness, fatigue, breathlessness. It fits with the lower than expected success with ventilated patients, as carbon monoxide actually increases in ventilated patients. It also explains the neurological signs seen in some patients, and it fits with the success seen with zinc.
This is 100% a hypothesis, but I can’t physically test it. It’s simple though, doctors need to test for Carbon monoxide which is simple to do if they are looking for it. We aren’t looking for it, so no one is testing for it. Up to now doctors have assumed this is a viral induced disease. I believe the virus does not mean to kill us, this is a mistake that has occurred in our bodies in response to the virus, causing a toxicity event. This is why most people are asymptomatic or have mild disease.
So my theory in a nutshell is the virus causes our bodies to produce more carbon monoxide than usual, which inadvertently causes carbon monoxide toxicity. Treatment is relatively simple as its just in addition to what is already happening, with the addition of using a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. How I came up with this hypothesis. I lived in Bogota, Colombia for 3 years and suffered from altitude sickness. To me this sounds like and looks exactly the same as what I suffered. Carbon monoxide poisoning and altitude sickness present very similar.
Humans produce endogenous carbon monoxide, so I started looking for instances where this carbon monoxide production could be exaggerated, and it all started to make sense. In addition in Bogota, the young coped very well, and travellers new to the region suffered greatly the older they were, so the age fits too with what we are seeing in cases.
Whilst I plan to publish this in a formal paper this will take a month or two, and I would like Australia to have access to this knowledge on the off chance I’m right and we can save lives. It’s easy to test for, and if it is carbon monoxide toxicity, it’s easy to treat. Carbon monoxide has been found to Increase in pathological conditions. It’s not that hard a jump to think that somehow the virus induces certain people to get their carbon monoxide production into a slight overdrive. It doesn’t take much to result in carbon monoxide toxicity.
(US) Prof. Ioannidis from Stanford is featured in a long interview where he reiterates that the data we have is gravely insufficient, and that the interventions that are being taken might be doing more harm than good — we simply don’t know. He is the author of the controversial article “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data”.
Minnesota Senator, Dr. Jensen said that he received a 7-page document from the MN Department of Health advising him to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of #COVID-19 whether the person actually died from COVID-19 or not. Can we trust the death numbers we’ve been seeing?”
CDC’s guidance for certifying Covid-19 deaths not accurate — no virus testing, only “suspected” cause required:
Dr. Scott Jensen explains that the CDC’s present guidelines for determining “COVID-19 deaths” are not evidence-based, and may even have to do with the greater profitability of doing so. His testimony runs directly counter Dr. Fauci, who labeled any criticism of their highly controversial policy “conspiracy theory.”
Dr Andrew Kaufman exposing the ‘Covid-19’ magic trick – the sleight of hand that transformed societyDr Kaufman M.D. explains how this is all fake:
Dr Andrew Kaufman: A Breakdown on Current Testing Procedures:
Jaymie Icke Plandemic Podcast: Interview with a US Doctor: How Can You Make a Vaccine for Something Never Proven to Exist?:
JI: “Do you believe there is a virus in the first place?” Dr. K.: “No, I do not.” … Questions the idea that infections can be passed from person to person because no evidence for this has been provided.
7.4.20 – Medical Doctor Blows CV19 Scamdemic Wide Open – Andrew Kaufman M.D.:
Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA) – Dr. Robin Kelly: Webinar Covid19 5G and existing radio waves:
(INT) Dr. Klinghardt:
COVID-19 is a condition of oxygen deprivation, not pneumonia… VENTILATORS may be causing the lung damage, not the virus: AND
COVID-19 is not a pneumonia-like disease at all. It’s an oxygen deprivation condition, and the use of ventilators may be doing more harm than good with some patients. The ventilators themselves, due to the high-pressure methods they are running, may be damaging the lungs and leading to widespread harm of patients. “In these nine days I have seen things I have never seen before,” he says.
