Special Additions – PEMF

Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange.


According to various scientific data, the therapeutic effect of magnetic fields involves their ability to control the flow of charged particles and to act on magnetized objects regardless of their motion state. This results in a positive effect on natural biological processes as the intracellular and intercellular metabolism intensifies. Magnetic field therapy thus activates the body`s self-restorative function in the healing process by direct stimulation – without surgical intervention, drugs, or side effects. Among various types of magnetic fields, the strongest medical effect is demonstrated by the traveling pulsed electromagnetic field (that of the ALMAG device), as compared to static or alternating magnetic fields. This effect is achieved because ALMAG’s PEMF frequency is within the biological frequencies range of the human organism (4 -16 Hz).

The Science behind Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy, How it works?
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BIRDS & BEES ARE KILLED IN MILLIONS – Health Effects on Bees & Animals

Birds & Bees & Ants

The worldwide maintenance of the honeybee has major ecological, economic, and political implications. In the present study, electromagnetic waves originating from mobile phones were tested for tremendous effects on honeybee behavior. Mobile phone handsets were placed in the close vicinity of honeybees. The sound made by the bees was recorded and analyzed. The audiograms and spectrograms revealed that active mobile phone handsets have a dramatic impact on the behavior of the bees, namely by inducing the worker piping signal. In natural conditions, worker piping either announces the swarming process of the bee colony or is a signal of a disturbed bee colony.

Scientific Explanation: Why Ants Circled Man’s iPhone Implicates Radiation Warning

The disappearance of Bees is largely blamed on Pesticides. However there is definitely another cause – non thermal electro magnetic radiation. Mobile phones, Wi-fi, and SmartMeters are all contributors to EMF’s. North American Health Organizations and Governments should look into industry financed programs and change them before health is affected – both for Bees and Human Beings.

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FOR ARMY, FIREMEN, POLICE – Stop using Tetra Airwave System Immediately

European countries were forced by the US to accept the Tetra system for their police and army some years ago. Barrie Trower talked about this. He wrote a report about it for the police unions. Tetra seems to enrage and madden and make violent, just as EMFs do, but more so.

20/21 The Dangers of Microwave Technology – TETRA Airwave System / Tetra Radio

A scientific experiment is carried out on the police and emergensy services to see how much cancer and how much brain damage is caused by the Tetra Airwave System The police federation published a document, which Barrie Trower referenced in his latest report, and it acutally says: We know that this system is now dangerous, but as it is up and running we can not do anything about that. By: The World Foundation for Natural Science – http://www.naturalscience.org

Barrie Trower – The Dangers of Microwave Technology

Barrie Trower is a former Royal Navy microwave weapons expert and former cold-war captured spy debriefer for the UK Intelligence Services. Mr Trower is a conscionable whistle-blower who lectures around the world on hidden dangers from microwave weapons and every-day microwave technologies such as mobile-phones and WiFi. Mr Trower has also repeatedly assisted the UK Police Fedration in their struggle to protect police officers from Tetra/Air-Band radio-communications systems that are harmful to health. Credits: http://www.naturalscience.org/

Tetra system is far too dangerous for two reasons

Firstly you have to carry the system on your chest and the signal is transmitted through your brain and neck and some of the police man has to do 14 hours shifts.

Secondly the pulse frequency of TETRA, which is around 16 pulses in second it’s to close to brain natural frequency which is 17 pulses in second. The bit frequency of the brain is responsible for making decision in emergency situations and if you mess up that, you can’t make a decision. Police has to do exactly the decisions in emergency situations.

FOR POLICE – Stop using Tetra Airwave System Immediately

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Special Additions – Micronova – The Event – Ascension – Galactic SuperWaves – Genetic Programs – Meditation

When you start looking into the nature of this Universe and the Earth, you will start to see how everything is a mirror. Within us is a Universe, around us is a Universe and we are all connected. We are connected to Mother Earth through the subtle electrical current that runs around the entire planet. These electrical currents are known as “Ley Lines” and are almost like Mother Earth’s veins.

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. Max Planck -- Nobel prize in 1918 ~~ The father of Quantum Physics
I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. Max Planck — Nobel prize in 1918 ~~ The father of Quantum Physics
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Special Additions – Nikola Tesla – Radiant Energy – Make your Own

One issue is food. What a stellar or terrestrial energy to feed the hungry on Earth? With what wine watered all thirsty so that they can cheer in their heart and understand that they are Gods? Another thing is to destroy the power of evil and suffering.

