Demonic FCC – 5G Magnetogenetics & Vaccines – Mobile and Death – LDAL

Magnetogenetics & Vaccines and 5G

Magnetogenetics and Remote Control – Magnetogenetics and Modified mRNA, cDNA – Cell Control Using Magnetic Compounds with mRNA, cDNA – Controlled Cellular Activity via Cell Phones – Magnetogenetics is a Cell Modulation Method – US SUPREME COURT and mRNA

Magnetogenetics & Vaccines and 5G

5G WARNING ~ FCC Chair Tom Wheeler’s speech supporting 5G – Demonic FCC






WARNING 5G ~ FCC Director Tom Wheeler with 5G support and digitization of people … FCC – 2016 – What is 5G really about? Digital concentration camp, genetic control … Beyond Madness – 5G + FCC. FCC Director Tom Wheeler – “Brilliant engineers have developed new antennas that can now target and amplify signals (DEW Directional Power Weapons). Requiring massive deployment of small cells (connected to NEURALINK, Neural Mesh, STARLINK). Hundreds of billions of microchips combined in products from pill bottles to plant irrigators (Internet of Things). The 5G revolution will affect all corners of our country (internet of people, life). Many more antenna locations to be decided by local governments (+ micro and nano antennas, smart dust, vaccines). Tens of billions of dollars of economic activity, and that’s damn important. ”- About you without you. What will you do to stop 5G ??? It’s about your life…

WHAT are they thinking? these people are absolutely demonic.

5G WARNING ~ FCC Chair Tom Wheeler’s speech supporting 5G – Demonic

The American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations on Cell Phones, Cell Towers and Wireless Radiation – 2017

Pediatrician Pilar Bradshaw treats hundreds of children a year in her practice. She is deeply concerned about a study by the National Toxicology Program, part of the National Institutes of Health, which found a dangerous link between cell phone radiation and cancer. The cancer we are talking about is a very malignant, very dangerous, very difficult to treat cancer in rats who are exposed to cell phone radiation similar to the one you are exposed to when you use your phone in your ear. In response to a study by the American Academy of Pediatric Doctors, it issued a statement urging parents to limit the use of their children’s cell phones by taking measures that Dr. Bradshaw now shares with his patients. Do not encourage your children to talk on the phone at all. If possible, have them used only for short emergency telephone calls. If you use a mobile phone to make a phone call, keep it away from your head and not to your ear. -And take steps to avoid exposure to other areas of the body. Do not wear the phone on your body. Girls, take it out of your pockets. do not put it in a shirt. Boys, keep it out of your front pocket.

The American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations on Cell Phones, Cell Towers and Wireless Radiation – 2017

Remove the 5G Antennas

What can cause a 5G antenna in combination with a vaccine? 5G is the target aiming system – When will people remove 5G towers ??? Smart cities without people? To have or not to have a mobile phone with you? We warned you …

Remove the 5G Antennas

Mobile and Death …

Mobile and Death …

The Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens (LDAL): BAE Systems – Professor Nick Colosimo explains

A deeper look into the observational capabilities of a new type of laser systém, the Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens (LDAL). LDAL enable military personnel to carry out surveillance from much larger distances

LDAL is a mobile HAARP – Pulsed Laser System to create Lenses in the Atmosphere – The atmosphere can be ionized and used as a lens – LDAL is an integrated weapon system – Space Wars – Lens Reflects Laser Attacker – Features of 5G Satellites – NEXRAD – New Generation Radars

The Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens (LDAL): BAE Systems futurist Professor Nick Colosimo explains

Magnetogenetics & Vaccines and 5G – 5G WARNING ~ FCC Chair Tom Wheeler’s speech supporting 5G – Demonic FCC – The American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations on Cell Phones, Cell Towers and Wireless Radiation – 2017 – Remove the 5G Antennas – Mobile and Death – The Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens (LDAL): BAE Systems

5G LED Street Danger – Cancer – Killing Wildlife – Metabolic Syndrome – Mood Disorders – Depression – Diabetes – Circadian Rhythm – Obesity

AMA – Reports of the Council on Science and Public Health



Current AMA Policy H-135.937 (AMA Policy Database) advocates for light pollution control and reduced glare from (electric) artificial light sources to both protect public safety and conserve energy. Lighting the night has become a necessity in many areas of the world to enhance commerce, promote social activity, and enhance public safety. However, an emerging consensus has come to acknowledge the effects of widespread nighttime artificial lighting, including the:

  1. impact of artificial lighting on human health, primarily through disruption of circadian biological rhythms or sleep;
  2. intersection of ocular physiology, vehicle headlamps, nighttime lighting schemes, and harmful glare;
  3. energy cost of wasted and unnecessary electric light;
  4. impact of novel light at night on wildlife and vegetation.

