Graphene Computers Work 1000 Times Faster, Consume 100 Times Less Power and are Smaller with more Applications

Graphene computers

Discovered in 2004, graphene started revolutionary waves of research in electronics. Graphene has several properties that are breaking current standard computers, cell phones, microprocessor technology and resulting applications, entrenched dogma, artificial intelligence, and much more …

Graphene-based processors 1000 times faster, 100 times less Energy

Thanks to graphene, scientists have been able to achieve speeds that were thousands of times faster than silicon chips. Graphene-based processors have been shown to consume 100 times less power than their silicon counterparts. In addition, they also allow for a smaller footprint and greater functionality in devices that have them.

Implications of Graphene Computers

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Digital Twin – Dr. Robert Duncan – NSA – Sentient World Simulation – DNA Nanobots

Digital Twin – Comparing Your Thinking Patterns with the Pattern Database – Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Language Decryption – Application Programming Interfaces and Signal Processing – NSA Data Center in Utah – Yottabytes for Genetic Level Control – Google CEO and Data Digitization – Second Yottabytes Data Center – Real Time Mirror Model of the World Generated – Every Human’s Digital Twin and DNA Nanobots – Programming Humans – Duplicate first used by NASA in the 1960s. Duplication was first used in the early 1900s. – Digital Brains in a Virtual World – Brain Interfaces with Nanobots and Claud – Artificial Intelligence Learns to Memorize You – Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence – Digitizing Your Consciousness Without Your Consent – Digitizing Billions of People – Direct Behavioral Control of People – The Human Mind is Connected to AI via 5G – Central Grid Controlled by One Being – Neocortex as Symphony of Tones of Your Reality – Reality is Defined by Electrical Signals – Algorithms Can Put You in a State of Not Knowing What is Real and What is Fiction – Simulation of Everything in the World

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Timeline of Patents – Mind Control – Smart Network, About you without you

The technical principal of receivers for electromagnetic waves is fully analogous with biological information and communications system. Why are these patents not publicly known? When will people stop it?

Some, if not all of the patents listed are highly advanced, and are handheld, portable, land, sea, aerial drone, and space-based and continue to advance in research, TESTING, and development programs within the “Military Industrial Complex” thus making ongoing human experimentation a must. The range of action is from the nanoscale to the planetary action and the universe.

Computers, Smart Network, Computer Telepathy

Directed Energy

  • 2011 WO2012164169A1– Method and system for observation – A system and method for monitoring presence, location, movement and/or attitude of one or more objects in a monitored space.
  • 2007 – US7784390B1Solid-state non-lethal directed energy weapon í
  • 2005 US7629918B2 Multifunctional radio frequency directed energy system
  • 2002 – DE10253433A1 – Thought transmission unit sends modulated electromagnetic wave beams to human receiver to influence thoughts and actions without electronic receiver
  • 2001 US6506148B2 Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
  • 2000 – US6292134B1 Geodesic sphere phased array antenna system
  • 1973 – US3815409A – Focused sonic imaging system

Mind Control – SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY – Synthetic Voices

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Federal Vision – Nanotechnology – Neuromorphic Computing – Patents – Biorobots

Neuromorphic Chip – Microtubules – Mind Control – Consciousness Emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip – DNA for Mass Surveillance – Scalar Waves

A Federal Vision for Future Computing: A Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge

Collaborating Agencies: Department of Energy (DOE), National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Defense (DOD), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), I ntelligence Community (IC)

White House announced “A Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge”

On October 20, 2015, the White House announced “A Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge” to develop transformational computing capabilities by combining innovations in multiple scientific disciplines. The Grand Challenge addresses three Administration priorities—the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI), and the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative to:

Create a new type of computer that can proactively interpret and learn from data, solve unfamiliar problems using what it has learned, and operate with the energy efficiency of the human brain.

Many of these breakthroughs will require new kinds of nanoscale devices and materials integrated into three-dimensional systems. These nanotechnology innovations will have to be developed in close coordination with new computer architectures (Recombinant RNA and DNA technology – ApiJect – Vaccines with RFID microchip and Nanotechnology – GPS – Contact Tracing Surveillance – Bill Gates – 5G BioBigData).

