5G LED Street Danger – Cancer – Killing Wildlife – Metabolic Syndrome – Mood Disorders – Depression – Diabetes – Circadian Rhythm – Obesity

AMA – Reports of the Council on Science and Public Health



Current AMA Policy H-135.937 (AMA Policy Database) advocates for light pollution control and reduced glare from (electric) artificial light sources to both protect public safety and conserve energy. Lighting the night has become a necessity in many areas of the world to enhance commerce, promote social activity, and enhance public safety. However, an emerging consensus has come to acknowledge the effects of widespread nighttime artificial lighting, including the:

  1. impact of artificial lighting on human health, primarily through disruption of circadian biological rhythms or sleep;
  2. intersection of ocular physiology, vehicle headlamps, nighttime lighting schemes, and harmful glare;
  3. energy cost of wasted and unnecessary electric light;
  4. impact of novel light at night on wildlife and vegetation.

In addition to these health and environmental effects, an esthetic deficit is apparent with the progressive loss of the starry night sky and interference with astronomical observations.

24 Hours Circadian Biological Rhythm is in Virtually All Life Forms

The solar cycle of light and dark provides the essential basis for life on Earth. Adaptation to the solar cycle has resulted in fundamental molecular and genetic endogenous processes in virtually all life forms that are aligned with an approximately 24-hour period (circadian biological rhythm). The circadian genetic clock mechanism is intimately involved in many, if not most, facets of cellular and organismal function. 1 Although the circadian system spontaneously generates near-24-hour rhythms, this master clock must be reset daily by the light-dark cycle to maintain proper temporal alignment with the environment.

Gateshead Council on Dangerous LED Emitters

5G Freedom of Information Request FOI – How to Lawfully Expose Smart City Plans

Saveusnow.org.uk – Bulletin Board – Legal

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Optogenetics – Li-Fi – Light Fidelity – Dangers of 5G LED Street Light – Phototoxicity – Smart Light

Optogenetics can Control Neurons in your Brain

Researchers had already been able to control neurons with light. That process is called optogenetics. To use it, scientists insert light-sensitive molecules into the neurons of living animals. Insertion of light-sensitive protein can be done via vaccination. Then simply by shining a artificial light from Smart LED lights or via Li-Fi on people you can turn their neurons on or off. You can made mice run in circles, or do much more with it They’ve even restored movement to an animal’s paralyzed leg.

Internet of Things and LED Bulb

In LED bulb is circuit, there is a microchip, so the light is controlled by microchip. It’s giving you a fake light. You have a bulb doing dual purpose, because the bulb can emit sounds or different frequencies … Skynet is 5G. When 5G goes online everything that can be connected will be connected, meaning your bulbs, your computer, your phones, nanotechnology, Internete of things and Internet of Bodies, Viruses ….

Smart LED Bulb & Smart Street Lights can affect your Brain

The bulbs are unsuspected enemies because it can emit a frequency that could affect your brain, your heart, body, molecules, cells, neurons …

Li-Fi – Light Fidelity

Li-Fi (also written as LiFi) is a wireless communication technology which utilizes light to transmit data and position between devices. The term was first introduced by Harald Haas during a 2011 TEDGlobal talk in Edinburgh.

Industry always talks about Speed and ignores Biological Effects

Continue reading “Optogenetics – Li-Fi – Light Fidelity – Dangers of 5G LED Street Light – Phototoxicity – Smart Light”