In addition to these health and environmental effects, an esthetic deficit is apparent with the progressive loss of the starry night sky and interference with astronomical observations.

24 Hours Circadian Biological Rhythm is in Virtually All Life Forms

The solar cycle of light and dark provides the essential basis for life on Earth. Adaptation to the solar cycle has resulted in fundamental molecular and genetic endogenous processes in virtually all life forms that are aligned with an approximately 24-hour period (circadian biological rhythm). The circadian genetic clock mechanism is intimately involved in many, if not most, facets of cellular and organismal function. 1 Although the circadian system spontaneously generates near-24-hour rhythms, this master clock must be reset daily by the light-dark cycle to maintain proper temporal alignment with the environment.

Gateshead Council on Dangerous LED Emitters

5G Freedom of Information Request FOI – How to Lawfully Expose Smart City Plans – Bulletin Board – Legal

Continue reading “5G LED Street Danger – Cancer – Killing Wildlife – Metabolic Syndrome – Mood Disorders – Depression – Diabetes – Circadian Rhythm – Obesity”

Spike Protein – Possible Protection against COVID Vaccine – DNA Internet – Wave Genetics and Induced Wave Immunity – REZOTONE 11

This short video “Stay Away from Vaxxed People Nurse Warns” supports Peter and Katya Gariaev’s strong theory and practice that DNA communicates with each other and forms the Bio Internet. Those who have been vaccinated who have received the vaccine carry the wrong DNA and RNA.

COVID-19 vaccinated people are a very big danger to their surroundings, especially for our children. The modified DNA or RNA in the vaccine affects people, life around the vaccinated people. Every day from now this effect will be increasingly visible in populations around the world. It’s a big test. It is the separation of grain from chaff.

Shedding & Spreading Issues the mRNA is Damaging People in Multiple Ways

Spike proteins SARS-CoV-2 are causing Vascular damage to lungs and inflammation in cardiovascular system by binding to and damaging the human ACE-2 receptors leading to increased problems and deaths by vascular damage to arteries, leading to increased blood clots heart attacks, stokes, etc. Also causes irregular bleeding in women. Spike protein crosses the blood-brain barrier and causes neurological damage.

The Spike proteins in the mRNA Fake “Vaxx”@ emergency experimental injections are programming peoples bodies to reproduced more spike proteins that damage peoples vascular and immune systems, therefore the mRNA is bioweapon turning people’s bodied to attack themselves …

It’s like living through a bad dream as so many people remain oblivious to what’s happening before their eyes… due to collusion of Governments – media etc …


Possible remedy and protection is with Q Light Generator and the new Rezotone 11 with extra frequencies to protect against ‘shedder-spreaders’.

REZOTONE 11 – Protection from 5G & COVID & SPIKE PROTEIN

How to Deal with the Situation – Working on the Solutions

Continue reading “Spike Protein – Possible Protection against COVID Vaccine – DNA Internet – Wave Genetics and Induced Wave Immunity – REZOTONE 11”

COVIDPASS Dictatorship – Social Credit System – 5G Biometric Network – Human-Engineering – VACCINE APARTHEID – Censorship – FEMA Electronic Slavery

Digital Green Certificate and Booster Shots

The next ‘big thing’ what NWO wants is ‘VACCINE PASSPORTS’ (COVID PASS or Digital Green Certificate) which are being sold as ‘Freedom Passports’ & they are going to force PEOPLE onto the system – it will mean 2 nose swabs (or anal if you prefer) EVERY week! – It will mean never ending ‘BOOSTER SHOTS’ especially for the hoax ‘NEW VIRUS VARIANTS’

The Mobile App for Mass Terror

The app on your smart 4G, 5G phone will TEXT you to mandate you provide swabs, go for your never ending shots, when to self-isolate for 10 days & more & more mandates. Without the app & up to date QR Code on your phone you will not be allowed into sporting events, workplaces, cinemas, pubs, gyms, supermarkets, national travel or travel abroad without V-P clearance etc etc etc

Social Credit System run by a Computer in Geneva

Most of the people will be SLAVES to Vaccine Passport & it will be run by a computer in Geneva Swizerland which can handle all 8 billion personal profiles in the World – when vacancies for Covid Marshals open up the V-P will advise you where to go & if you don’t go your benefits or wages will be affected.

