Electronically Steered Multi Beam Antennas (ESMA) – Microwave oven in Space – 5G Kill Grid

ESMA is the key to the future of inflight or satellite communication, connected car, IoT, Broadband, Aviation, maritime, IoT, service mesh, neural mesh, neuralink, your brain … operating on MEO, LEO and GEO satellites, supporting MIMO architecture, multi-beam and polarization control as required. ESMA is next step from Electronically Steerable Antennas (ESM). These small, lightweight and low profile antennas (3 cm) are capable of directing a narrow beam over a sector angle, giving coverage as good, if not better, than a sector antenna but all in a much smaller package. Current next-generation satellite communication systems is based for example on ASICs and RFICs chipsets. Modern telecommunication companies develop a line of satellite communication modems with Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Electronically Steered Multi Beam Antennas (ESMA) to support the most advanced standards, such as DVB-S2X. The Innovative ESMA Ku-band Antenna is based on two ASIC chips, and aimed to provide affordable solution for IoT and Mobility Applications. ASIC chips and Antenna are created in one company, there can be hardware backdoor. (BIRDS & BEES ARE KILLED IN MILLIONS – Health Effects on Bees & Animals).

5G is a Weapon – World’s first ESMA (Electronically Steered Multi-Beam Array) Ku-band 256 element array antenna for Satellite communications terminals utilizing a fully digital beam forming technology, the new antenna array is being demonstrated in SmallSat Symposium 2019 in Mountain View, CA, USA. (SPACEX – 5G – Earth in Microwave Oven – Satellites – Frequencies from 10.7 GHz to 86 GHz – Directed Energy Weapons – Palpitations – Abnormality of the Heartbeat) The ESMA antenna can serve both as a stand-alone IoT terminal or a building block for a larger sized antenna. It is currently available in 10.75-12.7 GHz (Rx) and 25.5-27 GHz (Rx) receive and 13.75GHz-14.5GHz and 22.55-23.15 GHz (Tx) transmit frequencies. More frequencies are coming … A 256 element building block that can scale to very large arrays with large bandwidth without significant degradation. Antenna uses developed chips Prime and Beat. Prime is the first commercial Digital Beam Former ASIC, employing True Time Delay technology for 32 antenna elements, capable of processing over 2 Tbps of data. It could be cascaded to any size of antenna. What can happen to you when you are digitized? Who owns the keys to your mind and body now (Strategic Intelligence – Cryptocurrency System using Body Activity Data – ID2020 – Digital ID with Vaccines – Monarch RFID – NanoCore – Slavery)?

Microwave oven in Space – 5G Kill Grid

The antenna is capable of simultaneously pointing, tracking and managing multiple beams at multiple polarizations. Using digital beam forming technology allows the antenna to handle wide bandwidth using a large number of antenna elements. Satixfy said it is designing the industry’s smallest VSATs and multi-beam electronically steered antenna arrays for a variety of mobile applications and services such as Connected Car, IoT, consumer broadband, in-flight-connectivity, communication payloads and more (Electromagnetic Effects on Mitochondria).

This technology targets the “New Space” emerging trend: A shift from massive traditional, multi hundred-million dollar GEO communications satellites weighting more than 5000 kg, to a new generation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellations of many several-million dollar SmallSats. Each is weighting less than 500 kg, and is planned to deliver Internet, communications services, mass surveillance and mind control. This is the 5G kill Grid from space. The new services demands small and chip terminals, flexible enough to follow satellites movements on the sky and easily switching to the next one in the constellation. The new services can track each user and do some more … (5G Transmitters – High Gear Dielectric Lens Antenna – Chemical Nano Spraying – 3D Maps – 868 MHz – Battlefield Interrogation Equipment – Chemtrails)

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Biological life and artificial non harmonic EMF – Fractal Antennas in wireless technology kill biological life – Rapid Beamforming in Smart Antennas is 5G Kill Grid

“Ambient man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs)… are a serious environmental issue. Yet most environmentalists know little about it, perhaps because the subject has been the purview of physicists and engineers for so long that biologists have lost touch with electromagnetism’s fundamental inclusion in the biological paradigm. All living cells and indeed whole living beings… are dynamic coherent electrical systems utterly reliant on bioelectricity for life’s most basic metabolic processes… most living things are fantastically sensitive to vanishingly small EMF exposures… man-made electromagnetic exposures aren’t “normal.”  They are artificial… with unusual intensities, signaling characteristics, pulsing patterns, and wave forms, that don’t exist in nature. And they can misdirect cells in myriad ways… Humans are not the only species being affected… We ignore this at our own peril now.”

B. Blake Levitt


Blank M, Goodman R. DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields. Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 84:4, 409-415, 2011.

Studies in non-ionising range

  1. Many studies have analyzed health effects associated with low frequency range (power lines and electrical appliances) and have found that the stress response is activated. DNA strand breaks are associated with fields strengths that are higher than those that initiate the stress response. Chronic low level exposure has been associated with childhood leukemia.
  2. EMF exposures in the RF range have been associated with brain and salivary gland tumours.

DNA as a fractal antena

  1. A fractal antenna is an antenna that can receive and transmit electromagnetic radiation at many different frequencies simultaneously. Eukaryotic DNA can act as a fractal antenna due to is structural properties and interact with a wide range of frequencies at the same time.
  2. DNA can be activated in both the non-ionising and ionising range and this could lead to breaks in the DNA strands depending on the amount of energy that is absorbed. The higher the frequency, the greater the energy absorbed, and the higher contribution to DNA damage.

