Dr. Paul Heroux Testifies at Michigan’s 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018

Dr. Paul Heroux, Faculty of Medicine, Director of Occupational Health Program within the Department of Epidemiology, Statistics and Occupational Health at Mc Gill university, discusses industry responsibility and influence on deploying wireless technology.

Wireless technology is not safe

Lloyds of London nor Swiss Re will underwrite a liability policy for electromagnetic radiation, setting up an environment ripe for a Class Action Lawsuit. He points out the link between wireless technology and cancer, warning that we need to be cleaning up and reducing our exposure to wireless radiation not adding new frequencies and infrastructure. He notes that every American at one time needed a chicken in every pot but wireless radiation is a bad idea and we need fiberoptic on every home.

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Cell Tower Health Effects

Federal regulations protect the public only from the thermal (i.e., heating) risk due to short-term exposure to high intensity, cell tower radiation. The Federal regulations ignore the hundreds of studies that find harmful bio-effects from long-term exposure to non-thermal levels of cell phone radiation. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 does not allow communities to stop the siting of cell towers for health reasons. Nevertheless, landlords may be liable for any harm caused by cell phone radiation emitted by towers situated on their property. Localities need to organize and change the Federal law to protect public health and wildlife from exposure to microwave radiation emitted by mobile phone base stations.

As of March 10, 2019, www.antennasearch.com, an industry website, reports 712,000 cell towers and 1.98 million cell antennas in the U.S. We cannot verify the accuracy of these data because the FCC only collects data on certain types of cell towers.

Following are some resources regarding the health effects of exposure to cell tower radiation. I will occasionally update this page.

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Dr Sharon Goldberg on Wireless Radiation

Dr. Sharon Goldberg testified in opposition to Senate Bills 637 and 894 in October, 2018 pertaining to 5G wireless infrastructure legislation, which passed though the Michigan House Energy Policy Committee with a vote of 15 to 4. Dr. Sharon Goldberg, an internal medicine physician & professor gives her testimony regarding 5g technology dangers specifically involving electromagnetic radiation. She says: “Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period.”

 Internal Medicine Physician, Dr Sharon Goldberg, Testifies in Opposition to Michigan Bill 637 on October 4, 2018

Dr. Goldberg has provided us one of the clearest and most compelling explanations of the effects of wireless radiation on human health, expertly navigating the associations between this non-ionizing radiation and chronic health effects. She was Assistant Professor at New York City’s Mount Sinai Hospital; Albert Einstein College of Medicine and at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Here Dr. Goldberg speaks in opposition to SB 637 and SB 894, Michigan bills fast tracking the deployment of 5G small cells which will carry not just 5G but a mix of 2G, 3G and 4G frequencies. She notes this technology is not tested or monitored for exposure nor health or environmental effects.

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Prof. Olle Johansoon

Olle Johansson, associate professor at the Karolinska Institute (retired Nov 2017, still active), Department of Neuroscience, and head of The Experimental Dermatology Unit, has a long background in the neurosciences and has coauthored – together with his supervisor professor Tomas Hökfelt and many others, including Nobel Laureates – up to the presentation of his doctoral thesis 143 original papers, reviews, book chapters and conference abstracts, a publication record hard to beat! His doctoral thesis at the Karolinska Institute was entitled ”Peptide Neurons in the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. Light and Electron Microscopic Studies”.

Olle Johansson has participated in more than 300 congresses, symposia and meetings as an invited speaker, and with free contributions and as an invited ’observer’ at an additional 200. His studies have been widely recognized in the public media, including newspapers, radio and TV as well as on the Internet, both nationally as well as internationally, and he is a regular interview guest in magazines, journals, tabloids and newspapers, as well as in radio shows, TV programmes and in the Internet-based news blogs and websites.

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