5G Systems works with Cognitive Models, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology and Neuromorphic Chips – Create Biorobots and Hive Mind

Patent US20180082207A1Cognitive modeling system

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5G LED Street Danger – Cancer – Killing Wildlife – Metabolic Syndrome – Mood Disorders – Depression – Diabetes – Circadian Rhythm – Obesity

AMA – Reports of the Council on Science and Public Health



Current AMA Policy H-135.937 (AMA Policy Database) advocates for light pollution control and reduced glare from (electric) artificial light sources to both protect public safety and conserve energy. Lighting the night has become a necessity in many areas of the world to enhance commerce, promote social activity, and enhance public safety. However, an emerging consensus has come to acknowledge the effects of widespread nighttime artificial lighting, including the:

  1. impact of artificial lighting on human health, primarily through disruption of circadian biological rhythms or sleep;
  2. intersection of ocular physiology, vehicle headlamps, nighttime lighting schemes, and harmful glare;
  3. energy cost of wasted and unnecessary electric light;
  4. impact of novel light at night on wildlife and vegetation.

In addition to these health and environmental effects, an esthetic deficit is apparent with the progressive loss of the starry night sky and interference with astronomical observations.

24 Hours Circadian Biological Rhythm is in Virtually All Life Forms

The solar cycle of light and dark provides the essential basis for life on Earth. Adaptation to the solar cycle has resulted in fundamental molecular and genetic endogenous processes in virtually all life forms that are aligned with an approximately 24-hour period (circadian biological rhythm). The circadian genetic clock mechanism is intimately involved in many, if not most, facets of cellular and organismal function. 1 Although the circadian system spontaneously generates near-24-hour rhythms, this master clock must be reset daily by the light-dark cycle to maintain proper temporal alignment with the environment.

Gateshead Council on Dangerous LED Emitters

5G Freedom of Information Request FOI – How to Lawfully Expose Smart City Plans – Bulletin Board – Legal

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Magneto Genetics Vaccines – Artificial Protein – Switching Neurons, Senses, Body and Muscles On and Off – DARPA – BioMarkers – Ferritin

An official Pfizer document states that inhalation and physical (skin) contact with vaccinated individuals transfer everything in vaccines to unvaccinated ones, and the results are devastating.

Artificial Crystals in Vaccine change the Magnetism in the Body and with them you can turn Neurons On and Off

In vaccines, there are artificially created protein crystals that make cells strongly magnetic. This changes the magnetism in the body, in the blood, leads to bleeding, brain damage… With the changed magnetism they can turn on and off your neurons, genes, move muscles… Literally they can turn people into zombies, make drones or robocops from police officers…

Magneto Genetics is a subset of Wave Genetics

Magnetogenetics is a subset of wave genetics. Ferritin is an iron storage molecule. The ferritin molecule is largely found in every organism, in bacteria to humans. It uses a artificial protein crystal to change the arrangement of Ferritin. Each genetically encoded protein crystal created contains about five billion iron atoms and generates magnetic forces that are up to nine orders of magnitude stronger than individual natural ferrite molecules. DARPA ElectRx has funded several grants for the discharge of Magnetogenetics, Optogenetics, Ultrasound, Infrasound, Millimeter Waves to control or shut down an individual (Patents – From PsyOps to MindWars – Monitoring a Patient using a Global Network, e.g. Telephone Networks, Internet – Neurological Warfare).

Natural Ferritin is SuperParaMagnet

The natural molecule of Ferritin has a very small magnetic moment at the nanoscale, because Ferritin is a SuperParaMagnet, a natural wave Dipol + a – and naturally in harmony with the universe.

SuperParaMagnetism of a nanoparticle can be compared to a Dipole Antenna (Understanding Electromagnetic Radiation!) with a harmonic wave, where + and – oscillate around the axis and + – are in oscillating harmony, thus creating only a small momentum, ie only a slightly magnetic effect or even a zero effect. The zero effect leads to scalar energy. Nanoparticles are only slightly magnetic, the analogy is the magnetism of aluminum. Aluminum is ParaMagnet.

Artificial Crystal Grows in the Body

A molecule of a genetically engineered encoded protein crystal containing Ferritin. The crystal grows in the human body, it crystallizes iron, when it grows through the body, a person can be controlled using low frequencies over very long distances. From one place on Earth, you can turn on/off Zombie people…. The crystal contains more than 10 million Ferritins and is able to mineralize iron… Nanoparticles are able to pass from the blood to the brain through the blood-brain barrier

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