Graphene Computers Work 1000 Times Faster, Consume 100 Times Less Power and are Smaller with more Applications

Graphene computers

Discovered in 2004, graphene started revolutionary waves of research in electronics. Graphene has several properties that are breaking current standard computers, cell phones, microprocessor technology and resulting applications, entrenched dogma, artificial intelligence, and much more …

Graphene-based processors 1000 times faster, 100 times less Energy

Thanks to graphene, scientists have been able to achieve speeds that were thousands of times faster than silicon chips. Graphene-based processors have been shown to consume 100 times less power than their silicon counterparts. In addition, they also allow for a smaller footprint and greater functionality in devices that have them.

Implications of Graphene Computers

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USB REZOTONE Device Against 5G – Powerful Positive Effect on all Physiological and Geo-Biological Parameters

Russian scientists give us the hope – Reducing the magnitude of the signal from a microwave source – Strengthening of the Immune System audio file by Peter Gariaev – Powerful positive effect on all physiological and geo-biological parameters – Restore and improve all systems in the human body – Every USB is handmade, with 5 levels of validation – License by the Russian government and a patent – Fukushima and protected programs were put on cell towers in Russia – Scientists has collected data from 3,000 people

Russian scientists give us the hope

Qualified team of Russian scientists, PhD and Academicians, give us the opportunity to use highly protective REZOTONE device against 5G.

Reducing the magnitude of the signal from a microwave source

The process is that of converting harmful radiation into useful radiation. The radiation itself does not disappear, but is converted into another form. Detailed experiments on reducing the magnitude of the signal from a microwave source in the range of 1-20 GHz. From experiments were shown, showed that the minimum signal decrease was 14 dB and the maximum was 54 dB.

Strengthening of the Immune System audio file by Peter Gariaev

Powerful positive effect on all physiological and geo-biological parameters

The effect is not limited to EMF, there is a powerful positive effect on all physiological and geo-biological parameters, reducing or removing quite a lot of geopathic zones inside and out. Including Curry and Hartman Grids.

Restore and improve all systems in the human body

The prototypes are still working after 10years. There are programs which highly protect from 3, 4, 5G, which rapidly restore and improve all systems in the human body after exposure. Please share with us your experiences with USB Rezotone to help monitor progress.

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Scalar Energy in Military Technology – Mathematics of Spherical Hyper Dimensions – Scalar Interferometry

Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has, as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity.

Nikola Tesla

Scalar interferometry, Tesla howitzer, Tesla dome, heat/cold, 10 nations have them, dead-man fusing & Insane Systems, scalar strategy, earthquakes and weather wars, solar storms, mind attacks

Power comes from the time domain – Energy can be transmitted faster than the speed of light – Breakthrough in the mathematics of spherical Hyper Dimensions – Practical Solutions – Tesla Howitzer – Tesla Domes – Russian “CRAFTs?” – The Tesla Howitzer and its modes of action – Antenna and Computer make up a Scalar Interferometer – The “Exothermic” mode of operation – Destroy all Electronics in the area – The “Endothermic” mode sucks energy out – Airline Pilots and Satellite witnessed Cold Explosions – Energy comes from Time Domain – Worldwide electromagnetic pattern called the Woodpecker Grid – Computers use the grid to pinpoint location – “Mindsnapper” mode affects the electromagnetic mind-body connection – Portable bazooka-sized scalar EM pulse weapon – Star Trek’s “Phaser,” with its “stun” and “kill” modes is here at last – Soviet scalar Electromagnetic Weapons – The scalar electro-magnetics revolution has made all previous forms of warfare nearly obsolete – Scalar warfare can cause huge Solar Storms – Brezhnev wanted to stop “New Weapons of Mass Destruction”

“North America has not had ‘normal’ weather since 1976”

Tom Bearden

“History does repeat itself. But this time it’s not Americans who got the great new superweapon first.”

Power comes from the time domain

Remember, the power for these weapons comes from the time domain, longitudinal EM waves in the vacuum of empty space, and the power is tremendous and mind-boggling. Being able to blast away at any target from a distant control booth is something that has never happened before. This is incredible power to be in control of and it divides the history of weaponry into “before” and “after.”

Energy can be transmitted faster than the speed of light

Energy can be transmitted faster than the speed of light, through hyperspatially. Not through 3-space, but “around” it. Again, this means that it’s possible to produce energetic changes in a distant system at a distant place, without transmitting energy “through space” in the normal sense.