[See appendix for fuller summary of Kyle-Siddell’s observations and see below Joe Imbriano on 60 GHz]
(UK) Dr. John Lee, retired professor of pathology and a former consultant pathologist for UK’s National Health Service, reiterates in an article that “Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over-estimate”, and that “the measured increase in numbers of deaths is not necessarily a cause for alarm, unless it demonstrates excess deaths [emphasis mine] – 340 deaths out of 46,000 shows we are not near this at present.”
Coronavirus Patients – This is what I learned during 10 days of treating Covid pneumonia at Bellevue Hospital. … I realized that we are not detecting the deadly pneumonia the virus causes early enough and that we could be doing more to keep patients off ventilators — and alive. … Nick Caputo, an emergency physician in the Bronx. “Rich,” he said, “it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” … During my recent time at Bellevue, though, almost all the E.R. patients had Covid pneumonia. … During my recent time at Bellevue, though, almost all the E.R. patients had Covid pneumonia. … Even patients without respiratory complaints had Covid pneumonia. … And here is what really surprised us: These patients did not report any sensation of breathing problems, even though their chest X-rays showed diffuse pneumonia and their oxygen was below normal. How could this be?
We are just beginning to recognize that Covid pneumonia initially causes a form of oxygen deprivation we call “silent hypoxia” — “silent” because of its insidious, hard-to-detect nature. … Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs in which the air sacs fill with fluid or pus. Normally, patients develop chest discomfort, pain with breathing and other breathing problems. But when Covid pneumonia first strikes, patients don’t feel short of breath, even as their oxygen levels fall. And by the time they do, they have alarmingly low oxygen levels and moderate-to-severe pneumonia (as seen on chest X-rays). Normal oxygen saturation for most persons at sea level is 94 percent to 100 percent; Covid pneumonia patients I saw had oxygen saturations as low as 50 percent. …
Their pneumonia had clearly been going on for days, but by the time they felt they had to go to the hospital, they were often already in critical condition.
In emergency departments we insert breathing tubes in critically ill patients for a variety of reasons. In my 30 years of practice, however, most patients requiring emergency intubation are in shock, have altered mental status or are grunting to breathe. Patients requiring intubation because of acute hypoxia are often unconscious or using every muscle they can to take a breath. They are in extreme duress. Covid pneumonia cases are very different.
A vast majority of Covid pneumonia patients I met had remarkably low oxygen saturations at triage — seemingly incompatible with life — but they were using their cellphones as we put them on monitors. Although breathing fast, they had relatively minimal apparent distress, despite dangerously low oxygen levels and terrible pneumonia on chest X-rays. …
19.4.20 – ‘No evidence that Covid-19 is causing huge loss of life’:
Radio interview (downloadable)
Professor Michael Levitt, a Nobel laureate and Stanford biophysicist, says there is no clear evidence that Covid-19 is causing massive loss of life, despite evidence to the contrary in places like Europe and New York City. In fact, Levitt says it has not been a particularly bad year for flu deaths. And the people who are dying from coronavirus are those who are at risk of death anyway. Professor Levitt believes we’re been ‘primed for Covid-19 panic.’ “What you’re saying here is the case/fatality ratio. It’s the first time that the diagnosis has been by the presence of viral RNA on the person. There’s now lots of evidence that, for every symptomatic case, there might be as many as 10 asymptomatic cases. So I think that using the case/fatality ratio is a very, very dangerous thing. If you look at Germany, for example, they have a much lower ratio.
Certainly my estimates very early on were that, the most well-defined epidemic so far has been in China, excluding Hubei, the province where it all happened. There were about 120 deaths in China from people who had left Hubei. And they were all very heavily controlled. And there the death rate is 0.84%.
But I still think it depends how you define a case. I think there’s evidence now that if you check for coronavirus in places like New York or Germany, 15% of the population have coronavirus. So if you, instead of thinking about cases, think about population fatality rates, they are either five times less than flu or three times higher than flu.
So in some ways we don’t yet know that. No one really knows enough about the virus to know what level of infection you need to have herd immunity. I’ve been looking at this whole question. Let’s imagine we have to let this thing burn itself out, we don’t have a vaccine. How many people would die until we had something like enough herd immunity to protect us? In some ways, Covid is a little bit nicer than influenza. Not as a disease – it’s an awful disease, as is influenza. But influenza tends to kill younger people. I think something like 25% of the influenza deaths are people under 70. Whereas for Covid it looks like only 10% are.
