COVID-19 means: Certificate of Vaccination IDentity with 19 1=A and 9 = I for AI = Artificial Intelligence.

You will not be contaminated nor exterminated by the virus but by the future multi-dose vaccine. DON’T ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE TESTED

That’s not the name of the virus. It is a major international programme of enslavement and population reduction developed for decades and launched in January 2020 during the last Davos [World Economic Forum meeting].

Original document: Rapport d’enquête d’un groupe d’officiers de réserve sur la pandémie de COVID-19 et ses liens avec le SARS-CoV-2 et d’autres facteurs


13 May 2020


27 August 2020

Claire Edwards – On the Translation

This text is a faithful translation of the original. The translator’s explanatory notes appear between square brackets and in italics. The sole additions are supplemental and replacement references, in the course of the text and in annex, to English rather than French material for English-speaking readers.

Medical Disclaimer

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither the original authors nor the translator of this content take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All readers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle programme.



Biological life and artificial non harmonic EMF – Fractal Antennas in wireless technology kill biological life – Rapid Beamforming in Smart Antennas is 5G Kill Grid

“Ambient man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs)… are a serious environmental issue. Yet most environmentalists know little about it, perhaps because the subject has been the purview of physicists and engineers for so long that biologists have lost touch with electromagnetism’s fundamental inclusion in the biological paradigm. All living cells and indeed whole living beings… are dynamic coherent electrical systems utterly reliant on bioelectricity for life’s most basic metabolic processes… most living things are fantastically sensitive to vanishingly small EMF exposures… man-made electromagnetic exposures aren’t “normal.”  They are artificial… with unusual intensities, signaling characteristics, pulsing patterns, and wave forms, that don’t exist in nature. And they can misdirect cells in myriad ways… Humans are not the only species being affected… We ignore this at our own peril now.”

B. Blake Levitt


Blank M, Goodman R. DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields. Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 84:4, 409-415, 2011.

Studies in non-ionising range

  1. Many studies have analyzed health effects associated with low frequency range (power lines and electrical appliances) and have found that the stress response is activated. DNA strand breaks are associated with fields strengths that are higher than those that initiate the stress response. Chronic low level exposure has been associated with childhood leukemia.
  2. EMF exposures in the RF range have been associated with brain and salivary gland tumours.

DNA as a fractal antena

  1. A fractal antenna is an antenna that can receive and transmit electromagnetic radiation at many different frequencies simultaneously. Eukaryotic DNA can act as a fractal antenna due to is structural properties and interact with a wide range of frequencies at the same time.
  2. DNA can be activated in both the non-ionising and ionising range and this could lead to breaks in the DNA strands depending on the amount of energy that is absorbed. The higher the frequency, the greater the energy absorbed, and the higher contribution to DNA damage.

Wireless 5G fractal antennas are deadlier for life – Fractal antennas and fractal resonators

Antenna design has historically been dominated by Euclidean geometry. An fractal antenna includes at least one element whose physical shape is at least partially defined as a second or higher iteration deterministic fractal. The resultant fractal antenna does not rely upon an opening angle for performance, and may be fabricated as a dipole, a vertical, or a quad, among other configurations. The number of resonant frequencies for the fractal antenna increases with iteration number N and more such frequencies are present than in a prior art Euclidean antenna. This leads to greater biological damage.

Continue reading “Biological life and artificial non harmonic EMF – Fractal Antennas in wireless technology kill biological life – Rapid Beamforming in Smart Antennas is 5G Kill Grid”

SPACEX – 5G – Earth in Microwave Oven – Satellites – Frequencies from 10.7 GHz to 86 GHz – Directed Energy Weapons – Palpitations – Abnormality of the Heartbeat

ON MAY 26, SPACEX FILED an application with the Federal Communications Commission for 30,000 “next-generation” (“Gen2”) satellites. They should orbit at between 328 km (203 miles) and 614 km (380 miles) in altitude. They should use frequencies from 10.7 GHz to 86 GHz. They should aim focused beams that can cover the Earth in a mosaic of overlapping cells, each cell being about 8 kilometers in diameter (5G Apocalypse – The Extinction Event). Wake up people!

