Magneto Genetics Vaccines – Artificial Protein – Switching Neurons, Senses, Body and Muscles On and Off – DARPA – BioMarkers – Ferritin

An official Pfizer document states that inhalation and physical (skin) contact with vaccinated individuals transfer everything in vaccines to unvaccinated ones, and the results are devastating.

Artificial Crystals in Vaccine change the Magnetism in the Body and with them you can turn Neurons On and Off

In vaccines, there are artificially created protein crystals that make cells strongly magnetic. This changes the magnetism in the body, in the blood, leads to bleeding, brain damage… With the changed magnetism they can turn on and off your neurons, genes, move muscles… Literally they can turn people into zombies, make drones or robocops from police officers…

Magneto Genetics is a subset of Wave Genetics

Magnetogenetics is a subset of wave genetics. Ferritin is an iron storage molecule. The ferritin molecule is largely found in every organism, in bacteria to humans. It uses a artificial protein crystal to change the arrangement of Ferritin. Each genetically encoded protein crystal created contains about five billion iron atoms and generates magnetic forces that are up to nine orders of magnitude stronger than individual natural ferrite molecules. DARPA ElectRx has funded several grants for the discharge of Magnetogenetics, Optogenetics, Ultrasound, Infrasound, Millimeter Waves to control or shut down an individual (Patents – From PsyOps to MindWars – Monitoring a Patient using a Global Network, e.g. Telephone Networks, Internet – Neurological Warfare).

Natural Ferritin is SuperParaMagnet

The natural molecule of Ferritin has a very small magnetic moment at the nanoscale, because Ferritin is a SuperParaMagnet, a natural wave Dipol + a – and naturally in harmony with the universe.

SuperParaMagnetism of a nanoparticle can be compared to a Dipole Antenna (Understanding Electromagnetic Radiation!) with a harmonic wave, where + and – oscillate around the axis and + – are in oscillating harmony, thus creating only a small momentum, ie only a slightly magnetic effect or even a zero effect. The zero effect leads to scalar energy. Nanoparticles are only slightly magnetic, the analogy is the magnetism of aluminum. Aluminum is ParaMagnet.

Artificial Crystal Grows in the Body

A molecule of a genetically engineered encoded protein crystal containing Ferritin. The crystal grows in the human body, it crystallizes iron, when it grows through the body, a person can be controlled using low frequencies over very long distances. From one place on Earth, you can turn on/off Zombie people…. The crystal contains more than 10 million Ferritins and is able to mineralize iron… Nanoparticles are able to pass from the blood to the brain through the blood-brain barrier

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Optogenetics – Li-Fi – Light Fidelity – Dangers of 5G LED Street Light – Phototoxicity – Smart Light

Optogenetics can Control Neurons in your Brain

Researchers had already been able to control neurons with light. That process is called optogenetics. To use it, scientists insert light-sensitive molecules into the neurons of living animals. Insertion of light-sensitive protein can be done via vaccination. Then simply by shining a artificial light from Smart LED lights or via Li-Fi on people you can turn their neurons on or off. You can made mice run in circles, or do much more with it They’ve even restored movement to an animal’s paralyzed leg.

Internet of Things and LED Bulb

In LED bulb is circuit, there is a microchip, so the light is controlled by microchip. It’s giving you a fake light. You have a bulb doing dual purpose, because the bulb can emit sounds or different frequencies … Skynet is 5G. When 5G goes online everything that can be connected will be connected, meaning your bulbs, your computer, your phones, nanotechnology, Internete of things and Internet of Bodies, Viruses ….

Smart LED Bulb & Smart Street Lights can affect your Brain

The bulbs are unsuspected enemies because it can emit a frequency that could affect your brain, your heart, body, molecules, cells, neurons …

Li-Fi – Light Fidelity

Li-Fi (also written as LiFi) is a wireless communication technology which utilizes light to transmit data and position between devices. The term was first introduced by Harald Haas during a 2011 TEDGlobal talk in Edinburgh.

