COVIDPASS Dictatorship – Social Credit System – 5G Biometric Network – Human-Engineering – VACCINE APARTHEID – Censorship – FEMA Electronic Slavery

Digital Green Certificate and Booster Shots

The next ‘big thing’ what NWO wants is ‘VACCINE PASSPORTS’ (COVID PASS or Digital Green Certificate) which are being sold as ‘Freedom Passports’ & they are going to force PEOPLE onto the system – it will mean 2 nose swabs (or anal if you prefer) EVERY week! – It will mean never ending ‘BOOSTER SHOTS’ especially for the hoax ‘NEW VIRUS VARIANTS’

The Mobile App for Mass Terror

The app on your smart 4G, 5G phone will TEXT you to mandate you provide swabs, go for your never ending shots, when to self-isolate for 10 days & more & more mandates. Without the app & up to date QR Code on your phone you will not be allowed into sporting events, workplaces, cinemas, pubs, gyms, supermarkets, national travel or travel abroad without V-P clearance etc etc etc

Social Credit System run by a Computer in Geneva

Most of the people will be SLAVES to Vaccine Passport & it will be run by a computer in Geneva Swizerland which can handle all 8 billion personal profiles in the World – when vacancies for Covid Marshals open up the V-P will advise you where to go & if you don’t go your benefits or wages will be affected.

Fines are already at £10, 000 about $13 000 & imprisonment has been put up to 10 years for failure to comply with V-P mandates while people have no idea what the V-P will comprise. They have been told it’s a ‘FREEDOM-PASSPORT’ which is just deceit & trickery. You are very well placed to talk about V-P & people need to be aware what’s coming into their lives.


VP has already been SOLD to every government in the World as it’s hidden agenda – a COUNTER TERRORIST SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM. We are ALL terrorists now.

The ‘Covid-19’ $CAM-demic Lockdown, Vaccine Passport, Biometric Network, Track+Trace, 5G Networks, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Telepathy, Signal Intelligence, RFID, Remote Neural Monitoring, Counter-Terrorist Surveillance System, Satellite Harassment, DNA gathering, fascist totalitarian dictatorship is the real hidden agenda.

Is a extension of the previous swindles & human-engineering they pulled with mythical viruses & other SCAM-demics like ‘AIDS-HIV, MERS, SARS, Ebola, Zika, Swine Flu & Bird flu’ & their equally fake remedies the same people now dictating FAKE mask mandates, anus swabbing, nasal swabbing facial recognition, harassment, follow the arrows, shutting pubs, restaurants, gym & cinemas, Covid Marshal harrassment, electronic-stalking …

10 Year Imprisonment without COVID PASS – VACCINE APARTHEID

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Pulsed Magnetism Destroys Morgellons and Nanotechnology – PEMF – Electromagnetic Pulse

Pulsed magnetism has been successful in killing fungus and bacteria. More info in Special Additions – PEMF Pulsed magnetism has shown to be effective in the treatment of Cancer, Brain tumor, Anxiety and depression and more

Fibers act as antennas

The fibers are made up of cellulose and metal which act as conductors and antennas. The dimensions of the fibers could allow communication with cell towers or the megahertz range.

Being microscopic, it is created to operate with very small voltages, millionths of a volt.

Morgellons can be Effected by Magnetism or Pulsed Magnetism

  • Morgellon is partially magnetic so it can be effected by any form of magnetism or pulsed magnetism.
  • Any large magnetic pulse will overload the nanotechnology microscopic circuitry disabling it .
  • It was created to be self-power generating and to store energy in miniature nanotube batteries.
  • Using metallic crystals it uses radio waves in the environment to create voltage for power.
  • Synthetic biology, Morgellons can be in the masks or in vaccines.
  • Synthetic biology, Morgellons can communicate via 3G, 4G, 5G networks – Signal Intelligence.

It is tuned to 50-60 Hz, the frequency found in the electrical system in every house in the U.S and Europe! Basically it is using the energy around us, the EMF in the air to live and grow.

Many people have had all of their symptoms eliminated with a device which creates a 360,000 amps 5,000 volts pulse for 1/6 of a second – Electromagnetic Pulse Device – EMP Device.