Wireless 5G fractal antennas are deadlier for life – Fractal antennas and fractal resonators

Antenna design has historically been dominated by Euclidean geometry. An fractal antenna includes at least one element whose physical shape is at least partially defined as a second or higher iteration deterministic fractal. The resultant fractal antenna does not rely upon an opening angle for performance, and may be fabricated as a dipole, a vertical, or a quad, among other configurations. The number of resonant frequencies for the fractal antenna increases with iteration number N and more such frequencies are present than in a prior art Euclidean antenna. This leads to greater biological damage.

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Targeted Bioweapon Covid – 5G – Chemtrails – Corona discharge – Electricity and 5G

First, there is the pathogenic micro-organism, that was intentionally weaponized in a U.S. military laboratory as a specific gene pool-targeted bioweapon called COVID-19, which was bioengineered to mutate to elude proper diagnosis as well as morph symptomatically to evade effective treatment Nanotechnology – Coronavirus – BioWeapon – Activation by 5G – Physical Genocide – Misused A.I..

The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is just one of many coronaviruses in a growing family that have been identified since the 1960s.  That does not mean that all of them are not closely linked to the yearly uptick in our highly “electromagnetic and microwaved society”.  See: CORONAVIRUSES: History and Scientific Classification

Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Reuters Fact Check on COVID-19 Vaccine Genetically Modifying Humans

Secondly, there is the overwhelming impact of 5G, 4G, 3G and other electromagnetic frequency signal ranges and microwave transmissions on vulnerable individuals with respect to triggering COVID-19, as well as sustaining and/or intensifying the disease process Project BlueBeam – Directed Energy Weapons, Holograms in the Sky, 5G Satellites, LRAD – Medusa.

Thirdly, there is a global chemical geoengineering regime that sprays Chemtrails, as well as a Super-Vaccination Agenda, which contribute considerably to the state of Hypertoxicity of each individual who contracts COVID-19, the severity of which is determined by their toxic load or total body burden 5G Transmitters – High Gear Dielectric Lens Antenna – Chemical Nano Spraying – 3D Maps – 868 MHz – Battlefield Interrogation Equipment – Chemtrails.


*There are multiple instances where the production and conveyance of electrical energy create a corona in high-voltage systems. The “corona discharge” can be seen as a bluish glow which is explained as follows:

A corona discharge is an electrical discharge brought
on by the ionization of a fluid such as air surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged. Much more significantly, there are also unseen (but detectable) coronas that are produced in lower voltage systems.

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5G – 60GHz Wireless Network – Oxygen Absorption – Unable to Breath

Oxygen the atom is O. Oxygen the molecule is 02. Two atoms together. These two atoms form the oxygen molecule and share some electrons. 60 GHz causes electrons surrounding oxygen molecules to spin, akin to how high-powered microwaves running on 2.4 impact molecules in food such as water. They’re heating, in part, by impacting those molecules to rotate or oscillate with each wave. The movement energy from the rotation of these super tiny water molecules helps heat the rest of the food.

In a similar way that 2.4 causes H20 to oscillate, 5G/60 GHz even at low power causes electrons on oxygen molecules to spin; changes to the spin frequencies on oxygen electrons impact human biology.

The impact of oxygen molecules spinning the electrons is that it makes the hemoglobin unable to uptake the oxygen and get it to the rest of your body.

60GHz Wireless Network

60GHz V-band wireless has many technical advantages as High speed links or lack of interference. The 57-64 GHz band is located in the millimeter-wave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, where the wavelength varies from ten millimeters (30 GHz) down to one millimeter (300 GHz).

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Dr. Paul Heroux Testifies at Michigan’s 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018

Dr. Paul Heroux, Faculty of Medicine, Director of Occupational Health Program within the Department of Epidemiology, Statistics and Occupational Health at Mc Gill university, discusses industry responsibility and influence on deploying wireless technology.

Wireless technology is not safe

Lloyds of London nor Swiss Re will underwrite a liability policy for electromagnetic radiation, setting up an environment ripe for a Class Action Lawsuit. He points out the link between wireless technology and cancer, warning that we need to be cleaning up and reducing our exposure to wireless radiation not adding new frequencies and infrastructure. He notes that every American at one time needed a chicken in every pot but wireless radiation is a bad idea and we need fiberoptic on every home.

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Cell Tower Health Effects

Federal regulations protect the public only from the thermal (i.e., heating) risk due to short-term exposure to high intensity, cell tower radiation. The Federal regulations ignore the hundreds of studies that find harmful bio-effects from long-term exposure to non-thermal levels of cell phone radiation. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 does not allow communities to stop the siting of cell towers for health reasons. Nevertheless, landlords may be liable for any harm caused by cell phone radiation emitted by towers situated on their property. Localities need to organize and change the Federal law to protect public health and wildlife from exposure to microwave radiation emitted by mobile phone base stations.

As of March 10, 2019, www.antennasearch.com, an industry website, reports 712,000 cell towers and 1.98 million cell antennas in the U.S. We cannot verify the accuracy of these data because the FCC only collects data on certain types of cell towers.

Following are some resources regarding the health effects of exposure to cell tower radiation. I will occasionally update this page.

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