Breakthrough in the mathematics of spherical Hyper Dimensions – Practical Solutions

Hypersphere is a sphere in dimensions that are bigger than three and while stacking hyperspheres has practical applications in error-correcting codes which help ensure accuracy when transmitting data. Mathematician Maryna Viazovska proved the best way to pack spheres in eight and 24 dimensions. (A Breakthrough in Higher Dimensional Spheres | Infinite Series | PBS Digital Studios)

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Neuromorphic Chip – Microtubules – Mind Control – Consciousness Emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip – DNA for Mass Surveillance – Scalar Waves

Hive mind or Hive cloud – Scalar Wave Computer – Real and fiction are blended together – Consciousness emulated on a Neuromorphic chip – Neuromorphic Computing – Unique resonance frequency creates link to processing unit – Neural processor wirelessly links to the human brain – Consciousness is created in the microtubules, microtubules create a magnetic scalar wave – Modern mind control is using scalar waves – Newborn baby gives give its blood and Scalar wave – DNA is an antenna for scalar waves – All matter in the universe resonates and is animated by sound – Technology is able to fine tune to the individual – Pentagon leadership urged military personnel not to take DNA tests – Manipulate your emotion so totally and completely – New DNA model and electromagnetic fields – Interference pattern at the cellular and sub-cellular level – DNA frequency can not easily be changed – Super coil structure of the DNA pulls the system back particular frequency – DNA can be teleported in-materially and non-locally as a light – Zero-point fluctuations – Scalar waves are produced when two waves of the same frequency, are out of phase – Phased array and NSA radar with three phases – Phase conjugation – Secret service and scalar waves – Scalar waves have closed field

Hive mind or Hive cloud

Misused Artificial intelligence wants to replace living creatures with technology and therefore they say also that everything must be connected to the cloud. All the human brains hooked up was into computer-brain interface into a hive mind or Hive cloud.

Scalar Wave Computer

The computer managing all this information must be a Scalar Wave Computer, because with scalar wave computer you have at least one dimension more to put all the human brains into computer-brain interface.

Media and DMT

This is something really horrible, the mainstream media is saying this is the future, it will come … At the same time, there is another reality, natural future, present and past of the human soul and its connection through the heart, pineal gland and DMT (DMT: The Spirit Molecule – A Doctor’s Revolutionary Researchinto the Biology of Near-Deathand Mystical Experiences Rick Strassman, М.D.).

Modern computer games are also dangerous, because they can open portals to the higher dimension A computer virus in the multiverse.

Real and fiction are blended together

A bridge has been created between physical reality, virtual reality, human intelligence and artificial intelligence. What is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together. There is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins.

Consciousness emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip

A continuous link between the human brain in a neural processing unit allows an individual’s consciousness to be emulated on a neuromorphic chip. It allows the commingling of physical reality with virtual reality and human intelligence with artificial intelligence.

Continue reading “Neuromorphic Chip – Microtubules – Mind Control – Consciousness Emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip – DNA for Mass Surveillance – Scalar Waves”

Linguistic Wave Genetics is the answer how to stop COVID 5G – Biological Quantum Computers

Everything is about harmony or disharmony. If you are in wave harmony you can heal your body. Wave genetics can cure any disease. With 5G pulsed and non harmonic waves you become quickly out of the balance. 5G technology can not only have a profound impact on human health, but on the health of all living organisms it touches, including plants and microbiome. The 5G infrastructure poses a serious threat to our planet’s atmosphere. The 5G can contaminate our food supply. In this research (5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells), they show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells.

Solution – Linguistic Wave Genetics – Laser Quantum Technology

Linguistic Wave Genetics (LWG) has the enormous potential. Father of LWG Peter Garyaev is the candidate on Nobel Prize of medicine of 2021. The main thing here are laser technology, simulating quantum information processes in the chromosomes of the spin States of photons.

That have been received in practice when using lingvistiko-wave technology of genetics?

  1. Received primary results, includes also Bomovskie principles, for long-distance transmission of genetic and metabolic information on plants and bacteria, as well as the sick and old people.
  2. Able to heal the previously incurable genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, it’s a bullez, daunizm.
  3. Implemented quantum programming stem cells and start to regenerate teeth, the pancreatic gland and intestines, as well as, in some cases, restore sight to people.
  4. Received the primary evidence of real aging in humans and braking the partial return to a more youthful State. Marker – a return to women menstrual cycle is about 70 years.

