The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020 – Claire Edwards

Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, s/he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

Robert F. Kennedy
The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020

COVID-19” was long preplanned in documents and simulation exercises emanating from the eugenicist Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation. A platform with 200 detailed levels is provided by the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab, a technocrat and promoter of transhumanism, in order to provide detailed instructions on how the “COVID-19” pandemic is to be used to implement a global monetary reset 1 and digital currency, technocracy and totalitarian government worldwide under the guise of socialism and environmentalism, with China as the model, and enslave humanity through a sinister vaccine conspiracy.

Earlier attempts were made to engineer pandemics but none succeeded. This time, the World Health Organization changed its pandemic criteria in advance so that it could declare a pandemic on spurious grounds. 2 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a terrorist and accused genocidist was appointed head of the World Health Organization in order to orchestrate the pandemic and facilitate the totalitarian takeover. 3,4

Wireless technology suppresses the immune system. 5G is implicated in COVID-19 through correlations between the locations of the 5G rollout and morbidity/mortality, 5,6 as well as the prior administration of flu vaccinations in Wuhan 7 and Milan. 8 The symptoms of “COVID” are virtually identical to the symptoms of exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR). 9 Extensive military research over many decades was kept secret and regulatory agencies were co-opted in order to prevent the public learning about the extreme dangers of electromagnetic radiation. 10 Doctors receive no training on the risks to health of exposure to EMR and therefore misdiagnose EMR symptoms. Hospitals are extensively equipped with 5G, putting patients lives at risk.

5G serves many purposes. It is a depopulation and military weapon and facilitates the introduction of technocracy and totalitarian control by enabling surveillance, facial recognition, 24/7 monitoring of individuals, mind and body control, and – in combination with vaccines and chemtrails containing nanoparticles – the torture or murder of targeted individuals. 11 EMR can be used to simulate pathogens and overwhelm the immune system 12 and cell phones may be being used to simulate “COVID-19 contagion” among coworkers or family members. 5G has been widely installed terrestrially and in space to target and control populations.

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Solution – Scalar Energy – Quantum Science – Nikolai A. Kozyrev – Nikola Tesla – Every atom is a torsion generator – Amazing Benefits to our Health or 5G HAARP killing device?

Nikolai A. Kozyrev was correct in affirming that the spiraling energy of the universe was indeed scalar energy and that this primal force in the universe served to assemble and sustain the stars as well as all of creation. This is the genius of Nikolai A. Kozyrev!

Kozyrev’s observations point to the fact that scalar energy transcends time and space as the universe utilizes the Life Force in order to communicate with itself instantly.

In physics, a scalar is a simple physical quantity that is not changed by coordinate systém ratations or translations. A „Scalar wave“ propagates through the dimension time, but not through the dimension space. Scalar waves forms non-local potential energy. They carry information and have a fractal structure. Scalar Waves do not decay over time or distance!

A simple „capacitor“ is able to store energy as a static electrical field. The energy in a capacitor is only released when the circuit is closed. Scalar waves stores energy and information in a dimension „outside of our 3D space“ … and the stored energy can be released by „closing the circuit“ in our 3D dimension …

A RLC circuit (An RLC circuit is an electrical circuit consisting of a resistor (R), an inductor (L), and a capacitor (C), connected in series or in parallel) in electronics is able to tune into the ambient radio waves if it is in harmony with the frequency.

Our DNA is more than only a data storage unit. It‘s a quantum antenna, able to send and receive data! The DNA has access to a vast pool of information outside of our 3D dimension. It creates Scalar Waves and it receives them if it is tune with the „frequency“. No information get lost through this super advanced technology inside our cells (Biological life and artificial non harmonic EMF – Fractal Antennas in wireless technology kill biological life – Rapid Beamforming in Smart Antennas is 5G Kill Grid).

The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power.

Nikola Tesla

Our Brain is such a tuning machine. Information is not stored in our brain. Our brain is a „ interface “ creating a connection to a higher dimension. The EM-Field created by our brain and heart makes all cells in our body resonate. Each DNA structure reinforce this field.