Fines are already at £10, 000 about $13 000 & imprisonment has been put up to 10 years for failure to comply with V-P mandates while people have no idea what the V-P will comprise. They have been told it’s a ‘FREEDOM-PASSPORT’ which is just deceit & trickery. You are very well placed to talk about V-P & people need to be aware what’s coming into their lives.


VP has already been SOLD to every government in the World as it’s hidden agenda – a COUNTER TERRORIST SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM. We are ALL terrorists now.

The ‘Covid-19’ $CAM-demic Lockdown, Vaccine Passport, Biometric Network, Track+Trace, 5G Networks, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Telepathy, Signal Intelligence, RFID, Remote Neural Monitoring, Counter-Terrorist Surveillance System, Satellite Harassment, DNA gathering, fascist totalitarian dictatorship is the real hidden agenda.

Is a extension of the previous swindles & human-engineering they pulled with mythical viruses & other SCAM-demics like ‘AIDS-HIV, MERS, SARS, Ebola, Zika, Swine Flu & Bird flu’ & their equally fake remedies the same people now dictating FAKE mask mandates, anus swabbing, nasal swabbing facial recognition, harassment, follow the arrows, shutting pubs, restaurants, gym & cinemas, Covid Marshal harrassment, electronic-stalking …

10 Year Imprisonment without COVID PASS – VACCINE APARTHEID

Continue reading “COVIDPASS Dictatorship – Social Credit System – 5G Biometric Network – Human-Engineering – VACCINE APARTHEID – Censorship – FEMA Electronic Slavery”

Synthetic Biology – Morgellons – Patent US20030141189 – Dangerous Sequencing of RNA and DNA – Patent US20100090180A1 – Self-replicating Materials – Operating System inside Nanomachines – US20030138777 – Activation via Frequency and 5G

Synthetic Biology Synthetic biology is a field of science that involves redesigning organisms for useful purposes by engineering them to have new abilities.

Morgellon is a combination of piezoelectric crystal, viruses, fungi, plants, insects

Morgellons are distributed with many different types of viruses, fungi and bacteria. It is a combination of organic and inorganic materials genetically combined to create artificial life. Morgellons are a combination of piezoelectric crystals, viruses, fungi, plants and genetically modified insects. They can be dried with the help of borax, more about that and other possibilities will be in the next article.

Morgellons are charged via radio waves

Morgellons are activated by photoionization (light from the sun) and are charged by radio waves in the environment. They use Tesla technology to obtain energy from their environment, from the human body. It is a synthetic parasite with predatory tendencies. Morgellons form a living antenna circuit in the host’s body. Morgellons are very sensitive to almost all radio waves, microwave waves, including HAARP, 3G, 4G or 5G.

Morgellons and Nanotechnology

All around us is nano dust, non-harmonic frequencies from microwave and radio radiation. That’s why we’re all similar to “circuit boards.” Anything less than 50 nanometers penetrates the surface of the skin of food, humans… This is a breeding ground for morgellons. Morgellons are part of the misused nanotechnology.

You are what you eat. There is nano dust everywhere around us. We are now all similar to “circuit boards”. Anything less than the size of 50 nanometers will penetrate the surface of the skins of foods.

Patent US20030138777Nanomachine compositions and methods of use (2001)

The invention provides a basic genetic operating system for an autonomous prototrophic (ability to synthesize compounds) nanomachine having a nanomachine genome encoding a minimal gene set sufficient for viability.

Several versions of the Nano Operating System

Also provided is a basic genetic operating system for an autonomous auxotrophic (inability to synthesize compounds) nanomachine having a nanomachine genome encoding a minimal gene set sufficient for viability in the presence of an auxotrophic biomolecule (Recombinant RNA and DNA technology – ApiJect – Vaccines with RFID microchip and Nanotechnology – GPS – Contact Tracing Surveillance – Bill Gates – 5G BioBigData).