Wave Genetics Can Cure Any Disease – Dr. Peter Garyaev

There are some mind-boggling information, it can change the way you perceive the world around you, the way you think about yourself and your life.

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Wave Genetics – Peter P. Garyaev – Nominee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2021 – Genetic Information exists in a Form of Electromagnetic Field

Peter P. Garyaev is a nominee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, which will take place in 2021. The theory of Wave Genetics is grounded into extensive theoretical and experimental research. Peter Garyaev has discovered that genetic information exists in a form of electromagnetic field and he has developed a way of transcribing genetic and metabolic information and transferring it in the blink of an eye.

In Garyaev’s famous experiment in which he was able to completely regenerate the internal organs of laboratory rats with the help of the methods of wave genetics. Basically, Peter Garyaev has invented an anti-aging tool that doesn’t require any kind of surgery. Now we only need to get the genetic information of a healthy organ and to transfer it to an affected one — and that would lead to full regeneration of this organ. Potentially, Wave Genetics can fix life we destroyed on the Earth. All thanks to Peter Garyaev and his miracle of Wave Genetics.

Institute of Linguistics – The Wave Genetics

Linguistics – Wave Genetics is a major branch of the main trunk of the biology and classical genetics. Institute of quantum Genetics takes the concept of a GENE on the quantum level and actually displays Classical genetics of experimentally-theoretical impasse.

Wave Genetics Can Cure Any Disease – Dr. Peter Garyaev (2013)

Dr. Peter Garyaev (1942-2020) The Wave Genome by Ulrike Granögger

Dr. Peter Gariaev (1942 – 2020) – The Wave Genome – Nobel Prize candidate – Гаряев Пётр Петрович – Academy For Future Science Europe – AFFS EUROPE –

One of the greatest molecular biologists of our age pioneer scientist and discoverer of the wave genome Dr Peter Garyaev died on November 17th 2020 aged 79. No mention of his passing can be found in Russian news outlets and consequently nothing of the news has yet reached the interested public in the west.

Dr. Garyaev‘s life and achievements are too profound and significant to quietly go back to normal. His discoveries have the potential to change our whole perception of life and existence for the better. We therefore feel impelled to encourage everybody with an interest in the future of science and life on this planet to study his work. It is also necessary to mention the work of academics as Vlail Petrovičh Kaznacheev, Dr. Alexander Trofimov, Nikolai A. Kozyrev and International SR Institute of Cosmic Anthropoecology This institute is also the origin of the career and research of Peter Garyaev.

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Synthetic Telepathy – Remote Neural Monitoring – 5G & Satellite Harassment – Patent US3951134A (1976) – 24 Patents – Neurological Warfare

Synthetic Telepathy and Remote Neural Monitoring are two sides of the same coin. Remote Neural Monitoring is a form of functional neuroimaging, capable of extracting EEG data from the human brain at a distance with no physical contact or electrodes required. NSA has the capability to decode this data, to extract subvocalizations, visual and auditory data from their target. It allows access to a person’s thoughts without their knowledge or permission. Collecting massive amounts of personal data from the population allows them to feed back this information into quantum computers which produce schematics for understanding the collective consciousness, soul … Predictive types of programming are designed to influence and modify human behavior. The sooner you realize it is true, the better off you will be to protect ourselves. 5G is also kind of neurological network …

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla
Bigger Than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals

Our entire biological system, the brain, and the Earth itself works on the same frequencies.

Nikola Tesla

Patent US3951134A – Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves (1976)

Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is retransmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.

José Delgado, Implants, and Electromagnetic Mind Control – 1965

1985 CNN Special Report on Electromagnetic Mind Control featuring José Delgado and his famous 1965 experiment with an implanted bull. A scientific milestone in this area came in the 1960s when Dr. Jose Delgado demonstrated remote control over a charging bull. By connecting a radio antenna to electrodes inserted into the bull’s brain, Delgado proved that the animal’s aggressive impulses could be thwarted by electronically manipulating the bull’s muscle reflexes.

José Delgado, Implants, and Electromagnetic Mind Control – 1965
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