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Electronically Steered Multi Beam Antennas (ESMA) – Microwave oven in Space – 5G Kill Grid

ESMA is the key to the future of inflight or satellite communication, connected car, IoT, Broadband, Aviation, maritime, IoT, service mesh, neural mesh, neuralink, your brain … operating on MEO, LEO and GEO satellites, supporting MIMO architecture, multi-beam and polarization control as required. ESMA is next step from Electronically Steerable Antennas (ESM). These small, lightweight and low profile antennas (3 cm) are capable of directing a narrow beam over a sector angle, giving coverage as good, if not better, than a sector antenna but all in a much smaller package. Current next-generation satellite communication systems is based for example on ASICs and RFICs chipsets. Modern telecommunication companies develop a line of satellite communication modems with Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Electronically Steered Multi Beam Antennas (ESMA) to support the most advanced standards, such as DVB-S2X. The Innovative ESMA Ku-band Antenna is based on two ASIC chips, and aimed to provide affordable solution for IoT and Mobility Applications. ASIC chips and Antenna are created in one company, there can be hardware backdoor. (BIRDS & BEES ARE KILLED IN MILLIONS – Health Effects on Bees & Animals).

5G is a Weapon – World’s first ESMA (Electronically Steered Multi-Beam Array) Ku-band 256 element array antenna for Satellite communications terminals utilizing a fully digital beam forming technology, the new antenna array is being demonstrated in SmallSat Symposium 2019 in Mountain View, CA, USA. (SPACEX – 5G – Earth in Microwave Oven – Satellites – Frequencies from 10.7 GHz to 86 GHz – Directed Energy Weapons – Palpitations – Abnormality of the Heartbeat) The ESMA antenna can serve both as a stand-alone IoT terminal or a building block for a larger sized antenna. It is currently available in 10.75-12.7 GHz (Rx) and 25.5-27 GHz (Rx) receive and 13.75GHz-14.5GHz and 22.55-23.15 GHz (Tx) transmit frequencies. More frequencies are coming … A 256 element building block that can scale to very large arrays with large bandwidth without significant degradation. Antenna uses developed chips Prime and Beat. Prime is the first commercial Digital Beam Former ASIC, employing True Time Delay technology for 32 antenna elements, capable of processing over 2 Tbps of data. It could be cascaded to any size of antenna. What can happen to you when you are digitized? Who owns the keys to your mind and body now (Strategic Intelligence – Cryptocurrency System using Body Activity Data – ID2020 – Digital ID with Vaccines – Monarch RFID – NanoCore – Slavery)?

Microwave oven in Space – 5G Kill Grid

The antenna is capable of simultaneously pointing, tracking and managing multiple beams at multiple polarizations. Using digital beam forming technology allows the antenna to handle wide bandwidth using a large number of antenna elements. Satixfy said it is designing the industry’s smallest VSATs and multi-beam electronically steered antenna arrays for a variety of mobile applications and services such as Connected Car, IoT, consumer broadband, in-flight-connectivity, communication payloads and more (Electromagnetic Effects on Mitochondria).

This technology targets the “New Space” emerging trend: A shift from massive traditional, multi hundred-million dollar GEO communications satellites weighting more than 5000 kg, to a new generation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellations of many several-million dollar SmallSats. Each is weighting less than 500 kg, and is planned to deliver Internet, communications services, mass surveillance and mind control. This is the 5G kill Grid from space. The new services demands small and chip terminals, flexible enough to follow satellites movements on the sky and easily switching to the next one in the constellation. The new services can track each user and do some more … (5G Transmitters – High Gear Dielectric Lens Antenna – Chemical Nano Spraying – 3D Maps – 868 MHz – Battlefield Interrogation Equipment – Chemtrails)

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5G Transmitters – High Gear Dielectric Lens Antenna – Chemical Nano Spraying – 3D Maps – 868 MHz – Battlefield Interrogation Equipment – Chemtrails

5G is first and foremost is densification. It’s significantly more transmitters at close proximity to a human and it is also a sophisticated, illegal and unlawful transmitter. It is a high gear dielectric lens antenna, that allows 5G transmitters to 3D map its environment in your home. The 868 MHz frequency is specific for battlefield interrogation systems. This frequency allows the signal to travel through concrete brick with easy and it can actually date Geller it. It is a target system.

It is the radar of the battlefield. It is extremely good in identifying targets and being locked on the targets. The tolerance is very good and not only that, it can specifically target you as an individual.