So we don’t know yet. I think the answers will be coming very soon with the antibody testing. It will be very interesting to look back on this six months or a year from now. And we’ll probably say: how can we have been so fooled? Because there’s been a lot of very, very irresponsible reporting. Even in so-called high-quality journals like the New York Times. I saw an article there where they basically said that coronavirus was going to kill as many people as had been killed in Vietnam, the Korean war and something else. And of course, the number might be the same, but a person dying over the age of 80 is not the same as a soldier dying at the age of 20.
Statisticians know this. Economists know this. There’s a very simple measure called “years of life lost”, where basically, if you die after the life expectancy for your country, that doesn’t count. And let’s say your life expectancy is 80 and you die at the age of 75, that costs five years. If you die at the age of 20, it costs 60 years. But it seems to me that, just out of a sense of fairness, we have to rank the unfulfilled life as being worth more than a very full life. Otherwise we will have no progress. The key question is going to be, in the 12 months, say from six weeks from now, let’s say 1 June. If we go back 12 months and ask, what are the total number of deaths in the world in that period? Is it significantly larger than it was in previous years? And I don’t know, but I would not be surprised if the excess was very, very small.
It could be that I’m wrong, but not having immunity to Coronavirus is not a good thing. Let’s just see. It’s been very gratifying, for example… I was actually born in South Africa. And in South Africa there’s actually been a negative death rate from Coronavirus because of all the murders that didn’t happen. Just simply counting deaths is not the way to do this. You need to think about exactly who is dying …”
“So far, we don’t yet know. It’s not clear to me that total lockdown is needed or even desirable. I’m not saying that it’s not desirable. There’s no doubt that if you had total, complete lockdown and nobody was allowed to move, you would get rid of the virus. Maybe health professionals will recommend that. But you’re also doing a huge amount of psychological damage. Children – panic attacks are enormously common now. I have family members who are suffering from this. And then, of course, the economic toll. And again, if your country’s wealth drops by 1%, then the poor people feel 10%. The rich people feel nothing.
“The director of the University Medical Center Hamburg, Dr. Ansgar Lohse, demands a quick end to curfews and contact bans. He argues that more people should be infected with corona. Kitas and schools should be reopened as soon as possible so that children and their parents can become immune through infection with the corona virus. The continuation of the strict measures would lead to an economic crisis, which would also cost lives, [emphasis mine] said the physician.’ (Via SPG)
Surveillance: Dr Mercola – New App Requires Reporting of People Sneezing or Coughing:
(France) Dr Montagnier on COVID19 and Oxidative Stress: (short) (and long/full)
Nobel-prize-winner Dr. Luc Montagnier On Coronavirus:
Martin Pall
Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University
(US) NEW 22.3.20 – Argument for a 5G – COVID-19 Epidemic Causation Mechanism by Martin Pall, PhD:
Prof. Em. Pall offers the theory that the suppression of the immune system by exposure to 5G towers could weaken the body and increase the detrimental effect of CoViD-19.
“The question that is being raised here is not whether 5G is responsible for the virus, but rather whether 5G radiation, acting via VGCC activation may be exacerbating the viral replication or the spread or lethality of the disease. Let’s backtrack and look at the recent history of 5G in Wuhan in order to get some perspective on those questions. An Asia Times article, dated Feb. 12, 2019 ( stated that there were 31 different 5G base stations (that is antennae) in Wuhan at the end of 2018. There were plans developed later such that approximately 10,000 5G antennae would be in place at the end of 2019, with most of those being on 5G LED smart street lamps. The first such smart street lamp was put in place on May 14, 2019 (, but large numbers only started being put in place in October, 2019, such that there was a furious pace of such placement in the last 2 ½ months of 2019. These findings show that the rapid pace of the coronavirus epidemic developed at least roughly as the number of 5G antennae became extraordinarily high. So we have this finding that China’s 1st 5G smart city and smart highway is the epicenter of this epidemic and this finding that the epidemic only became rapidly more severe as the numbers of 5G antennae skyrocketed.
