Graphene Computers Work 1000 Times Faster, Consume 100 Times Less Power and are Smaller with more Applications

Graphene computers

Discovered in 2004, graphene started revolutionary waves of research in electronics. Graphene has several properties that are breaking current standard computers, cell phones, microprocessor technology and resulting applications, entrenched dogma, artificial intelligence, and much more …

Graphene-based processors 1000 times faster, 100 times less Energy

Thanks to graphene, scientists have been able to achieve speeds that were thousands of times faster than silicon chips. Graphene-based processors have been shown to consume 100 times less power than their silicon counterparts. In addition, they also allow for a smaller footprint and greater functionality in devices that have them.

Implications of Graphene Computers

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Federal Vision – Nanotechnology – Neuromorphic Computing – Patents – Biorobots

Neuromorphic Chip – Microtubules – Mind Control – Consciousness Emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip – DNA for Mass Surveillance – Scalar Waves

A Federal Vision for Future Computing: A Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge

Collaborating Agencies: Department of Energy (DOE), National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Defense (DOD), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), I ntelligence Community (IC)

White House announced “A Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge”

On October 20, 2015, the White House announced “A Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenge” to develop transformational computing capabilities by combining innovations in multiple scientific disciplines. The Grand Challenge addresses three Administration priorities—the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI), and the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative to:

Create a new type of computer that can proactively interpret and learn from data, solve unfamiliar problems using what it has learned, and operate with the energy efficiency of the human brain.

Many of these breakthroughs will require new kinds of nanoscale devices and materials integrated into three-dimensional systems. These nanotechnology innovations will have to be developed in close coordination with new computer architectures (Recombinant RNA and DNA technology – ApiJect – Vaccines with RFID microchip and Nanotechnology – GPS – Contact Tracing Surveillance – Bill Gates – 5G BioBigData).

5G Systems works with Cognitive Models, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology and Neuromorphic Chips – Create Biorobots and Hive Mind

Patent US20180082207A1Cognitive modeling system

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PALANTIR – PROMIS – Intelligence of the Internet itself – TALPIOT – TRUMP – Saudia Arabia – Hack-proof 5G Grid

The greater the consciousness, the more complex the system housing it.

PROMIS – Software to die for – PROMIS software is a revolutionary computer program developed in the 1970s by the former NSA programmer and engineer Bill Hamilton. In terms of computer programs it represents “The Universal Translator of Star Trek”

PROMIS Integrate all Programs or Databases

PROMIS stands for prosecutors management information system and is ready to read and integrate any number of different computer programs or databases simultaneously regardless of language or operating system. According to Bill Hamilton the inventor Edwards Meets – Ronald Reagan’s Attorney General along with dr. Earl Bryan and others stole the amazing software, modified it, added a trapdoor that would allow those who knew of it to access the program on other computers and sold the software to foreign intelligence agencies.

Enters every Database in every Computer in every Language at will Simultaneously

Bill Hamilton knew his software had been stolen when requests for tech support came from people he hadn’t sold it to. The Israeli Mossad under Rafi Eitan modified the software and sold it throughout the Middle East using British publishing magnate Robert Maxwell. Revolutionary software allowed almost anyone with a trapdoor code to enter every database in every computer in every language at will simultaneously. This ability represents perfect information gathering technology that is undetectable. The ultimate prize of every intelligence agency in the world (Neuromorphic Chip – Microtubules – Mind Control – Consciousness Emulated on a Neuromorphic Chip – DNA for Mass Surveillance – Scalar Waves).

Modification of PROMIS Software

The major modification were made in Indio, Californina. The PROMISE software was allegedly altered with a lack of federal oversight and just like windows, the database program keep up with the upgraded several times over the years. PROMIS came back to haunt America in ways never imagined. There is connection to 9/11

PROMIS evolved into PALANTIR

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Linguistic Wave Genetics is the answer how to stop COVID 5G – Biological Quantum Computers

Everything is about harmony or disharmony. If you are in wave harmony you can heal your body. Wave genetics can cure any disease. With 5G pulsed and non harmonic waves you become quickly out of the balance. 5G technology can not only have a profound impact on human health, but on the health of all living organisms it touches, including plants and microbiome. The 5G infrastructure poses a serious threat to our planet’s atmosphere. The 5G can contaminate our food supply. In this research (5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells), they show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells.

Solution – Linguistic Wave Genetics – Laser Quantum Technology

Linguistic Wave Genetics (LWG) has the enormous potential. Father of LWG Peter Garyaev is the candidate on Nobel Prize of medicine of 2021. The main thing here are laser technology, simulating quantum information processes in the chromosomes of the spin States of photons.

That have been received in practice when using lingvistiko-wave technology of genetics?

  1. Received primary results, includes also Bomovskie principles, for long-distance transmission of genetic and metabolic information on plants and bacteria, as well as the sick and old people.
  2. Able to heal the previously incurable genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, it’s a bullez, daunizm.
  3. Implemented quantum programming stem cells and start to regenerate teeth, the pancreatic gland and intestines, as well as, in some cases, restore sight to people.
  4. Received the primary evidence of real aging in humans and braking the partial return to a more youthful State. Marker – a return to women menstrual cycle is about 70 years.

Wave Genetics Can Cure Any Disease – Dr. Peter Garyaev

There are some mind-boggling information, it can change the way you perceive the world around you, the way you think about yourself and your life.

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Wave Genetics – Peter P. Garyaev – Nominee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2021 – Genetic Information exists in a Form of Electromagnetic Field

Peter P. Garyaev is a nominee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, which will take place in 2021. The theory of Wave Genetics is grounded into extensive theoretical and experimental research. Peter Garyaev has discovered that genetic information exists in a form of electromagnetic field and he has developed a way of transcribing genetic and metabolic information and transferring it in the blink of an eye.

In Garyaev’s famous experiment in which he was able to completely regenerate the internal organs of laboratory rats with the help of the methods of wave genetics. Basically, Peter Garyaev has invented an anti-aging tool that doesn’t require any kind of surgery. Now we only need to get the genetic information of a healthy organ and to transfer it to an affected one — and that would lead to full regeneration of this organ. Potentially, Wave Genetics can fix life we destroyed on the Earth. All thanks to Peter Garyaev and his miracle of Wave Genetics.

Institute of Linguistics – The Wave Genetics

Linguistics – Wave Genetics is a major branch of the main trunk of the biology and classical genetics. Institute of quantum Genetics takes the concept of a GENE on the quantum level and actually displays Classical genetics of experimentally-theoretical impasse.

Wave Genetics Can Cure Any Disease – Dr. Peter Garyaev (2013)

Dr. Peter Garyaev (1942-2020) The Wave Genome by Ulrike Granögger

Dr. Peter Gariaev (1942 – 2020) – The Wave Genome – Nobel Prize candidate – Гаряев Пётр Петрович – Academy For Future Science Europe – AFFS EUROPE –

One of the greatest molecular biologists of our age pioneer scientist and discoverer of the wave genome Dr Peter Garyaev died on November 17th 2020 aged 79. No mention of his passing can be found in Russian news outlets and consequently nothing of the news has yet reached the interested public in the west.

Dr. Garyaev‘s life and achievements are too profound and significant to quietly go back to normal. His discoveries have the potential to change our whole perception of life and existence for the better. We therefore feel impelled to encourage everybody with an interest in the future of science and life on this planet to study his work. It is also necessary to mention the work of academics as Vlail Petrovičh Kaznacheev, Dr. Alexander Trofimov, Nikolai A. Kozyrev and International SR Institute of Cosmic Anthropoecology This institute is also the origin of the career and research of Peter Garyaev.

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