Borax a Detoxikace Nanotechnologie – Dr. Carrie Madej

Morgellons causes terrible headaches

Bone – Morgellons affects bone marrow causing joint pain and your teeth to fall out. Make a large bowl of Jello once a week

Morgellons causes swelling in the brain (terrible headaches) improper circulation in the brain and damage to gray matter.

Large Magnets will Stop Pain

Holding two large magnets on either side of your head so that they are attracted to each other will make the pain go away. By waving a magnet over the head, especially in the painful area, the pain will stop. Afterwards drink 2 glasses of water.

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Synthetic Biology – Morgellons – Patent US20030141189 – Dangerous Sequencing of RNA and DNA – Patent US20100090180A1 – Self-replicating Materials – Operating System inside Nanomachines – US20030138777 – Activation via Frequency and 5G

Synthetic Biology Synthetic biology is a field of science that involves redesigning organisms for useful purposes by engineering them to have new abilities.

Morgellon is a combination of piezoelectric crystal, viruses, fungi, plants, insects

Morgellons are distributed with many different types of viruses, fungi and bacteria. It is a combination of organic and inorganic materials genetically combined to create artificial life. Morgellons are a combination of piezoelectric crystals, viruses, fungi, plants and genetically modified insects. They can be dried with the help of borax, more about that and other possibilities will be in the next article.

Morgellons are charged via radio waves

Morgellons are activated by photoionization (light from the sun) and are charged by radio waves in the environment. They use Tesla technology to obtain energy from their environment, from the human body. It is a synthetic parasite with predatory tendencies. Morgellons form a living antenna circuit in the host’s body. Morgellons are very sensitive to almost all radio waves, microwave waves, including HAARP, 3G, 4G or 5G.

Morgellons and Nanotechnology

All around us is nano dust, non-harmonic frequencies from microwave and radio radiation. That’s why we’re all similar to “circuit boards.” Anything less than 50 nanometers penetrates the surface of the skin of food, humans… This is a breeding ground for morgellons. Morgellons are part of the misused nanotechnology.

You are what you eat. There is nano dust everywhere around us. We are now all similar to “circuit boards”. Anything less than the size of 50 nanometers will penetrate the surface of the skins of foods.

Patent US20030138777Nanomachine compositions and methods of use (2001)

The invention provides a basic genetic operating system for an autonomous prototrophic (ability to synthesize compounds) nanomachine having a nanomachine genome encoding a minimal gene set sufficient for viability.

Several versions of the Nano Operating System

Also provided is a basic genetic operating system for an autonomous auxotrophic (inability to synthesize compounds) nanomachine having a nanomachine genome encoding a minimal gene set sufficient for viability in the presence of an auxotrophic biomolecule (Recombinant RNA and DNA technology – ApiJect – Vaccines with RFID microchip and Nanotechnology – GPS – Contact Tracing Surveillance – Bill Gates – 5G BioBigData).

Continue reading “Synthetic Biology – Morgellons – Patent US20030141189 – Dangerous Sequencing of RNA and DNA – Patent US20100090180A1 – Self-replicating Materials – Operating System inside Nanomachines – US20030138777 – Activation via Frequency and 5G”

Dr. Tom Cowan: 5G Millimetre Waves are a Weapon to make People sick with COVID

Dr. Cowan: It’s meaningless. So that’s where we are. So I could go into how they misled themselves into thinking they have this virus, but this is a scientific fraud and interestingly, just three days ago, a group of European virologists and pathologists dissected this … the basis of using this study, which is the basis of all the PCR tests, all the testing is pure scientific fraud and they demanded that this journal retract the article.

Interviewer: So then explain to me what’s going on. There are cases reported, there are deaths reported. How is this all happening and being reported on if there’s not a virus?


Dr. Cowan: First of all, what are these people seeing at the site? What is a virus? So that’s where it gets very interesting because it actually leads you into understanding what is going on. Because in certain cases, like chickenpox, you do see these particles (I can show you a picture of them if you want) and they are at the site of the disease. But we already know that, just because you have strep in your throat, doesn’t mean it’s causing disease. In order to prove causation, you have to isolate the virus, you have to take the chickenpox out, you have to prove that you don’t have anything else in there, no poisons, no snot, no nothing, just the virus. Exposing the animal to it. They did that for 20 years – they couldn’t make any animal sick. So the question is, what is it doing there?