Industry always talks about Speed and ignores Biological Effects

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USB REZOTONE Device Against 5G – Powerful Positive Effect on all Physiological and Geo-Biological Parameters

Russian scientists give us the hope – Reducing the magnitude of the signal from a microwave source – Strengthening of the Immune System audio file by Peter Gariaev – Powerful positive effect on all physiological and geo-biological parameters – Restore and improve all systems in the human body – Every USB is handmade, with 5 levels of validation – License by the Russian government and a patent – Fukushima and protected programs were put on cell towers in Russia – Scientists has collected data from 3,000 people

Russian scientists give us the hope

Qualified team of Russian scientists, PhD and Academicians, give us the opportunity to use highly protective REZOTONE device against 5G.

Reducing the magnitude of the signal from a microwave source

The process is that of converting harmful radiation into useful radiation. The radiation itself does not disappear, but is converted into another form. Detailed experiments on reducing the magnitude of the signal from a microwave source in the range of 1-20 GHz. From experiments were shown, showed that the minimum signal decrease was 14 dB and the maximum was 54 dB.

Strengthening of the Immune System audio file by Peter Gariaev

Powerful positive effect on all physiological and geo-biological parameters

The effect is not limited to EMF, there is a powerful positive effect on all physiological and geo-biological parameters, reducing or removing quite a lot of geopathic zones inside and out. Including Curry and Hartman Grids.

Restore and improve all systems in the human body

The prototypes are still working after 10years. There are programs which highly protect from 3, 4, 5G, which rapidly restore and improve all systems in the human body after exposure. Please share with us your experiences with USB Rezotone to help monitor progress.

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Linguistic Wave Genetics is the answer how to stop COVID 5G – Biological Quantum Computers

Everything is about harmony or disharmony. If you are in wave harmony you can heal your body. Wave genetics can cure any disease. With 5G pulsed and non harmonic waves you become quickly out of the balance. 5G technology can not only have a profound impact on human health, but on the health of all living organisms it touches, including plants and microbiome. The 5G infrastructure poses a serious threat to our planet’s atmosphere. The 5G can contaminate our food supply. In this research (5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells), they show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells.

Solution – Linguistic Wave Genetics – Laser Quantum Technology

Linguistic Wave Genetics (LWG) has the enormous potential. Father of LWG Peter Garyaev is the candidate on Nobel Prize of medicine of 2021. The main thing here are laser technology, simulating quantum information processes in the chromosomes of the spin States of photons.

That have been received in practice when using lingvistiko-wave technology of genetics?

  1. Received primary results, includes also Bomovskie principles, for long-distance transmission of genetic and metabolic information on plants and bacteria, as well as the sick and old people.
  2. Able to heal the previously incurable genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, it’s a bullez, daunizm.
  3. Implemented quantum programming stem cells and start to regenerate teeth, the pancreatic gland and intestines, as well as, in some cases, restore sight to people.
  4. Received the primary evidence of real aging in humans and braking the partial return to a more youthful State. Marker – a return to women menstrual cycle is about 70 years.

Wave Genetics Can Cure Any Disease – Dr. Peter Garyaev

There are some mind-boggling information, it can change the way you perceive the world around you, the way you think about yourself and your life.

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Wave Genetics – Peter P. Garyaev – Nominee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2021 – Genetic Information exists in a Form of Electromagnetic Field

Peter P. Garyaev is a nominee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, which will take place in 2021. The theory of Wave Genetics is grounded into extensive theoretical and experimental research. Peter Garyaev has discovered that genetic information exists in a form of electromagnetic field and he has developed a way of transcribing genetic and metabolic information and transferring it in the blink of an eye.

In Garyaev’s famous experiment in which he was able to completely regenerate the internal organs of laboratory rats with the help of the methods of wave genetics. Basically, Peter Garyaev has invented an anti-aging tool that doesn’t require any kind of surgery. Now we only need to get the genetic information of a healthy organ and to transfer it to an affected one — and that would lead to full regeneration of this organ. Potentially, Wave Genetics can fix life we destroyed on the Earth. All thanks to Peter Garyaev and his miracle of Wave Genetics.

Institute of Linguistics – The Wave Genetics

Linguistics – Wave Genetics is a major branch of the main trunk of the biology and classical genetics. Institute of quantum Genetics takes the concept of a GENE on the quantum level and actually displays Classical genetics of experimentally-theoretical impasse.