The databases filed with the FCC by SpaceX indicate that 40,700 1-MHz channels are available to each satellite, and that a minimum of 7.8125 MHz of spectrum is needed for each user, if it’s counted them correctly. Which means the Gen2 Starlink satellites could be capable of serving up to 150 million Internet users at the same time. (Project BlueBeam – Directed Energy Weapons, Holograms in the Sky, 5G Satellites, LRAD – Medusa)

This is not a good thing

Arthur Firstenberg requested to hear from people who have been having heart palpitations since April 22. With its launch of 60 more satellites on April 22, SpaceX brought the number of its “first generation” (“Gen1”) satellites up to 420, which is the number it had previously announced it needed for “minor” coverage of the mid-latitudes to about 56 degrees north and south. The responses to my request have come from far and wide, and I find them extremely disturbing. Here are some of them:   “I had a horrible bout of palpitations one evening while upstairs,” wrote Julie from Bulgaria. “I keep a journal and had recorded it, as I felt as though I was going to pass out or worse! The date? The 23rd of April.”

“I checked my calendar back on April 22,” wrote Crystal from California. “Yes indeed, I was a MESS that day with heart palpitations. I was also extremely dizzy, fatigued, confused, irritable and bloated. I was such a mess.”

“Not only have I been having heart palpitations for three weeks now,” wrote Elena from France on May 20, “I am having breathing difficulties. I am only 33 and in perfect health otherwise, doing a lot of sport and eating well. There have been a couple of nights when I thought I would have a heart attack, I was suffocating, could not breathe and my heart was beating so hard and fast, you could hear it from another room.”

“In April about the 22nd I awakened with double vision,” wrote John from Alabama. “I went to the ER and a CT scan was done and I was referred to a neurologist. He said that I had a stroke.”

“I love earthing – just walking barefoot on the earth,” wrote Suzy from England. “I have noticed these last days that when I put my feet on the earth I feel like there is a jagged vibration instead of the peace that I usually experience.”

“For the last month or so I have been getting the most heavy and intense heart palpitations I have ever experienced,” wrote Ivan from British Columbia, Canada on May 20. “Also in this last month my ability to get a good night’s sleep has deteriorated significantly for no apparent reason.”

“I have been having heart palpitations,” wrote Rebecca from the state of Washington on May 21, “and my nine-year-old daughter has been complaining of feeling heartbeat in her head and even her legs. This began a few weeks ago.”

Continue reading “SPACEX – 5G – Earth in Microwave Oven – Satellites – Frequencies from 10.7 GHz to 86 GHz – Directed Energy Weapons – Palpitations – Abnormality of the Heartbeat”

5G – Dr. Marco Ruggiero, PhD, MD – Molecular Biologist – Fractal Antenna – Quantum Biology – Microbiome – Viruses – Exosomes – Wave Genetics

You have to consider that DNA also works as a fractal antennas, which is able to send, receive and also to process signals under the form of radio frequencies. There is no doubt, that artificial radio frequencies such as those of cell towers and in particular these new type of towers (4G LTE, 5G, 6G), which have a much higher density of signals, they may somehow interfere with the ability of DNA to retain and transmit biological signals. This is one level of danger, that very few biologists are aware of (Electromagnetic Effects on Mitochondria).

Thanks to the principles of biological quantum entanglement, that we have learned how to exploit in the field of biology and medicine. Now we can transfer the information from the microbial DNA to the human DNA and in so doing, we can train so to speak the microbes to withstand whatever assumed condition they are exposed to, including this new technology. Then we can train them to transfer this resilience of theirs to our DNA. So lets say, that there are good reasons to be worried about the introduction of these new technologies, but fortunately since the knowledge in the field of quantum biology, in the field of micro-biome medicine is advancing as fast as potentially harmful technology, then we can exploit this knowledge to protect ourselves from any real, potential or perceived danger from these new technologies.

Wave Genetics

Linguistics – Wave Genetics is a major branch of the main trunk of the biology and classical genetics. Institute of quantum Genetics takes the concept of a GENE on the quantum level and actually displays Classical genetics of experimentally-theoretical impasse. There is a light at the end of the tunnel – USB REZOTONE Device Against 5G – Powerful Positive Effect on all Physiological and Geo-Biological Parameters.

Prof. Dr. P. Gariaev found in Moscow that holographic information can be introduced preventively. So it’s a preventive, selective, wave immunity to organ failure, or you can improve overall immunity. Quantum wave medicine.

You can imagine that you have a problem and you treat all quantum states around this problem. With this wave, quantum treatment, can be achieved a certain resistance to the problem, the pathogen. In practice, this is done by treating for example 20 percent of all the most probable quantum states (Covid-21 – Virus is appearing and Disappearing – Wave and Holographic Properties of DNA – Digital Sequences in Coronavirus – Misunderstanding in Western Science).