And it’s a very interesting question because it gets into the question of “How do we even know that it’s coming from the outside?” Because it turns out that, when you have tissue, as I described earlier, and you starve it and poison it, it packages up little pieces of degraded DNA and packages them up in particles as a detoxification and communication strategy. In other words, if you break down the tissue, there’s a poison-relief mechanism, which we have erroneously … coming from the inside. They’re called exosomes or intracellular vesicles. Now, there’s an article in a journal called “Viruses” which looked at this question, “How do we know that these are from the outside and not from the inside?” And they said something very interesting: “However, to date a reliable method that can actually guarantee a separation of exosomes from viruses does not exist.

”Everything that’s a “thing” can be separated and isolated from every other thing. If I have a fork here, I can separate it from a spoon because they’re different. There’s only one reason that I can’t separate an exosome, which is a detoxification strategy from the inside, from a pathogenic virus from the outside, and that’s because they’re the same thing, and that’s why I can’t separate them.

Continue reading “Dr. Tom Cowan: 5G Millimetre Waves are a Weapon to make People sick with COVID”

Scalar Energy in Military Technology – Mathematics of Spherical Hyper Dimensions – Scalar Interferometry

Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has, as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity.

Nikola Tesla

Scalar interferometry, Tesla howitzer, Tesla dome, heat/cold, 10 nations have them, dead-man fusing & Insane Systems, scalar strategy, earthquakes and weather wars, solar storms, mind attacks

Power comes from the time domain – Energy can be transmitted faster than the speed of light – Breakthrough in the mathematics of spherical Hyper Dimensions – Practical Solutions – Tesla Howitzer – Tesla Domes – Russian “CRAFTs?” – The Tesla Howitzer and its modes of action – Antenna and Computer make up a Scalar Interferometer – The “Exothermic” mode of operation – Destroy all Electronics in the area – The “Endothermic” mode sucks energy out – Airline Pilots and Satellite witnessed Cold Explosions – Energy comes from Time Domain – Worldwide electromagnetic pattern called the Woodpecker Grid – Computers use the grid to pinpoint location – “Mindsnapper” mode affects the electromagnetic mind-body connection – Portable bazooka-sized scalar EM pulse weapon – Star Trek’s “Phaser,” with its “stun” and “kill” modes is here at last – Soviet scalar Electromagnetic Weapons – The scalar electro-magnetics revolution has made all previous forms of warfare nearly obsolete – Scalar warfare can cause huge Solar Storms – Brezhnev wanted to stop “New Weapons of Mass Destruction”

“North America has not had ‘normal’ weather since 1976”

Tom Bearden

“History does repeat itself. But this time it’s not Americans who got the great new superweapon first.”

Power comes from the time domain

Remember, the power for these weapons comes from the time domain, longitudinal EM waves in the vacuum of empty space, and the power is tremendous and mind-boggling. Being able to blast away at any target from a distant control booth is something that has never happened before. This is incredible power to be in control of and it divides the history of weaponry into “before” and “after.”

Energy can be transmitted faster than the speed of light

Energy can be transmitted faster than the speed of light, through hyperspatially. Not through 3-space, but “around” it. Again, this means that it’s possible to produce energetic changes in a distant system at a distant place, without transmitting energy “through space” in the normal sense.

Breakthrough in the mathematics of spherical Hyper Dimensions – Practical Solutions

Hypersphere is a sphere in dimensions that are bigger than three and while stacking hyperspheres has practical applications in error-correcting codes which help ensure accuracy when transmitting data. Mathematician Maryna Viazovska proved the best way to pack spheres in eight and 24 dimensions. (A Breakthrough in Higher Dimensional Spheres | Infinite Series | PBS Digital Studios)

Continue reading “Scalar Energy in Military Technology – Mathematics of Spherical Hyper Dimensions – Scalar Interferometry”

MEG Device – Longitudinal EM Energy Fills Vacuum of Space – Patent US6362718B1

Unbelievably powerful weapons are operating – The cure of any disease – Mind control on a mass scale – Solution to the energy crisis – Time itself is actually compressed energy – E=tc2Zero point radiation – The most important papers by Tom Bearden – Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG) – Longitudinal EM energy fills vacuum of space – Energetics – Bioenergetics – Psychotronics – The longitudinal scalar EM waves of the time domain

Longitudinal EM energy fills vacuum of space, the time domain of spacetime, time as compressed energy, E=tc2, waves of time, phase conjugate wave pairs.

“Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels.”

Nikola Tesla

“At any point and at any time, one can freely and inexpensively extract enormous EM energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself.”

Tom Bearden

These are the very weapons Nikita Khrushchev spoke of in January, 1960. “By 1957-8 the Soviets had progressed to the point of a giant scalar EM accident in the Urals which exploded nearby atomic wastes, devastating the area. They had also progressed to development of great new superweapons using their new energetics – weapons to which Khrushchev referred in 1960 when he informed the Soviet Presidium of a new, fantastic weapon in development, a weapon so powerful that it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly employed.’” Tom Bearden and his website (Cheniere).

Some Implications

  1. Solution to the energy crisis
  2. Unbelievably powerful weapons are operating
  3. The cure of any disease
  4. Mind control on a mass scale

These scalar waves do not actually exist in our “material” world, but exist only in the vacuum of empty space, or the time domain. And we must keep in mind that this vacuum of space we speak of exists all through everything. Even our bodies are mostly empty space between atoms and molecules.

Solution – Scalar Energy – Quantum Science – Nikolai A. Kozyrev – Nikola Tesla – Every atom is a torsion generator – Amazing Benefits to our Health or 5G HAARP killing device?

Time itself is actually compressed energy

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Neuromorphic Chip – Microtubules – Mind Control – Consciousness Emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip – DNA for Mass Surveillance – Scalar Waves

Hive mind or Hive cloud – Scalar Wave Computer – Real and fiction are blended together – Consciousness emulated on a Neuromorphic chip – Neuromorphic Computing – Unique resonance frequency creates link to processing unit – Neural processor wirelessly links to the human brain – Consciousness is created in the microtubules, microtubules create a magnetic scalar wave – Modern mind control is using scalar waves – Newborn baby gives give its blood and Scalar wave – DNA is an antenna for scalar waves – All matter in the universe resonates and is animated by sound – Technology is able to fine tune to the individual – Pentagon leadership urged military personnel not to take DNA tests – Manipulate your emotion so totally and completely – New DNA model and electromagnetic fields – Interference pattern at the cellular and sub-cellular level – DNA frequency can not easily be changed – Super coil structure of the DNA pulls the system back particular frequency – DNA can be teleported in-materially and non-locally as a light – Zero-point fluctuations – Scalar waves are produced when two waves of the same frequency, are out of phase – Phased array and NSA radar with three phases – Phase conjugation – Secret service and scalar waves – Scalar waves have closed field

Hive mind or Hive cloud

Misused Artificial intelligence wants to replace living creatures with technology and therefore they say also that everything must be connected to the cloud. All the human brains hooked up was into computer-brain interface into a hive mind or Hive cloud.

Scalar Wave Computer

The computer managing all this information must be a Scalar Wave Computer, because with scalar wave computer you have at least one dimension more to put all the human brains into computer-brain interface.

Media and DMT

This is something really horrible, the mainstream media is saying this is the future, it will come … At the same time, there is another reality, natural future, present and past of the human soul and its connection through the heart, pineal gland and DMT (DMT: The Spirit Molecule – A Doctor’s Revolutionary Researchinto the Biology of Near-Deathand Mystical Experiences Rick Strassman, М.D.).

Modern computer games are also dangerous, because they can open portals to the higher dimension A computer virus in the multiverse.

Real and fiction are blended together

A bridge has been created between physical reality, virtual reality, human intelligence and artificial intelligence. What is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together. There is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins.

Consciousness emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip

A continuous link between the human brain in a neural processing unit allows an individual’s consciousness to be emulated on a neuromorphic chip. It allows the commingling of physical reality with virtual reality and human intelligence with artificial intelligence.

Continue reading “Neuromorphic Chip – Microtubules – Mind Control – Consciousness Emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip – DNA for Mass Surveillance – Scalar Waves”

COVID Vaccine – rDNA – Complementary or Clone DNA – cDNA – Human Mutations – Human Cloning – Transhumanism and 5G Networks

Human cloning is intensively made since second world war. Today cloning techniques are on very good level. Why the public is not informed? Modified DNA can easily speak 5G networks. Internet of people and …

Clone DNA and BlackOps

cDNA is huge market, and if not discussed openly and publicly from public to government, it’s danger for life itself. cDNA is heavily used by BlackOps, by multiple subjects, agencies and governments for decades.

Nasty Experiments

Majority of people are not informed or people don’t want to hear or educate themselves. Already with clone DNA was done a lot of harm. Mad science did a lot of nasty experiments. It’s a rabbit hole, which goes very, very deep, behind the boundaries of human kind …

Please, tell and share the True

The people, biologists, chemists, doctors, soldiers need to rise up and tell the true. Please, if you honor the life, open your heart and with all your affords act upon the fact, to end this madness.

Its danger for life itself. Please, do your best to save the planet and our children. For our children. and the Planet.

Human cloneDNA for sale

OriGene is the leader in cDNA clones. Every gene of Human, Mouse and Rat is offered by OriGene. Why the people are not informed, why this is not discuss in media outlets? OriGene’s cDNA clones are in mammalian expression vector and ready for transfecting into your cells. What is the vector of people, where we go, where we want to go? What are the dangers? Why the majority of doctors are quiet? Both tag-free and tagged expression plasmids are available. In addition lentiviral clones and lentivirus are provided for efficient gene delivery.

Dangers of broad Coverage of cDNA clones

OriGene is for than 20 years on the market as written on their site. Maybe they are dedicated into creating a trusted source of expression clones, but still this can be easily misused to harm every living organism on this planet.

Over 1 million of clones

Continue reading “COVID Vaccine – rDNA – Complementary or Clone DNA – cDNA – Human Mutations – Human Cloning – Transhumanism and 5G Networks”

Patents – From PsyOps to MindWars – Monitoring a Patient using a Global Network, e.g. Telephone Networks, Internet – Neurological Warfare

Why this is not publicly discussed? If is not publicly discussed is used against people.

Patent US20200000338A1 – Cloud-based physiological monitoring system – (2014)

A cloud-based physiological monitoring system has a sensor in communications with a living being so as to generate a data stream generally responsive to a physiological condition of the living being. A monitor receives the data stream from the sensor, RFID, Nanotech and transmits the data stream to a cloud server. The cloud server processes the data stream so as to derive physiological parameters having values responsive to the physiological condition. The cloud server derives a medical index based upon a combination of the physiological parameters. The cloud server communicates the medical index to the monitor, which displays the medical index.

Connected Patents

US10667762B2 – 2017-02-24 – Masimo Corporation – Modular multi-parameter patient monitoring device

US10702194B1 – 2008-07-03 – Masimo Corporation – Multi-stream data collection system for noninvasive measurement of blood constituents

US10779098B2 – 2018-07-10 – Masimo Corporation – Patient monitor alarm speaker analyzer

US10827961B1 – 2017-04-27 – Masimo Corporation Physiological measurement calibration

US6970792B1 – 2002-12-04 – Masimo Laboratories, Inc. Systems and methods for determining blood oxygen saturation values using complex number encoding (5G – 60GHz Wireless Network – Oxygen Absorption – Unable to Breath)

A61B5/0022 Monitoring a patient using a global network, e.g. telephone networks, internet

Ongoing PCR Tests – MindWars

“Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test, if you run it long enough … with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody … it doesn’t tell that you are sick.”

Dr. Kary Mullis, PhD, creator of the PCR test

How Everyone Will Test Positive For COVID-19 – PCR Tests – 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells

Patent US8721543B2 – Data analytics system (2012)

The invention includes a system and processes to gather and analyze data to monitor, track, and provide care. The major subsystems of the invention include the Medical Digital Assistant (“MDA”), Server, Monitoring Devices, Dispensing Devices, Server, Dashboard, and Application Software. The invention includes the method for conducting data acquisition, monitoring, analysis, and reporting to diagnose and treat medical conditions such as diagnosing and treating specific medical conditions such as fertility and congestive heart failure (5G Transmitters – High Gear Dielectric Lens Antenna – Chemical Nano Spraying – 3D Maps – 868 MHz – Battlefield Interrogation Equipment – Chemtrails).

Patent US10517479B2 – Mesh network personal emergency response appliance (2006)

A monitoring system using an activity sensor to determine patterns of activity based upon the user activity occurring over time.

Continue reading “Patents – From PsyOps to MindWars – Monitoring a Patient using a Global Network, e.g. Telephone Networks, Internet – Neurological Warfare”