… “It is my opinion, therefore, that 5G radiation is greatly stimulating the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and also the major cause of death, pneumonia and therefore, an important public health measure would be to shut down the 5G antennae.”
(France) Professeur Didier Raoult, Directeur de l’Institut Méditerranée Infection et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses:
Interview with Professor Didier Raoult in the Parisien newspaper 22 March 2020:
…The problem in this country is that the people that talk are abysmally ignorant. I did a scientific study of Chloroquine and viruses, which was published, thirteen years ago. Since then four other studies by other authors have shown that Coronavirus responds to Chloroquine. None of that is new.
That the group of decision makers do not even know about the latest science takes my breath away. We knew about the potential effect of Chloroquine on cultured viral samples. It was known that it was an effective antiviral.
We decided in our experiments to add a course of treatment of azithromicyne (an antibiotic used against bacterial pneumonia – ed).
When we added azithromycine to hydrochloroquine, in treating patients suffering from Covid-19, the results were spectacular. …
(US) Dr. Sircus:
Dr. Isaac Solaimanzadeh, practitioner of Internal Medicine at the Interfaith Medical Center in Brooklyn, is supporting what Dr. Kyle-Sidell is saying in the video about coronavirus being something more like high altitude high altitude pulmonary edema than a viral driven pneumonia:
Dr. Stilmann on the connection between 5G and “coronavirus”:
Epidemiologist: Coronavirus could be ‘exterminated’ if lockdowns were lifted:
“Going outdoors is what stops every respiratory disease”
(Germany) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
Medical testimony by Dr. Wodarg on the “Corona Panic”:
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: #236 – CORONAVIRUS PT. 1 – LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE:
Coronavirus And Health Dr Robert O Young:
Exposing the vaccination agenda
21.4.20 – Video – The coming Covid-19 vaccinations – Robert F Kennedy Jr. – Kommende Impfung Covid-19. Schau dir vorher das Interview mit Robert F. Kennedy Jr. an (English with German subtitles):
Article – Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity. Government Cover-up of a Mercury / Autism Scandal “Government health agencies colluded with Big Pharma to hide the risks”:
20.4.20 – Fact checking the fact checkers: Bill Gates, ID2020 & vaccine microchips by Spiro Skouras:
Today we are going to fact check the fact checkers regarding many online reports that Bill Gates wants to implant microchips in people using vaccines to fight the coronavirus.
In this report we are going to focus on two articles that were published which claim to be the arbiters of truth, in these confusing times.
So, is the claim that Bill Gates wants to inject you with a vaccine that contains a microchip to track who has and has not been vaccinated true? Watch the report below and decide for yourself!
How a tech NGO got sucked into a COVID-19 conspiracy theory
False claim: Bill Gates planning to use microchip implants to fight coronavirus
Reuters just got $10 billion to build a sustainable news business. How should it spend it?
Thomson Reuters closes deal with Blackstone
Storing medical information below the skin’s surface
Quantum-dot tattoos hold vaccination record
Global Health Leaders Launch Decade of Vaccines Collaboration | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Kiva and Gravity. Earth granted first ID2020 certifications for empowering users of digital ID technology
Only a Covid-19 vaccine will allow return to ‘normalcy’: UN chief
US firm combines nanotechnology, blockchain for COVID-19 immunity passports
ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines
60 strong Self Sovereign Identity group targets COVID-19 immunity passports, credentials
COVID Credentials Initiative
Blockchain digital identity firm Bloom launches credit score reporting with TransUnion
Welcome the City of Austin to the ID2020 Alliance!
ID2020 Alliance Unveils Digital ID Program
ID2020 The Need for Good Digital ID is Universal
BIS Papers No 106 The design of digital financial infrastructure: lessons from India
Task Force on Digital Financing of Sustainable Development Goals
UN SDG Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
New ID2020 Project to Build Biometric ID Program Around Infant Immunization
Bloomberg / MyPass /Austin Blockchain ID
GAVI The Vaccine Alliance
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