Third Brain – Microbiome

Third Brain/Microbiome, Unlocking the Immune System by Dr. Marco Ruggiero

The first one is the one between your ears (obviously necessary).  Science and Health experts call your “gut” your 2nd brain. It is interesting to note that 90% of the body’s serotonin and 50% of its dopamine, lie in the gut – (obviously VERY important as well). The authoritative journal “Brain Behavior and Immunity” published an article in 2010 entitled “Mood and Gut Feelings”.. The article concluded by stating “It may be that we need to change the focus from the brain and look at the role of the gut in what have traditionally been thought of as brain-based disorders. #foodforthought And your 3rd Brain? In 2010, a team of researchers discovered a new organ that has gone undetected for the thousands of years that human anatomy has been recorded. Researchers are calling this newly discovered organ the Microbiome. With 5G we are killing our brains, this is not smart at all.

Continue reading “5G – Dr. Marco Ruggiero, PhD, MD – Molecular Biologist – Fractal Antenna – Quantum Biology – Microbiome – Viruses – Exosomes – Wave Genetics”

5G Transmitters – High Gear Dielectric Lens Antenna – Chemical Nano Spraying – 3D Maps – 868 MHz – Battlefield Interrogation Equipment – Chemtrails

5G is first and foremost is densification. It’s significantly more transmitters at close proximity to a human and it is also a sophisticated, illegal and unlawful transmitter. It is a high gear dielectric lens antenna, that allows 5G transmitters to 3D map its environment in your home. The 868 MHz frequency is specific for battlefield interrogation systems. This frequency allows the signal to travel through concrete brick with easy and it can actually date Geller it. It is a target system.

It is the radar of the battlefield. It is extremely good in identifying targets and being locked on the targets. The tolerance is very good and not only that, it can specifically target you as an individual.

Control management system is basically Battlefield interrogation equipment. The first phase the rear unit was actually called Mammoth (Early Warning Radar – 200 mile range) Used by Germans in the Second World War to identify allien aircraft. Obviously things have moved on significantly since then.

5G and Chemtrails

It’s all interconnected. The metalized particulates allow 5G to do basically the radar. They can identify you, watch you in your own home 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

For the last X amount of years we’ve been through chem trailing. We’ve had these nano particulates raining down on humanity for years now. Nanoparticles impregnate and stay inside our bodies. Those nano particulates are building up a kind of a phosphorescent glow capability. So that we can be flagged up in our homes behind concrete and steel, inside bunkers in the basement. Doesn’t matter, where you are. The 4G, 5G is able to triangulate map and read you, because you as a living being are impregnated with these nano particulates, which are acting as a kind of transmission and reception technology.

Dielectric Lens Antenna

Definition: The lens antenna is 3-dimensional electro-magnetic device. It consists of electro-magnetic lens along with feed. This antenna is similar to glass lens used in optical domain. The paraboloid reflector is one example of how optical principles may be applied to microwave lens antenna, and the Lens Antenna is yet another. It is used as a collimator at frequencies well in excess of 3 GHz.

Continue reading “5G Transmitters – High Gear Dielectric Lens Antenna – Chemical Nano Spraying – 3D Maps – 868 MHz – Battlefield Interrogation Equipment – Chemtrails”

Lawsuits – Robert Kennedy – FCC – Genocide – Wireless Health Guidelines

Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s Legal Team Sues FCC over Wireless Health Guidelines

Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Legal Team Sues FCC – The team includes RFK, Jr., IRREGULATORs’ Attorney Scott W. McCollough & Dafna Tachover, CHD’s Director of Stop 5G & Wireless Harms

Robert Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), is committed to be proactive on the concerns regarding excessive exposure of our children to 5G and wireless radiation. To fulfill this promise, CHD submitted a lawsuit on February 2, 2020 against the FCC for its December 4, 2019 decision to decline to review its 1996 guidelines, and for its determination that the guidelines are protective of human health.

SUCCESS: The Children’s Health Defense Forced FCC to Publish in the Federal Register, Blocking it from Dismissing Lawsuits

Google, Facebook, Neuralink Sued for Weaponized AI Tech Transfer, Complicity to Genocide in China and Endangering Humanity with Misuse of AI

Google, Facebook, Neuralink Sued for Weaponized AI Tech Transfer, Complicity to Genocide in China and Endangering Humanity with Misuse of AI
This is the most significant and important lawsuit of the 21st century, and it impacts the entire world. CEO’s and Founders Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Sandar Pichai are also named as defendants along with their companies.

Continue reading “Lawsuits – Robert Kennedy – FCC – Genocide – Wireless Health Guidelines”

5G – 60GHz Wireless Network – Oxygen Absorption – Unable to Breath

Oxygen the atom is O. Oxygen the molecule is 02. Two atoms together. These two atoms form the oxygen molecule and share some electrons. 60 GHz causes electrons surrounding oxygen molecules to spin, akin to how high-powered microwaves running on 2.4 impact molecules in food such as water. They’re heating, in part, by impacting those molecules to rotate or oscillate with each wave. The movement energy from the rotation of these super tiny water molecules helps heat the rest of the food.