Continue reading “Synthetic Biology – Morgellons – Patent US20030141189 – Dangerous Sequencing of RNA and DNA – Patent US20100090180A1 – Self-replicating Materials – Operating System inside Nanomachines – US20030138777 – Activation via Frequency and 5G”

Scalar Energy in Military Technology – Mathematics of Spherical Hyper Dimensions – Scalar Interferometry

Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has, as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity.

Nikola Tesla

Scalar interferometry, Tesla howitzer, Tesla dome, heat/cold, 10 nations have them, dead-man fusing & Insane Systems, scalar strategy, earthquakes and weather wars, solar storms, mind attacks

Power comes from the time domain – Energy can be transmitted faster than the speed of light – Breakthrough in the mathematics of spherical Hyper Dimensions – Practical Solutions – Tesla Howitzer – Tesla Domes – Russian “CRAFTs?” – The Tesla Howitzer and its modes of action – Antenna and Computer make up a Scalar Interferometer – The “Exothermic” mode of operation – Destroy all Electronics in the area – The “Endothermic” mode sucks energy out – Airline Pilots and Satellite witnessed Cold Explosions – Energy comes from Time Domain – Worldwide electromagnetic pattern called the Woodpecker Grid – Computers use the grid to pinpoint location – “Mindsnapper” mode affects the electromagnetic mind-body connection – Portable bazooka-sized scalar EM pulse weapon – Star Trek’s “Phaser,” with its “stun” and “kill” modes is here at last – Soviet scalar Electromagnetic Weapons – The scalar electro-magnetics revolution has made all previous forms of warfare nearly obsolete – Scalar warfare can cause huge Solar Storms – Brezhnev wanted to stop “New Weapons of Mass Destruction”

“North America has not had ‘normal’ weather since 1976”

Tom Bearden

“History does repeat itself. But this time it’s not Americans who got the great new superweapon first.”

Power comes from the time domain

Remember, the power for these weapons comes from the time domain, longitudinal EM waves in the vacuum of empty space, and the power is tremendous and mind-boggling. Being able to blast away at any target from a distant control booth is something that has never happened before. This is incredible power to be in control of and it divides the history of weaponry into “before” and “after.”

Energy can be transmitted faster than the speed of light

Energy can be transmitted faster than the speed of light, through hyperspatially. Not through 3-space, but “around” it. Again, this means that it’s possible to produce energetic changes in a distant system at a distant place, without transmitting energy “through space” in the normal sense.

Breakthrough in the mathematics of spherical Hyper Dimensions – Practical Solutions

Hypersphere is a sphere in dimensions that are bigger than three and while stacking hyperspheres has practical applications in error-correcting codes which help ensure accuracy when transmitting data. Mathematician Maryna Viazovska proved the best way to pack spheres in eight and 24 dimensions. (A Breakthrough in Higher Dimensional Spheres | Infinite Series | PBS Digital Studios)

Continue reading “Scalar Energy in Military Technology – Mathematics of Spherical Hyper Dimensions – Scalar Interferometry”

Linguistic Wave Genetics is the answer how to stop COVID 5G – Biological Quantum Computers

Everything is about harmony or disharmony. If you are in wave harmony you can heal your body. Wave genetics can cure any disease. With 5G pulsed and non harmonic waves you become quickly out of the balance. 5G technology can not only have a profound impact on human health, but on the health of all living organisms it touches, including plants and microbiome. The 5G infrastructure poses a serious threat to our planet’s atmosphere. The 5G can contaminate our food supply. In this research (5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells), they show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells.

Solution – Linguistic Wave Genetics – Laser Quantum Technology

Linguistic Wave Genetics (LWG) has the enormous potential. Father of LWG Peter Garyaev is the candidate on Nobel Prize of medicine of 2021. The main thing here are laser technology, simulating quantum information processes in the chromosomes of the spin States of photons.

That have been received in practice when using lingvistiko-wave technology of genetics?

  1. Received primary results, includes also Bomovskie principles, for long-distance transmission of genetic and metabolic information on plants and bacteria, as well as the sick and old people.
  2. Able to heal the previously incurable genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, it’s a bullez, daunizm.
  3. Implemented quantum programming stem cells and start to regenerate teeth, the pancreatic gland and intestines, as well as, in some cases, restore sight to people.
  4. Received the primary evidence of real aging in humans and braking the partial return to a more youthful State. Marker – a return to women menstrual cycle is about 70 years.

