STOP5G Portal – Videos

Mr. Blumenthal BIG WIRELESS CONCEDES: No studies showing safety of 5G - 7th Feb 2019
West Montgomery County Citizens Association Opposed to ZTA 18-11

Mr. Blumenthal BIG WIRELESS CONCEDES: No studies showing safety of 5G – 7th Feb 2019
BIG WIRELESS CONCEDES: No studies showing safety of 5G – Senate hearing on the future of 5G technologies – 7th Feb 2019. See full story below. For anyone opposed to the 5G Rollout, please sign the ‘Stop 5G Appeal’ here: UK Citizens may wish to sign the Parliamentary Petition calling for a enquiry into the risks of 5G:… U.S. – At Senate Commerce Hearing, Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology’s Potential Health Risks – Richard Blumenthal, 7th February 2019
The Secret Behind 5G Technology
5G protests worldwide. People are protesting 5G and cell towers near their schools and homes. More at #stop5G
5G Technology: The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time?
The 5G mass-experiment: Big promises, unknown risks
Arthur Firstenberg of the International Appeal to Stop 5G …. NEEDS YOUR HELP!
Potential Risks to Human Health from Future Sub-MM Communication Systems: Paul Ben-Ishai, PhD

Connection between spraying our skies with heavy metals, chemtrails, and 5G technology

West Montgomery County Citizens Association Opposed to ZTA 18-11
Stop 5G! The Dangers Of 5G Exposed 2019(SHARE)

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