Wave Genetics Can Cure Any Disease – Dr. Peter Garyaev (2013)

Dr. Peter Garyaev (1942-2020) The Wave Genome by Ulrike Granögger

Dr. Peter Gariaev (1942 – 2020) – The Wave Genome – Nobel Prize candidate – Гаряев Пётр Петрович – Academy For Future Science Europe – AFFS EUROPE –

One of the greatest molecular biologists of our age pioneer scientist and discoverer of the wave genome Dr Peter Garyaev died on November 17th 2020 aged 79. No mention of his passing can be found in Russian news outlets and consequently nothing of the news has yet reached the interested public in the west.

Dr. Garyaev‘s life and achievements are too profound and significant to quietly go back to normal. His discoveries have the potential to change our whole perception of life and existence for the better. We therefore feel impelled to encourage everybody with an interest in the future of science and life on this planet to study his work. It is also necessary to mention the work of academics as Vlail Petrovičh Kaznacheev, Dr. Alexander Trofimov, Nikolai A. Kozyrev and International SR Institute of Cosmic Anthropoecology This institute is also the origin of the career and research of Peter Garyaev.

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5G – Dr. Marco Ruggiero, PhD, MD – Molecular Biologist – Fractal Antenna – Quantum Biology – Microbiome – Viruses – Exosomes – Wave Genetics

You have to consider that DNA also works as a fractal antennas, which is able to send, receive and also to process signals under the form of radio frequencies. There is no doubt, that artificial radio frequencies such as those of cell towers and in particular these new type of towers (4G LTE, 5G, 6G), which have a much higher density of signals, they may somehow interfere with the ability of DNA to retain and transmit biological signals. This is one level of danger, that very few biologists are aware of (Electromagnetic Effects on Mitochondria).

Thanks to the principles of biological quantum entanglement, that we have learned how to exploit in the field of biology and medicine. Now we can transfer the information from the microbial DNA to the human DNA and in so doing, we can train so to speak the microbes to withstand whatever assumed condition they are exposed to, including this new technology. Then we can train them to transfer this resilience of theirs to our DNA. So lets say, that there are good reasons to be worried about the introduction of these new technologies, but fortunately since the knowledge in the field of quantum biology, in the field of micro-biome medicine is advancing as fast as potentially harmful technology, then we can exploit this knowledge to protect ourselves from any real, potential or perceived danger from these new technologies.

Wave Genetics

Linguistics – Wave Genetics is a major branch of the main trunk of the biology and classical genetics. Institute of quantum Genetics takes the concept of a GENE on the quantum level and actually displays Classical genetics of experimentally-theoretical impasse. There is a light at the end of the tunnel – USB REZOTONE Device Against 5G – Powerful Positive Effect on all Physiological and Geo-Biological Parameters.

Prof. Dr. P. Gariaev found in Moscow that holographic information can be introduced preventively. So it’s a preventive, selective, wave immunity to organ failure, or you can improve overall immunity. Quantum wave medicine.

You can imagine that you have a problem and you treat all quantum states around this problem. With this wave, quantum treatment, can be achieved a certain resistance to the problem, the pathogen. In practice, this is done by treating for example 20 percent of all the most probable quantum states (Covid-21 – Virus is appearing and Disappearing – Wave and Holographic Properties of DNA – Digital Sequences in Coronavirus – Misunderstanding in Western Science).

Third Brain – Microbiome

Third Brain/Microbiome, Unlocking the Immune System by Dr. Marco Ruggiero

The first one is the one between your ears (obviously necessary).  Science and Health experts call your “gut” your 2nd brain. It is interesting to note that 90% of the body’s serotonin and 50% of its dopamine, lie in the gut – (obviously VERY important as well). The authoritative journal “Brain Behavior and Immunity” published an article in 2010 entitled “Mood and Gut Feelings”.. The article concluded by stating “It may be that we need to change the focus from the brain and look at the role of the gut in what have traditionally been thought of as brain-based disorders. #foodforthought And your 3rd Brain? In 2010, a team of researchers discovered a new organ that has gone undetected for the thousands of years that human anatomy has been recorded. Researchers are calling this newly discovered organ the Microbiome. With 5G we are killing our brains, this is not smart at all.

Continue reading “5G – Dr. Marco Ruggiero, PhD, MD – Molecular Biologist – Fractal Antenna – Quantum Biology – Microbiome – Viruses – Exosomes – Wave Genetics”