​Tesla Shield made of three or more Concentric Shields

A Tesla shield protecting a military target could be made of three or more concentric shields, that would produce multiple electromagnetic pulse energy and severe heating of anything which enters it.


Tesla Shields can Clean Up and Sterilize any Gamma Radiation

These concentric Tesla shields can also clean up and sterilize any gamma radiation resulting from an explosion of a nuclear warhead. (XMTR – Whittaker/Ziolkowski Transmitter Arrays – 8 to 20 harmonic wave pairs each).

Shield Formed by Two or More Transmitters Sending Widened Scalar Beams

Nicola Tesla even in the 1920s could create a protective 3 dimensional ‘shield’ or ’dome’ formed by two or more transmitters sending widened scalar beams linked together over a target in a hemisphere shape. Instead of causing the target to explode which narrow more intense crossed beams would, a wider more encompassing beam could form a large plasma shell outside something to be protected.

Electrifying force field can destroy Nervous System or Blow up Aircraft

This acted like an electrifying force field shaped like a dome, which could cause anything which entered it to have its technology dutted, (inoperative), make incoming aircraft pilots die by destroying their nervous system and or make an incoming missile aircraft or tank blow up.


Timeline of Patents – Mind Control – Smart Network, About you without you

The technical principal of receivers for electromagnetic waves is fully analogous with biological information and communications system. Why are these patents not publicly known? When will people stop it?

Some, if not all of the patents listed are highly advanced, and are handheld, portable, land, sea, aerial drone, and space-based and continue to advance in research, TESTING, and development programs within the “Military Industrial Complex” thus making ongoing human experimentation a must. The range of action is from the nanoscale to the planetary action and the universe.

Computers, Smart Network, Computer Telepathy

Directed Energy

  • 2011 WO2012164169A1– Method and system for observation – A system and method for monitoring presence, location, movement and/or attitude of one or more objects in a monitored space.
  • 2007 – US7784390B1Solid-state non-lethal directed energy weapon í
  • 2005 US7629918B2 Multifunctional radio frequency directed energy system
  • 2002 – DE10253433A1 – Thought transmission unit sends modulated electromagnetic wave beams to human receiver to influence thoughts and actions without electronic receiver
  • 2001 US6506148B2 Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
  • 2000 – US6292134B1 Geodesic sphere phased array antenna system
  • 1973 – US3815409A – Focused sonic imaging system

Mind Control – SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY – Synthetic Voices

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COVIDPASS Dictatorship – Social Credit System – 5G Biometric Network – Human-Engineering – VACCINE APARTHEID – Censorship – FEMA Electronic Slavery

Digital Green Certificate and Booster Shots

The next ‘big thing’ what NWO wants is ‘VACCINE PASSPORTS’ (COVID PASS or Digital Green Certificate) which are being sold as ‘Freedom Passports’ & they are going to force PEOPLE onto the system – it will mean 2 nose swabs (or anal if you prefer) EVERY week! – It will mean never ending ‘BOOSTER SHOTS’ especially for the hoax ‘NEW VIRUS VARIANTS’

The Mobile App for Mass Terror

The app on your smart 4G, 5G phone will TEXT you to mandate you provide swabs, go for your never ending shots, when to self-isolate for 10 days & more & more mandates. Without the app & up to date QR Code on your phone you will not be allowed into sporting events, workplaces, cinemas, pubs, gyms, supermarkets, national travel or travel abroad without V-P clearance etc etc etc

Social Credit System run by a Computer in Geneva

Most of the people will be SLAVES to Vaccine Passport & it will be run by a computer in Geneva Swizerland which can handle all 8 billion personal profiles in the World – when vacancies for Covid Marshals open up the V-P will advise you where to go & if you don’t go your benefits or wages will be affected.

Fines are already at £10, 000 about $13 000 & imprisonment has been put up to 10 years for failure to comply with V-P mandates while people have no idea what the V-P will comprise. They have been told it’s a ‘FREEDOM-PASSPORT’ which is just deceit & trickery. You are very well placed to talk about V-P & people need to be aware what’s coming into their lives.


VP has already been SOLD to every government in the World as it’s hidden agenda – a COUNTER TERRORIST SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM. We are ALL terrorists now.

The ‘Covid-19’ $CAM-demic Lockdown, Vaccine Passport, Biometric Network, Track+Trace, 5G Networks, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Telepathy, Signal Intelligence, RFID, Remote Neural Monitoring, Counter-Terrorist Surveillance System, Satellite Harassment, DNA gathering, fascist totalitarian dictatorship is the real hidden agenda.

Is a extension of the previous swindles & human-engineering they pulled with mythical viruses & other SCAM-demics like ‘AIDS-HIV, MERS, SARS, Ebola, Zika, Swine Flu & Bird flu’ & their equally fake remedies the same people now dictating FAKE mask mandates, anus swabbing, nasal swabbing facial recognition, harassment, follow the arrows, shutting pubs, restaurants, gym & cinemas, Covid Marshal harrassment, electronic-stalking …

10 Year Imprisonment without COVID PASS – VACCINE APARTHEID

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Psychoenergetics – Scalar Interferometers – The mind is Time-like – Mind Scalar Wars

The mind has scalar nature and longitudinal waves allow sophisticated control. The collective unconscious mind can be measured, Scalar Interferometers manipulate psyche. Scalar Interferometers manipulate psyche – The mind is time-like – Scalar waves are of the time-domain and multiverse – Mind Wars – With Scalar Psychoenergetics, you can achieve crowd control – Betrayals of Khrushchev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin – Russians and Army – How Does Longitudinal EM Mind Control Work – Psychoenergetics weapons can mentally maim and physically kill – Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions – The connection of mind, body, intention and induction of changes in the brain – Time-polarized electrodynamics to influence the mind and body – Western science is largely materialistic and therefor largely wrong – Transverse waves alone do not allow sophisticated control

Mental entrainment, inducing hypnogogic trance, mind control, broadcasting thoughts and feelings, harmonic consciousness or the Ant World, education via EM [LW] mental download, the “feelies,” revolution in spirituality, “enlightenment machine”, „scalar churches“, scalar wars …

Scalar Interferometers manipulate psyche

Psychoenergetics is simply using the scalar interferometers to manipulate and engineer the human psyche. To us it is the most mind-boggling and frightening aspect of longitudinal wave engineering.

The mind is time-like

The mind is electromagnetic in nature, and itself of the time-domain. Everything is the mind “The mind is like time.” What we think is what we become.

Scalar waves are of the time-domain and multiverse

The longitudinal scalar EM waves are also of the time-domain. By overlaying certain infolded patterns (oscillations in time) on the longitudinal waves, a thought or feeling may be made to arise in a person or persons who are in the interference zone (where the wave beams cross).

Mind Wars

The person will not notice anything, feeling that this thought or idea is his or her own idea. The longitudinal wave pattern might be a wave of fear, panic, anything .. This is the current world of psychoenergetics and the ongoing “Mind Wars”.

With Scalar Psychoenergetics, you can achieve crowd control

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