Wave Genetics Can Cure Any Disease – Dr. Peter Garyaev

There are some mind-boggling information, it can change the way you perceive the world around you, the way you think about yourself and your life.

Continue reading “Linguistic Wave Genetics is the answer how to stop COVID 5G – Biological Quantum Computers”

Synthetic Telepathy – Remote Neural Monitoring – 5G & Satellite Harassment – Patent US3951134A (1976) – 24 Patents – Neurological Warfare

Synthetic Telepathy and Remote Neural Monitoring are two sides of the same coin. Remote Neural Monitoring is a form of functional neuroimaging, capable of extracting EEG data from the human brain at a distance with no physical contact or electrodes required. NSA has the capability to decode this data, to extract subvocalizations, visual and auditory data from their target. It allows access to a person’s thoughts without their knowledge or permission. Collecting massive amounts of personal data from the population allows them to feed back this information into quantum computers which produce schematics for understanding the collective consciousness, soul … Predictive types of programming are designed to influence and modify human behavior. The sooner you realize it is true, the better off you will be to protect ourselves. 5G is also kind of neurological network …

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla
Bigger Than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals

Our entire biological system, the brain, and the Earth itself works on the same frequencies.

Nikola Tesla

Patent US3951134A – Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves (1976)

Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is retransmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.

José Delgado, Implants, and Electromagnetic Mind Control – 1965

1985 CNN Special Report on Electromagnetic Mind Control featuring José Delgado and his famous 1965 experiment with an implanted bull. A scientific milestone in this area came in the 1960s when Dr. Jose Delgado demonstrated remote control over a charging bull. By connecting a radio antenna to electrodes inserted into the bull’s brain, Delgado proved that the animal’s aggressive impulses could be thwarted by electronically manipulating the bull’s muscle reflexes.

José Delgado, Implants, and Electromagnetic Mind Control – 1965
Continue reading “Synthetic Telepathy – Remote Neural Monitoring – 5G & Satellite Harassment – Patent US3951134A (1976) – 24 Patents – Neurological Warfare”

The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards

Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, s/he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

Robert F. Kennedy
The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020

COVID-19” was long preplanned in documents and simulation exercises emanating from the eugenicist Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation. A platform with 200 detailed levels is provided by the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab, a technocrat and promoter of transhumanism, in order to provide detailed instructions on how the “COVID-19” pandemic is to be used to implement a global monetary reset 1 and digital currency, technocracy and totalitarian government worldwide under the guise of socialism and environmentalism, with China as the model, and enslave humanity through a sinister vaccine conspiracy.

Earlier attempts were made to engineer pandemics but none succeeded. This time, the World Health Organization changed its pandemic criteria in advance so that it could declare a pandemic on spurious grounds. 2 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a terrorist and accused genocidist was appointed head of the World Health Organization in order to orchestrate the pandemic and facilitate the totalitarian takeover. 3,4

Wireless technology suppresses the immune system. 5G is implicated in COVID-19 through correlations between the locations of the 5G rollout and morbidity/mortality, 5,6 as well as the prior administration of flu vaccinations in Wuhan 7 and Milan. 8 The symptoms of “COVID” are virtually identical to the symptoms of exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR). 9 Extensive military research over many decades was kept secret and regulatory agencies were co-opted in order to prevent the public learning about the extreme dangers of electromagnetic radiation. 10 Doctors receive no training on the risks to health of exposure to EMR and therefore misdiagnose EMR symptoms. Hospitals are extensively equipped with 5G, putting patients lives at risk.

5G serves many purposes. It is a depopulation and military weapon and facilitates the introduction of technocracy and totalitarian control by enabling surveillance, facial recognition, 24/7 monitoring of individuals, mind and body control, and – in combination with vaccines and chemtrails containing nanoparticles – the torture or murder of targeted individuals. 11 EMR can be used to simulate pathogens and overwhelm the immune system 12 and cell phones may be being used to simulate “COVID-19 contagion” among coworkers or family members. 5G has been widely installed terrestrially and in space to target and control populations.

Continue reading “The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards”