Optogenetics – Li-Fi – Light Fidelity – Dangers of 5G LED Street Light – Phototoxicity – Smart Light

Optogenetics can Control Neurons in your Brain

Researchers had already been able to control neurons with light. That process is called optogenetics. To use it, scientists insert light-sensitive molecules into the neurons of living animals. Insertion of light-sensitive protein can be done via vaccination. Then simply by shining a artificial light from Smart LED lights or via Li-Fi on people you can turn their neurons on or off. You can made mice run in circles, or do much more with it They’ve even restored movement to an animal’s paralyzed leg.

Internet of Things and LED Bulb

In LED bulb is circuit, there is a microchip, so the light is controlled by microchip. It’s giving you a fake light. You have a bulb doing dual purpose, because the bulb can emit sounds or different frequencies … Skynet is 5G. When 5G goes online everything that can be connected will be connected, meaning your bulbs, your computer, your phones, nanotechnology, Internete of things and Internet of Bodies, Viruses ….

Smart LED Bulb & Smart Street Lights can affect your Brain

The bulbs are unsuspected enemies because it can emit a frequency that could affect your brain, your heart, body, molecules, cells, neurons …

Li-Fi – Light Fidelity

Li-Fi (also written as LiFi) is a wireless communication technology which utilizes light to transmit data and position between devices. The term was first introduced by Harald Haas during a 2011 TEDGlobal talk in Edinburgh.

Industry always talks about Speed and ignores Biological Effects

Li-Fi uses the modulation of light intensity to transmit data. Li-Fi can theoretically transmit at speeds of up to 224 Gbit/s. Industry always talks about speed and ignores biological effects.

Li-Fi is a derivative of optical wireless communications (OWC) technology, which uses light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a medium to deliver network, mobile, high-speed communication in a similar manner to Wi-Fi.

Effects of Electric Light on our Circadian Rhythms

Richard Stevens, professor in the school of medicine at the University of Connecticut, examines the effects of electric light on our circadian rhythms. Professor Stevens proposed in 1987 a radical new theory that use of electric lighting, resulting in lighted nights, produce “circadian disruption” causing changes in the hormones relevant to breast cancer risk. Accumulating evidence has generally supported the idea, and it has received wide scientific and public attention. For example, his work has been featured on the covers of the popular weekly Science News (October 17, 1998) and the scientific journal Cancer Research (July 15, 1996).

LED Devices emit 5 times more Toxic Light then Older Monitors

The studies conducted by the Complutense University of Madrid have shown that LED devices emit 5 times more toxic light than light reflected by paper or emitted by the older-style CRT monitors

LED Lights or Light-emitting Diodes may cause permanent Retina Damage

LED Lights or light-emitting diodes may cause permanent retina damage. Researches from Complutense University conducted a study on the effects of LED radiation and found that it damaged human retinal pigment epithelial cells. LED lights have a blue band of light that is the cause of the damage. Dr. Celia Sánchez-Ramos, Professor at the Department of Optometry and Vision, Complutense University of Madrid is co-author of the study said this problem is going to get worse. Because children are using electronic devices from a young age.

Fluorescent light bulbs known as CFLs save energy but at high exposure levels might cause skin cancer for skin cell damage.

Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops and Phototoxicity

The relation between degeneration-retinal damage and exposure to light has been known since the middle of the 20th century. Nevertheless, in the last years, the advent of new technology LED along with its massive use in screens of electronic devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops) has made phototoxicity one of the main field of light research.

Outside Artificial Light can’t Penetrate Deeply into the Body

Optogenetics has its downsides. Outside light can’t penetrate deeply into the body and you can control all neurons … There’s just too much bone, muscle and other tissue in the way. So researchers may implant optical fibers, nanotechnology into the people to deliver light to deep neurons.

Another forms of Wave Genetics

For example the advantage of magnetogenetics is that you don’t have to implant anything. Cells deep inside the body could be switched on with just a magnetic field. Optogenetics or Magnetogenetics are subclasses of wave genetics. Wave genetics already has a list of profound health results. Wave genetics you can use for good or bad things, also the same apply to optogenetics …


Optogenetics can Control Neurons in your Brain – Internet of Things and LED Bulb – Smart LED Bulb & Smart Street Lights can affect your Brain – Li-Fi – Light Fidelity – Industry always talks about Speed and ignores Biological Effects – Effects of Electric Light on our Circadian Rhythms – LED Devices emit 5 times more Toxic Light then Older Monitors – LED Lights or Light-emitting Diodes may cause permanent Retina Damage – Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops and Phototoxicity – Outside Artificial Light can’t Penetrate Deeply into the Body – Another forms of Wave Genetics

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