Mesh networking
A mesh network (or simply meshnet) is a local network topology in which the infrastructure nodes (i.e. bridges, switches, humans, bio-robots, IoT and other infrastructure devices) connect directly, dynamically and non-hierarchically to as many other nodes as possible and cooperate with one another to efficiently route data from/to clients.
A mesh refers to rich interconnection among devices or nodes.
Mesh networks can relay messages using either a flooding technique (to all nodes) or a routing technique (to one node). With routing, the message is propagated along a path by hopping from node to node until it reaches its destination.
Self-healing Algorithms
To ensure that all its paths are available, the network must allow for continuous connections and must reconfigure itself around broken paths, using self-healing algorithms such as Shortest Path Bridging. Self-healing allows a routing-based network to operate when a node breaks down or when a connection becomes unreliable.
A wireless mesh network (WMN) is a communications network made up of radio nodes organized in a mesh topology. It can also be a form of wireless ad hoc network.
Neural Mesh is Connected with Starlink
BMI implantation techniques that Neuralink is considering include:
- A brain interface made of silk that will melt into the brain contours like shrink wrap.
- An electrode array printed directly onto the brain like a temporary tattoo.
- A nano-scale neural mesh that can be injected with a syringe.
- Accessing the brain through veins and arteries like a stent.
- Neural dust, or tiny silicon sensors that could be “sprinkled” through the cortex.
- Optogenetics , or controlling the brain with light.

What you should know about Starlink 5G satellites?
How „Musk’s“ Sci-Fi Dreams are Becoming our Living Nightmare
Kubernetes (Goolge) and Kubeflow
The Datacenter as a Computer – new systems treat the data-center itself as one massive computer designed at warehouse scale, with hardware and software working in concert to deliver good levels of internet service performance.
Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
The Istio service mesh. Istio extends Kubernetes to establish a programmable, application-aware network using the powerful Envoy service proxy.
Self Healing Immune System for Internet
As the Internet began to realize itself, it began to think about protection. To protect against viruses, cyber attacks, agencies, network failures, you must be completely automated. This system needs to be able to defend itself by itself. This creates an internet immune system. In fact, the Internet creates its own immune system.

Technological Society is causing Disease
Because the human body including the skin is an antenna. It interacts with frequencies and it receives and transmits information. It is the cutting edge of understanding of DNA.
We have Electromagnetic and Electrical Bodies
Scientists know that DNA is a receiver transmitter of information. So we are electromagnetic, electrical organisms, transmitters and receivers of information. When our electromagnetic fields are imbalance in harmony we have health, we have psychological health and we have physical health.

The reason that this technological society is causing so much psychological and physical disease is, because these frequencies technologically driven – we live in this Wi-Fi world now and all this phone masts and all the rest of it.
This technologically generated frequencies are scrambling the balance of the human electromagnetic electrical communication systems. And if you scramble them, you create a state of disharmony, disease which plays through to physical and mental and emotional, psychological disease.
What is an Alcoholic? How long could you live without your SmartPhone?
We say this to kids and anybody else. – How long could you live without your smartphone? And then ask – what is an alcoholic? – An Alcoholic is someone addicted to alcohol. Why is he addicted to alcohol, because he can’t stop drinking it. But you can’t put your phone down … And if you do, within a few minutes you pick it up again because you are addicted to it.
So are you controlling that bit of technology in your hand? Or that is controlling you? Do you want your life controlled by a bit of technology? Or are you now gonna go … and putting this down…
You can influence People Perceptions Externally by Broadcasting Frequencies
The brain processes information electrically, it communicates with a cellular structure electrically and it operates within a certain band of frequency. If you can broadcast frequencies carrying information and perceptions within the frequency that the brain decodes information. The brain will decode those frequencies and we will have those perceptions You can do it remotely, you can do it with AI or without AI. You can influence people perceptions externally by broadcasting these frequencies that we interact with because we are antenna.

We are in a Situation now where Humanity is serving Technology
We are in a situation now where humanity is serving technology. Serving AI. Every though, every emotional response is a frequency. It generates a frequency and it is of itself a frequency. Hate is a frequency and it is different to love. When you are in the
Department of Defense and cognitive models
The US Department of Defense (DOD) creates a copy of you in an alternate reality to see how long you can go without food or water, or how you will respond to televised propaganda.
The DOD is developing a parallel to Planet Earth, with billions of individual “nodes” to reflect every man, woman, and child this side of the dividing line between reality and AR.
Called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS), it is a “synthetic mirror” of the world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current world information.
SWS provides an environment for testing Pryshological Operations (PsyOp)

Mesh networking – Self-healing algorithms – Neural Mesh is Connected with Starlink – BMI implantation techniques that Neuralink is considering include: A brain interface made of silk – A nano-scale neural mesh that can be injected with a syringe – Neural dust – Optogenetics – An electrode array printed directly onto the brain – The Datacenter as a Computer – Self Healing Immune System for Internet – Technological Society is causing Disease – We have Electromagnetic and Electrical Bodies – What is an alcoholic? How long could you live without your smartphone? – You can influence people perceptions externally by broadcasting frequencies – We are in a situation now where humanity is serving technology – Department of Defense and cognitive models