Control management system is basically Battlefield interrogation equipment. The first phase the rear unit was actually called Mammoth (Early Warning Radar – 200 mile range) Used by Germans in the Second World War to identify allien aircraft. Obviously things have moved on significantly since then.

5G and Chemtrails

It’s all interconnected. The metalized particulates allow 5G to do basically the radar. They can identify you, watch you in your own home 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

For the last X amount of years we’ve been through chem trailing. We’ve had these nano particulates raining down on humanity for years now. Nanoparticles impregnate and stay inside our bodies. Those nano particulates are building up a kind of a phosphorescent glow capability. So that we can be flagged up in our homes behind concrete and steel, inside bunkers in the basement. Doesn’t matter, where you are. The 4G, 5G is able to triangulate map and read you, because you as a living being are impregnated with these nano particulates, which are acting as a kind of transmission and reception technology.

Dielectric Lens Antenna

Definition: The lens antenna is 3-dimensional electro-magnetic device. It consists of electro-magnetic lens along with feed. This antenna is similar to glass lens used in optical domain. The paraboloid reflector is one example of how optical principles may be applied to microwave lens antenna, and the Lens Antenna is yet another. It is used as a collimator at frequencies well in excess of 3 GHz.

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Virus – Lockdown – Go Cashless – Install 5G – RFID – Vaccination – ID2020

New World Order era, RFID chip, or ID2020 is a evil plan.


  • With the RFID chip you can buy or sell. You can connect the RFID chip with various electronic devices With the RFID chip and proper electronic device you will have access to your bank account. On the RFID chip are all your vital data. On the RFID chip is your virtual wallet. (In the NWO there is One World Virtual Currency) On the RFID chip is your personal identification. On the RFID chip is your driver’s license.
  • You can use the RFID chip to interact with your smartphone and various applications. You can use the RFID chip to unlock doors. On the RFID chip will be stored all data needed for your doctor and hospital.
  • The RFID chip has GPS built-in and will be used to track your location and activities.
  • The RFID chip can know all about your health status and mood status.
  • The RFID chip can influence your health status and mood status.
  • The RFID chip can remotely make you blind so you won’t see anything.
  • The RFID chip can remotely make you deaf so you won’t hear anything.
  • The RFID chip can remotely make you dumb so you won’t speak anything.
  • The RFID chip can remotely monitor or record everything you see.
  • The RFID chip can remotely monitor or record everything you hear.
  • The RFID chip can remotely monitor or record everything you speak.
  • The RFID chip can remotely wipe out or manipulate your memories.
  • The RFID chip can remotely put in your brain fake memories.
  • The RFID chip can remotely make you to feel pain on selected part of body.
  • The RFID Chip can remotely monitor if you’re hungry or thirsty.
  • The RFID Chip can remotely monitor if you want to go to a toilet.
  • The RFID Chip can remotely influence your behavior, feelings, and decisions.
  • The RFID Chip can secretly sending all data about you to One World Government.
  • The RFID Chip can monitor absolutely everything about you and the area around you.
  • The RFID Chip can remotely be able to make you suffer.
  • The RFID Chip can kill you remotely.
Vaccines - 5G - RFID - Transponder - Tag - Electromagnetic field - People scanning - ID2020 - Data - Power - Stop5G
Vaccines – 5G – RFID – Transponder – Tag – Electromagnetic field – People scanning – ID2020 – Data – Power – Stop5G – 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them

RFID and 5G

For this all is needed a powerful 5G network to handle so much of data in high-speed. For this all is needed a powerful space-probe network to handle so much data in high-speed. This thing is a breakthrough in the mass surveillance of people. This is a breakthrough in the mass mind-control of people. This can be a breakthrough in the mass manipulation of people.

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Project BlueBeam – Directed Energy Weapons, Holograms in the Sky, 5G Satellites, LRAD – Medusa

What is Project BlueBeam?

  • A False return of Jesus Christ
  • A false revelation from God
  • 3D holograms in the sky
  • Voice of God Weapon
  • Long Range Acoustic Device
  • Voice to Skull Devices
  • MEDUSA – Mob Excess Deterrent Silent Audio
  • Mindcontrol, nano brain implants
  • Diffuse artificial thought
  • Unity and One World proclaimed
  • Man made earthquakes
  • NASA, NSA, CIA, DARPA, HARPA, General Electric
  • Fake alien invasion – need for one world government

Directed Energy Weapons

A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams. Potential applications of this technology include weapons that target personnel, missiles, vehicles, and optical devices.