Nikola Tesla

Dr. Nakamats Invention

Dr. Nakamats; the inventor of the Floppy Disk and various other inventions. Dr. Nakamats House, completed in 2005, represents the love the inventor has for the earth. The four-story concrete building is powered, Nakamats claims, by “cosmic energy,” whose source is charged particles (such as the nuclei of atoms) arriving from outer space in rays. A black “antenna” that covers most of one exterior wall collects this energy and distributes it to a converter that then produces enough electricity to power the entire facility and its roughly 30 guest rooms, which Nakamats says are used by scientific luminaries from around the world who congregate to share this Tesla’s ideas. Nakamats even boasts that his system is so prolific that he actually winds up selling excess electricity to Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO).

Dr. Nakamats - the inventor of the Floppy Disk and various other inventions. Black-Exterior-Antenna on Dr. Nakamats House
Dr. Nakamats – the inventor of the Floppy Disk and various other inventions. Black-Exterior-Antenna on Dr. Nakamats House

Nikola Tesla

I wanted to illuminate the whole earth. There is enough electricity to become a second sun. Light would appear around the equator, as a ring around Saturn.

Nikola Tesla
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Special Additions – Hidden History – Part Two

We can have freedom for the first time in humanity’s history. This is our super consciousness . . . is in this state.

What is the message?

Focus on increasing your service to others and be more loving to yourself and everyone in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level. Learn to forgive yourself and others (thus releasing karma). This will change the vibration of the planet, raise the shared consciousness of humanity, and change human kind one person at a time — even if that one person is yourself. They tell us to treat your body as a temple and change over to a higher vibrational diet to aid in the process.

What is the Warning?

There is a warning with this message. Beings had tried to deliver this message three other times in the past, but it was distorted by humanity. They made it very clear that this information was NOT to become a cult or religious movement nor anyone to put himself before the message or elevate himself to a guru status. Anyone who does so should be avoided and held accountable.


It is interesting that Tesla not only invented a UFO, or IFO as it was called, but patented it officially, which was later classified by the NSA after his death. This piece of information lends further credence to the Secret Space Program history proffered by many whistleblowers and insiders.

Nikola Tesla IFO - Gyro Axis & Direction of Thrust - 369
Nikola Tesla IFO – Gyro Axis & Direction of Thrust – 369 ( Special Additions – Nine Number of Universe )

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”

Nikola Tesla
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Special Additions – Nine is the Number of Universe

Vortex Based Mathematics – NIkola Tesla

If you only knew the magnificence of the 3,6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.

Nikola Tesla

There are 360 degrees in a circle, but why?

The number “9” is the last number in a base 10 system which is the last and limit of all that is. Nine is a number which has many interesting qualities that other numbers do not have and has been used to hold a hidden code that affects every person on Earth. Nine holds within it a powerful resonance within our holofractographic, base-10 reality. As you will soon discover there is a hidden code that reveals the greatest truth of all and it is encoded into the construction of our universe.

Number 9 Code

Digital Root

The digital root (also repeated digital sum ) of a non-negative integer is the (single digit) value obtained by an iterative process of summing digits, on each iteration using the result from the previous iteration to compute a digit sum. The process continues until a single-digit number is reached.

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STOP5G Portal – Videos

West Montgomery County Citizens Association Opposed to ZTA 18-11

Mr. Blumenthal BIG WIRELESS CONCEDES: No studies showing safety of 5G – 7th Feb 2019
BIG WIRELESS CONCEDES: No studies showing safety of 5G – Senate hearing on the future of 5G technologies – 7th Feb 2019. See full story below. For anyone opposed to the 5G Rollout, please sign the ‘Stop 5G Appeal’ here: https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal UK Citizens may wish to sign the Parliamentary Petition calling for a enquiry into the risks of 5G: https://petition.parliament.uk/petiti… U.S. – At Senate Commerce Hearing, Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology’s Potential Health Risks – Richard Blumenthal, 7th February 2019
The Secret Behind 5G Technology
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Special Additions – Hidden History – Part One

Jun. 28 2019—On Apr. 18, 2010, the U.S. NSA and British GCHQ disclosed for the first time the existence of an top secret (ULTRA) intelligence sharing agreement signed on Mar. 05, 1946 that still directs their treasonous “Five Eyes” collaboration to this day.

The Senior Executive Service (SES) and IBM hired tens of thousands of German scientists from Operation TICOM (Target Intelligence Committee linked to Bletchley Park that includes Operation Paperclip as just one of its projects) to staff U.S. corporations using stolen IP.

And how it started?

How Nazi Survived, when they lost War on the Land

How the Third Reich’s hunger for margarine led to a secret expedition to Antarctica 81 years ago. “To prepare for war, they needed whale oil,” says Cornelia Lüdecke, professor of the history of science at Hamburg University. The origins of the Third German Antarctic Expedition lie in a unique combination of the aspirations of German scientists to contribute to exploring and understanding the Antarctic environment, Secret Societies and the Nazi Party’s drive for self-sufficiency on the road to war.

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