Neural Mesh Networking – Neuralink – Starlink – Technological Society is causing Disease – Humans as nodes

​Mesh networking

A mesh network (or simply meshnet) is a local network topology in which the infrastructure nodes (i.e. bridges, switches, humans, bio-robots, IoT and other infrastructure devices) connect directly, dynamically and non-hierarchically to as many other nodes as possible and cooperate with one another to efficiently route data from/to clients.

A mesh refers to rich interconnection among devices or nodes.

Mesh networks can relay messages using either a flooding technique (to all nodes) or a routing technique (to one node). With routing, the message is propagated along a path by hopping from node to node until it reaches its destination.

Self-healing Algorithms

To ensure that all its paths are available, the network must allow for continuous connections and must reconfigure itself around broken paths, using self-healing algorithms such as Shortest Path Bridging. Self-healing allows a routing-based network to operate when a node breaks down or when a connection becomes unreliable.

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Linguistic Wave Genetics is the answer how to stop COVID 5G – Biological Quantum Computers

Everything is about harmony or disharmony. If you are in wave harmony you can heal your body. Wave genetics can cure any disease. With 5G pulsed and non harmonic waves you become quickly out of the balance. 5G technology can not only have a profound impact on human health, but on the health of all living organisms it touches, including plants and microbiome. The 5G infrastructure poses a serious threat to our planet’s atmosphere. The 5G can contaminate our food supply. In this research (5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells), they show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells.

Solution – Linguistic Wave Genetics – Laser Quantum Technology

Linguistic Wave Genetics (LWG) has the enormous potential. Father of LWG Peter Garyaev is the candidate on Nobel Prize of medicine of 2021. The main thing here are laser technology, simulating quantum information processes in the chromosomes of the spin States of photons.

That have been received in practice when using lingvistiko-wave technology of genetics?

  1. Received primary results, includes also Bomovskie principles, for long-distance transmission of genetic and metabolic information on plants and bacteria, as well as the sick and old people.
  2. Able to heal the previously incurable genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, it’s a bullez, daunizm.
  3. Implemented quantum programming stem cells and start to regenerate teeth, the pancreatic gland and intestines, as well as, in some cases, restore sight to people.
  4. Received the primary evidence of real aging in humans and braking the partial return to a more youthful State. Marker – a return to women menstrual cycle is about 70 years.

Wave Genetics Can Cure Any Disease – Dr. Peter Garyaev

There are some mind-boggling information, it can change the way you perceive the world around you, the way you think about yourself and your life.

Continue reading “Linguistic Wave Genetics is the answer how to stop COVID 5G – Biological Quantum Computers”