Recombinant RNA and DNA technology – ApiJect – Vaccines with RFID microchip and Nanotechnology – GPS – Contact Tracing Surveillance – Bill Gates – 5G BioBigData

5G is like a neural network …

5G or 4G+ with MIMO Technology, Nanobots, Contact Tracing Surveillance, misused A.I. activate and deactivate, read and write or receive and transfer all biological data …

What if our DNA or our genome is modified and this can be patented and owned. This is not a Sci-Fi movie or future event, this is right now today. This is called Recombinant DNA, recombinant RNA technology and this is proposed for COVID-19 vaccine. This recombinant technology would cause permanent and unknown genetic changes in a person’s body. This creates a new species and perhaps destroys an old one, us as humans as we know … It’s also introducing nanotechnology and its robotic effects into the body.

Dr. Carrie Madej – Covid-19 Vaccine = Genexus Domination

ApiJect Vaccines with RFID microchip for GPS tracing Blow Fill-Seal Technology – Mobile app – Smart Syringes – 5G BioBigData


Back in March, the Department of Health and Human Services partnered with a company called ApiJect, what does ApiJect they make? They make pre-filled syringes for injecting people with vaccines, and then provide RFID microchip tracking after the shot is administered. May 12, the DoD and the HHS handed ApiJect a check for $138 million, with an order to deliver hundreds of millions of these devices by October of 2020 (Strategic Intelligence – Cryptocurrency System using Body Activity Data – ID2020 – Digital ID with Vaccines – Monarch RFID – NanoCore – Slavery).

Coronavirus vaccine microchips will be able to send real-time data straight to the government or to anyone …

What makes these syringes “smart” is that each one comes with its own optional radio frequency identification (RFID) chip or near-field communication (NFC) tag that can be synced with a smartphone app for tracking by healthcare workers. This will allow for the real-time transfer of data to the government about the syringe, what vaccine it contains, and who is receiving it.

“Before giving an injection, the healthcare worker will be able to launch a free mobile app and ‘tap’ the prefilled syringe on their phone, capturing the NFC tag’s unique serial number, GPS location and date/time,” the ApiJect website explains about the technology.

Operation Warp Speed – Project Jumpstart

According to the Pentagon, ApiJect subsidiary RAPID USA Inc. will immediately initiate Project Jumpstart, a program to develop a high-speed supply chain for prefilled syringes using blow fill-seal (BFS) plastics manufacturing technology. This will enable the “warp speed” development of hundreds of millions of medical-grade injection devices to be ready by end of the year 2020 – Operation Warp Speed. What is the real meaning of this Operation?

Pastor Bobby Rush, and The Truth Behind Contact Tracing Surveillance – A Totalitarian Society with a Luciferian Agenda – H.R. 6666 – Bill Gates and Rockefellers

Contact tracing seems to be all the rage lately, but is it really just “contact tracing,” and how many laws are being broken … How far are these people willing to go, and who was instrumental in getting this rolling? How far are you willing to go to fight for your rights?

Human Engineering

H.R.6666 (TRACE) Act was introduced by IL Rep. Bobby Rush for a $100 billion grant to NGOs and organizations to carry out contract tracing throughout the U.S. just months after attending the Aspen Institute’s conference in Africa which was paid for in part by Bill Gates, Rockefellers, and the Democracy Fund. Rep. Bobby Rush is the pastor and U.S. Democratic Rep. Why number 6666?

Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health was also at the Aspen Institute with Bobby Rush, who is currently running the contact tracing program in Massachusetts and beyond. Dr. Jonathan Epstein of EcoHealth Alliance whose $3.7 million NIH funding was recently cut off due to ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was also in attendance, among others.

Former World Bank President and co-founder of Partners in Health Jim Yong Kim is the man contacting governors to implement the contact tracing program in multiple states.

Bill Gates has funded Partners in Health over $44 million between the Gates Foundation and Global Fund, and goes back decades with this group, working on numerous agendas and initiatives together. Chelsea Clinton is also on the board of trustees of PIH.

There are over 60 companies rolling out tracing apps and getting people to register, while RFID/NFC syringes are being manufactured by the millions for a future vaccine.

EcoHealth Alliance is the non-profit that received the $3.7 million NIH grant back in 2014 to study the coronavirus and had been working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Heavy Hitting Surveillance Under The Guise of Contact Tracing

As if the drones from China weren’t eye-opener enough, we’ve now moved into contact tracers digging into your personal life, quarantine camps, mandatory masks in public despite Dr. Fauci stating they don’t protect you, and mobile units showing up at your door. Gosh this sure sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

HR6666 Contact Tracing: New Snitch & Surveillance Society

A lockdown is a prison protocol that prevents people, information or cargo from leaving an area. The protocol can usually only be initiated by someone in a position of authority.

New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination

Done by Antonietta M Gatti,1,2 Stefano Montanari3.

1National Council of Research of Italy, Institute for the Science and Technology of Ceramics, Italy
2International Clean Water Institute, USA
3Nanodiagnostics srl, Italy

Vaccines are being under investigation for the possible side effects they can cause. In order to supply new information, an electron-microscopy investigation method was applied to the study of vaccines, aimed at verifying the presence of solid contaminants by means of an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an X-ray microprobe. The results of this new investigation show the presence of micro- and nanosized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared among the components and whose unduly presence is, for the time being, inexplicable. A considerable part of those particulate contaminants have already been verified in other matrices and reported in literature as non biodegradable and non biocompatible. The evidence collected is suggestive of some hypotheses correlated to diseases that are mentioned and briefly discussed.

When the majority of people will understand the dangers of vaccines, there is another danger, namely a Cyber pandemic … When all people will understand that they are souls?

5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them

Vaccines are not safe:

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