In a similar way that 2.4 causes H20 to oscillate, 5G/60 GHz even at low power causes electrons on oxygen molecules to spin; changes to the spin frequencies on oxygen electrons impact human biology.

The impact of oxygen molecules spinning the electrons is that it makes the hemoglobin unable to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body.

60GHz Wireless Network

60GHz V-band wireless has many technical advantages as High speed links or lack of interference. The 57-64 GHz band is located in the millimeter-wave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, where the wavelength varies from ten millimeters (30 GHz) down to one millimeter (300 GHz).

Continue reading “5G – 60GHz Wireless Network – Oxygen Absorption – Unable to Breath”

Nanotechnology – Coronavirus – BioWeapon – Activation by 5G – Physical Genocide – Misused A.I.

Nano-particles can be activated by 5G microwaves in the human body, so someone can influence them, control them, change our information field, quantum field or our DNA This is so call “Neural Mesh” or NanoCore network. All data are collected and algorithms are used on them – abused A.I.. Activation of nano-particles can be done via 5G ground stations or via satellites.

WUHAN – China – 5G – Coronavirus

WUHAN, Feb. 13 2019 (Xinhua) — China’s telecommunication and expressway operators have agreed to launch the country’s first 5G-based smart highway project in central Hebei Province. China Mobile’s Hubei branch is planning locations for 5G base stations across the highway sections in the province to run tests on smart toll stations, according to the operator. The 5G-based smart expressway would make it possible to gather real-time traffic information and make predictions based on the big data, according to the network operator. Thirty-one 5G base stations have been built in Wuhan, capital of Hubei, by the end of 2018. China Mobile plans to spend one billion yuan (147 million U.S. dollars) this year to build another 2,000 stations in the province.

Coronavirus – Patent – U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701. (Nov. 20, 2018)

CORONAVIRUS was funded and patented by Wellcome Trust (UK, fake sold to GlaxoSmithKline), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, DARPA, DEFRA (UK), World Health Organization, European Commission (EU) via THE PINBRIGHT INSTUTUTE (UK)

CORONAVIRUS. Assignee: THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE (Woking, Pirbright, Great Britain), funded by Wellcome Trust, DARPA, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EU. U.S. Patent Office.

Coronavirus et al Patent Assignee for Pat. Nos. 10,507,237; 10,294,277; 10,202,578; 10,130,701; 9,969,777; 9,457,075; 9,243,230; 9,145,548; 8,828,407; 8,501,466; 8,455,201. U.S. Patent Office.

Google, Facebook, Neuralink Sued for Weaponized AI Tech Transfer, Complicity to Genocide in China and Endangering Humanity with Misuse of AI

Endangering Humanity with the misuse of Artificial Intelligence, Complicity and Aiding in Physical Genocide inside of China by transferring AI Technology, Engaging in Cultural Genocide of Humanity, & Controlling and programming the Human Race by Social Engineering via AI coding and AI algorithmic biometric manipulation

Continue reading “Nanotechnology – Coronavirus – BioWeapon – Activation by 5G – Physical Genocide – Misused A.I.”

Project BlueBeam – Directed Energy Weapons, Holograms in the Sky, 5G Satellites, LRAD – Medusa

What is Project BlueBeam?

  • A False return of Jesus Christ
  • A false revelation from God
  • 3D holograms in the sky
  • Voice of God Weapon
  • Long Range Acoustic Device
  • Voice to Skull Devices
  • MEDUSA – Mob Excess Deterrent Silent Audio
  • Mindcontrol, nano brain implants
  • Diffuse artificial thought
  • Unity and One World proclaimed
  • Man made earthquakes
  • NASA, NSA, CIA, DARPA, HARPA, General Electric
  • Fake alien invasion – need for one world government

Directed Energy Weapons

A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams. Potential applications of this technology include weapons that target personnel, missiles, vehicles, and optical devices.

In the United States, the Pentagon, DARPA, the Air Force Research Laboratory, United States Army Armament Research Development and Engineering Center, and the Naval Research Laboratory are researching directed-energy weapons and railguns to counter ballistic missiles, hypersonic cruise missiles, and hypersonic glide vehicles. These systems of missile defense are expected to come online no sooner than the mid to late-2020s.

Continue reading “Project BlueBeam – Directed Energy Weapons, Holograms in the Sky, 5G Satellites, LRAD – Medusa”