In the United States, the Pentagon, DARPA, the Air Force Research Laboratory, United States Army Armament Research Development and Engineering Center, and the Naval Research Laboratory are researching directed-energy weapons and railguns to counter ballistic missiles, hypersonic cruise missiles, and hypersonic glide vehicles. These systems of missile defense are expected to come online no sooner than the mid to late-2020s.

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History of EMF, Microwave Radiation and 5G

2019-2020 Google, Facebook, Neuralink Sued for Weaponized AI Tech Transfer, Complicity to Genocide in China and Endangering Humanity with Misuse of AI

Misuse of artificial intelligence, cybernetics, robotics, biometrics, bio-engineering, 5g and quantum computing technology. Endangering the human race with the misuse of artificial intelligence technology

This is the most significant and important lawsuit of the 21st century, and it impacts the entire world. CEO’s and Founders Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Sandar Pichai are also named as defendants along with their companies.

Endangering Humanity with the misuse of Artificial Intelligence, Complicity and Aiding in Physical Genocide inside of China by transferring AI Technology, Engaging in Cultural Genocide of Humanity, & Controlling and programming the Human Race by Social Engineering via AI coding and AI algorithmic biometric manipulation.

This is phase 1 of first lawsuit. We are open for support at a global level. We have a network of thousands around the world and tens of thousands in China, who are witnesses and have been harmed in China from the defendants technology and data transfer.The following are Federal Case Compliant Summary Facts Extracted from the official document filed in San Diego, California. To find out details of financial, personal and corrective behavioral demands, you may access the case in the federal court data base.

Defendants: Google L.L.C., Facebook Inc, DeepMind Inc, Alphabet Inc, Neuralink Inc, tesla Inc, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerbereg, Elon Musk, CISON PR NewsWire & John Doe‘s 1-19

Limits in the Czech Republic

Limits valid until 1999: 4.3 V / m.
Limits valid since 2000: 41 V / m.
And since 2015: 127 V / m for the 1800 MHz GSM band!
Recommended health limit: Up to 0.1 V / m!

Government use only, 3 August 1977 – Translation on USSR Science and Technology, Biomedical Sciences – Effects of Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation

The report contains information o aerospace medicine, agrotechnology, bionics and bioacoustics, biochemistry, biophysics, environmental and ecological problems, food technology, microbiology, epidemiology and immunology, marine biology, military medicine, physiology, public health, toxicology, radiobiology, veterinary medicine, behavior science, human engineering, psychology, psychiatry and related fields, and scientists and scientific organizations in biomedical fields.

Continue reading “History of EMF, Microwave Radiation and 5G”

5G Apocalypse – The Extinction Event – How to protect with 5G REZOTONE SHIELD

Connection between spraying our skies with heavy metals, chemtrails, and 5G technology

Here you have it folks. The connection between spraying our skies with heavy metals, as part of the global geoengineering programme, and 5G technology. This is a mass surveillance system. They can track and trace anyone anywhere which this technology. Additionally, it’s equipped with beam-forming technology which allows it to basically lock on to targets and direct a focused beam of electromagnetic waves to that target.

5G Apocalypse-The Extinction Event

5G – Target Acquiring System – Battlefield Interrogation – Phased Array – Small Cells – LED’s – Masquerading – Radar system – It’s important to understand what the 5G is doing and what they say it’s doing. 5G technology can cook your eyes like eggs in the World War 2 – Directed Energy Weapons – Control management system – Target Acquired – Isolation frequencies.

You all need to understand this are the military weapons, these are Antonius’s frequencies. Smart technology – Secret Militarized Armaments in Residential Technology – RFID CHIPS – Radio Frequency Identity Tags – Economic & Biological Terrorism. If you garters nothing more than that that’s what you need to know it’s microwave radiation for sure. Chemtrails & Geo-Engineering – A.I. as a Proxy with Massive MIMO Technology – Conventional 8T8R – M-MIMO 64T64R – 4G LTE 214 Mbps – M.I.M.O. Tanks – Massive IN Massive OUT – Health Hazard – An Existential Threat to People & Planet

5G APOCALYPSE – THE EXTINCTION EVENT documentary exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity.

There are ways to stop it, like https://wavegeneticS.ORG or


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